

A Baby Deathsong finds something ancient. Not long after an extradimensional god comes to claim his prize.. unbeknownst to him our little dragon will rise against all odds to defeat him. No matter the cost!

DJ_hAnnah · Fantasy
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An Unexpected Turn. A Deathsongs Tale

## Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Baby Garffiljorg, affectionately known as Garf, fluttered his vibrant wings as he soared above the dense forests surrounding his new home. Adopted by a protective adult Deathsong, Garf had found solace and love far from the Edge, where his life had taken a dramatic turn. The skies were clear, the air crisp, and for once, Garf felt a semblance of peace.

In the weeks following their departure from the Edge, Garf and his new parent had settled into a secluded valley. Their days were filled with the luring and trapping of dragons. The vast, untouched wilderness provided ample space for Garf to explore and grow. It was on one such exploratory adventure that Garf stumbled upon a hidden cave nestled within a mountain's shadow.

## Chapter 2: The Discovery

The cave's entrance was concealed by a curtain of ivy, almost as if nature itself wished to keep its secrets hidden. Curiosity piqued, Garf wriggled through the vines and into the dimly lit interior. His bioluminescent scales cast a soft glow, revealing ancient carvings etched into the cave walls.

At the cave's heart lay an ornate pedestal, atop which rested a small, glowing rune. The rune pulsed with an otherworldly energy, drawing Garf closer. With cautious excitement, he nudged the rune with his snout. Instantly, a surge of power coursed through him, and the cave was illuminated by a brilliant light.

## Chapter 3: New Powers

The rune's magic bestowed upon Garf supernatural abilities. He discovered he could manipulate elements—summoning fire and even pure energy with a mere thought. Additionally, he found he could heal wounds although this came with time and created protective barriers. The newfound powers were exhilarating, and Garf felt a sense of purpose beyond mere survival.

## Chapter 4: An Ominous Threat

One night, as Garf and his parent basked under the stars, a disturbance rippled through the fabric of space-time. The sky darkened, and a sinister energy descended upon their tranquil home. A malevolent entity from the cosmos, known as Vortigoth, had arrived. Vortigoth, a monstrous being capable of consuming entire planets, sought to merge two universes to harness their combined energy, an act that would lead to a catastrophic supernova-like explosion. 

Vortigoth's presence was heralded by a violent storm, tearing through the valley and shattering the peace Garf had worked so hard to maintain. Realizing the gravity of the threat, Garf knew he had to confront this evil and prevent the impending doom.

## Chapter 5: The Battle Begins

Garf soared into the storm, his heart steeled with resolve. Vortigoth's colossal form loomed above the valley, a grotesque amalgamation of dark energy and twisted matter. The ground trembled with each step the entity took, and the very air seemed to sizzle with its malevolence.

Drawing upon his powers, Garf unleashed a torrent of elemental fury. Flames erupted around Vortigoth, water surged to quench the inferno, earth rose to entangle the beast's limbs, and winds howled to buffet it. Vortigoth roared in fury, retaliating with blasts of dark energy that seared the ground and shattered trees.

The battle raged, a titanic clash of power and will. Garf dodged and weaved through the onslaught, his agility and determination keeping him just ahead of Vortigoth's destructive blows. With each strike, Garf could feel the toll on his strength, yet he pressed on, driven by the knowledge that the fate of two universes hung in the balance.

## Chapter 6: Into Space

Realising the fight could not be won on Earth, Vortigoth lured Garff into the cosmos. Thinking the dragon couldn't possibly survive the vacuum of space, believing his power came from being on the planet. Transition from atmosphere to the vacuum of space was disorienting, but Garf's powers adapted, enveloping him in a protective aura. The stars became their battleground, constellations witnessing the epic struggle.

Vortigoth unleashed a barrage of cosmic energy, each blast more powerful than the last. Garf countered with his own blasts of energy control, creating shields of pure energy. The vastness of space was both an advantage and a peril; there was room to manoeuvre, but the stakes were infinitely higher. If Garff avoided any blasts from Vortigoth this could potentially cause major damage to his beloved planet. 

## Chapter 7: The Final Showdown

As the battle intensified, Vortigoth began the process of merging the two universes. Reality itself started to warp, and Garf felt the immense cosmic pull of the impending merge of both universes. With time running out, Garf summoned every ounce of his strength and courage. He had sped up to little more than a blur, the dragon moved so quickly that Vortigoth couldn't even react to him. Every strike caused small flashes to light up the darkness of space.

The malevolent entity writhed and shrieked, its form distorting under the immense pressure. With a final, desperate effort, Garf tossed the Entity into space so he would have enough time to rush towards the heart of the merging universes. Garf used every ounce of his being to push the two gargantuan universes apart. Their immense cosmic force was pulling on the little dragon threatening to tear him apart in the process. Garf did not waver or buckle, however just out of his line of sight Vortigoth shot towards him intending to prevent his efforts. It was a futile effort, Vortigoths plans had been thwarted by a lower life form no less, however. 

The collision was cataclysmic. Vortigoth and Garf were consumed by the supernova, a blinding explosion of light and energy that reverberated through the cosmos. Garf had used himself and the Voidwalker as a shield to protect his home. Vortigoth was totally obliterated by the explosion, Garfs scales and his runestone's protective aura barely holds against the immense force. Eventually the protective aura broke due to the force of the explosion, knocking the little dragon out of consciousness. 

## Chapter 8: A Hero's Return

When the light faded, Garf found himself drifting in the remnants of the cosmic battlefield. The universes had stabilised, the threat of collision averted. Weakened but triumphant, Garf made his way back to Earth, the rune's power having saved him from the universe's energy expulsion.

Back in the valley, Garf was greeted with awe and gratitude. His parent, who had watched the celestial battle with bated breath, Embraced him lovingly. 

Garf had not only protected his home but had also safeguarded the very fabric of reality. The magical rune, now a part of him, sat just under his large head emitting a low yellowish glow that served as a reminder of his extraordinary journey. Garf, the Baby Deathsong, had grown into a hero of cosmic proportions.

Took Garf or Garffiljorg from the series How to Train Your Dragon. He doesnt belong to me but i wanted to include him in a supernatural setting.

DJ_hAnnahcreators' thoughts