
An Unexpected Mother

She is Epsha. Epsha An the second miss of An family. She is the loving sister of her nine brother's. Six elder brother's and one young brother her biological brothers. Expect them she has two step brother and a sister also. Her step brother from her father decreased wife and one child from one of his past flings. She is the owner of the ES Group of Industries. One of the rising company among other companies. The company which is where it was made by herself from the scratch . She is a strong willed and independent woman. Who knows what she wants. On a faithful day, She wakes up in a unfamiliar room. After looking it carefully she gets to know it one of the presidential suite of a hotel under her company. How she come her. when Epsha tried to sit she felt pain in her waist and stand up she fell pain all over the body and mostly at her lady part. After that she got up dressed herself and go away from there. After two months she got to know that she is pregnant. But she doesn't know who is the father of her child. She tried to find but couldn't find. Five years later, ' Lady are you looking for something or someone.' ' Yes. ' " What it is and how can we help you? " ' This...... ' From behind her come a deep voice come, " Women are you looking for them ? " " Yes. Oh! God my loving babies where did you guys go by leaving me? " The book written by me and not a Translation so the rights what to do with it is mine. So do not paralyze this . It's a polite request and reminder. Or I would have to take drastic measures and action against you for paralizing .

SurmitaSahaSrabuni · Urban
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69 Chs

What Happened ( 5 ) ?

He learned every thing he was needed and then he took over the Tang Corporation at the age of twenty years old .

After that incident when elder brother Edison didn't have time to meet her she missed him a lot . She liked everything about elder brother Edison and had some incredible and mixed feelings for him that time .

That time one of her elder cousin was in deep love relationship and from that she got to know what is love .

And her feelings for elder brother Edison Tang is called love . At that time she asked her elder cousin , " If one love someone what she should do ? "

Her elder cousin said , " Then she should love him with all the love she has . And let him know that she love him and fight for her love . Also if he is a capable man then prove to every one that she deserves him and care about her loves every single things . Be with him in his happiness , sadness , health , wealth , sickness and poverty . And never leave him for a life time and love him to eternal love and life . "

" And what if he doesn't love her ? " asked Luna Lui .

" If he doesn't love you doesn't mean that you don't love him . No , every love story has a happy ending . That doesn't stop us from loving the person . Love is not all about your self or your love but also sacrifice . If you love someone truly then you can sacrifice your love , happiness and life for that person's happiness . But if you love her and confess to him and reject you and love someone else then it doesn't mean you love him less than that person but not everyone gets the person she or he loves . And you have to respect his or her choices . And shouldn't do that is wrong and not good for anyone just because you didn't get him " said Luna's elder cousin .

" Okay " said Luna Lui . After that she thought she will fight for her love and see what is in her love life or luck or god has destined for her .

The next day she go to the school and said to her girl best friends , " I have something to say to you guys and I will tell you guys about it tiffen period . "

" Okay " they all replied .

At the tiffen period ,

" What you want to say us , Luna ? " asked Mirana White .

Luna Lui looked at her girl best friends and said , " I love someone and you guys know him . "

" Who is the man tell us quickly ? " tells Jiyana Gu .

Luna Lui looked at Epsha and lowered her head and said , " Elder brother Edison . "

" What " said all her girl best friends . She heard Sandy , Mirana and Jiyana's high pitched voice but she didn't hear Epsha's voice .

She was feeling confused and conflicted what she should do , will Epsha hate her and wouldn't be her best friend and so on .

So , she looked up and she see Epsha is looking at her .

And then she said , " I knew it when you said . And it is not something new or surprising as elder brother is your always prince charming and first crush . "

" You are not upset ? " asked Luna Lui in a very painful manner .

" No , I am not . And I would be happy if you guys get to getter and you become my sister-in-law . " said Epsha An in a very good mood .

" You sure " asked Luna Lui as she looked at Epsha An to see her expression .

" Of courses , or it is that you don't want to " asked Epsha teasingly .

" No , no it is not what you think and yes I want to be elder brother Edison bride but well he accept me . " asked Luna Lui .

" Yes , yes , elder brother Edison will accept you who has the heart to say no to our cute Luna " said Jiyana Gu .

" I don't want him think me cutey or pity me and accept me . But I want his love , adoration and respect . And he would be proud of me . And can't take way his eyes from me . He wouldn't look at any other woman as he looks at me " says Luna Lui in a very possessive way .

" Oh , some one is jealous and possessive already " said Sandy .

" What happened ? Why you think this way ? " asked Epsha An .

Tada , the authors second updated of the is here . As the author has time here come the second chapter .

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