
Chapter 1 :Graduation

Elisa’s pov

Woke up early in the morning too excited to sleep a second more. GRADUATION DAY !!, finally after all the efforts and hard work, I get to graduate along with my besties, finally, I get to start my own beauty products company and launch my career. I can’t be more thrilled.

Walking into my dressing, I already know what to wear for this special day. I pick up a Valentino tonal lace dress in beige (Poudre) from the dresses’ section and match it with black jimmy choo high heels. Keeping it classy and simple. By the time I finish getting dressed, my mom (Katherine) comes in inspecting my outfit ...

"Good morning sweetie, Need help?"

" Good morning, yes, zipper please "

" there you go" she says holding my upper arms and spinning me to face her " I can't believe my little baby is graduating today, it seems like it was just yesterday I was changing your diapers " she adds, her lips curved into a smile and eyes filled with tears threatening to escape any moment now.

"No no no you're not crying, not today not ever!"

"I am just so proud of you sweetie and it makes me a tiny bit emotional that's all, plus happy tears are always welcomed so you can't stop me" she replies hugging me tightly.

"Anyways finish getting ready we're leaving in 30 minutes " she states blowing me a kiss while leaving my bedroom.

I always adored my mom she has always been my role model, if I had to describe her in one word it would be "perfect".

Okay, perfection doesn't exist and all I agree with that she does have a bad temper when she is angry. In those cases, we all flee and hide in our rooms until she calms down. But besides that she is a wonderful loving and caring mother. Over the years we grew closer and closer. My mom is my and Zayn's (older brother) best friend we tell her everything cause we know that at the end of the day no one will want what's best for us more than her. She is also an amazing wife. Stood by my dad through thick and thin giving him the strength and power he needed to build a business empire from scratch. I always admired their relationship, the love and respect they have for each other never cease to amaze me, sometimes they look like teenagers in love but it never bothered me if anything it only makes me want to find my human sooner rather than later.

Strolling out of my dressing I head to my dressing table and start applying my usual make-up routine keeping it as natural as possible. Then I brush my hair deciding to keep it loose for the day and finally put on my heels and get downstairs to find my parents and Zayn having breakfast in the dining room.

"There she is, good morning princess or should I say engineer " my dad says while sipping on his morning coffee.

"Good morning everyone " I reply kissing my dad's cheek giggling and taking a seat next to my brother.

"So, ready for today? “ My dad asks excitement clear in his voice.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I hope I don't trip and fall though. Moments like these I thank God I refused to give the valedictorian speech less stress to handle."

"Don't worry sis if you fall I'll be there to take pictures " my lame brother jokes earning himself a glare from all of us.

" Sweetie, I’m sure you would've done great if you took it, you stress over nothing. Remember you danced in front of a large audience more times than you can count and all the parties and events we attended with your dad ... that should be enough to give you the confidence needed " mom states as a matter of fact.

"I know I know , but ballet is different, when I’m dancing I’m in a bubble, too focused on my routine to stress over anything, and well whenever we have a party or an event you guys are beside me and the girls too so no stress there "

"We’re always beside you little one okay, now enough chitchat, it's going to be a long day and you'll need energy so eat " my dad says and that's all it took me to focus on the deliciousness in front of me. FOOD IS LIFE

*** later at the university ***

Once we arrived at the university's theater where the graduation ceremony will be held, I let my parents settle down while I went to search for my girls along with Zayn who out of the blue decided to join in, although I’m sure it's just an excuse for him to talk to Hailee.

He always had a little crush on her although he refuses to admit it. He always acts weird around her and tries to flirt but it always sounds so cheesy like if his brain shuts down, and she on the other hand is oblivious to all his attempts because she knows he is a player, so she thinks he does that with all girls.

See my big old brother is a womanizer, he is not the kind who'll commit to a one and only girl and focus on her ..... nope he just dates a new girl every week! I remember him once saying and I quote: "why be serious and spoil all the fun, a new girl every now and then, no feelings, no attachment, and everyone is happy."

Well to be honest he never promised a girl something serious. They date him knowing how it will end :/ that's their business anyways as long as he stays away from my Hailee. Plus I’m not sure if they will ever be a thing if Zayn keeps up his behavior. And I wouldn't let him use my best friend and throw her away in a matter of days she deserves better than that, and she knows it. But if my brother ever chooses to settle down and quit fooling around Hailee is the perfect girl for him. With her sassy and crazy attitude, she'll have him sweating. There is also that nerdy side to her that makes her all the sexier to guys and honestly quite helpful to us her besties. See she is our spy/FBI agent when it comes to dating. Whenever one of us has a new boyfriend we can always count on her to give us the full report and that will help her keep Zayn in place if they ever date or choose to get serious. Speaking of the wolf here she is.

"Elisaaaa " she screams running towards me

"Hhhhh keep it down will you the whole auditorium heard you " I answer her shaking my head at her craziness.

" You know I don't care "she says flipping her hair over her shoulders.

"Crazy" I say laughing“ anyways where are the girls ??"

" No idea, I’m sure they'll be here any minute now. Oh, hi Zayn " she greets finally noticing him. Poor big bro.

"What's up Hailee " he replies trying to look cool although this situation is weird. Why is he here if he has nothing to tell her ?? And as if he was reading my mind " here you go "he mutters handing her a USB key.

"What's this ? " She questions as confused as I am.

<<Maybe a deep love confession in a video>> my subconscious suggests playfully.

"It's the series we talked about yesterday, you said you liked it and all, and I already had it downloaded in here so I was like why not bring it to you " he answers with a cute smile on his face. Awwnnn my dear and beloved brother is in deeeepp. But wait they talked when where how?

"Oh thanks, dude "

"No problem, anyway I’m going to take a seat now, good luck " he says leaving us.

"You guys talked? When? " I ask her as soon as he leaves.

"Yesterday, we met at the supermarket. I was struggling with my items, so he helped, and we started talking ... " she explains.

"Oh okay "and just then, Mia and Anna arrive.

" Hi girls "

"Hiiii " we all squeal while squeezing each other in a group hug

" too excited are we" says anna smirking,

"Yes mom " I answer laughing from ear to ear, Anna has always been kind of our mother, The one who gives advice and is always there to comfort us and sometimes scold us .... she is also the one who'd help you bury a body if needed. That's why we call her mom.

"Come on crazy let's take our seats they're about to start " she says chuckling while making her way to the chairs.

After a few speeches, the dean started calling graduates to the stage to receive their degree; I was on high alert waiting for my name to be called. When it was, I practically jumped from my seat leaving the girls laughing at my behavior.

"Elisa white "' here we go ' I tell myself while making my way upstage, I proceed to where the dean is standing and shake his hand as well as the professors present while they congratulate me and wish me good luck, I then turn to notice my parents taking pictures while the girls are cheering me on. Gosh, I love them ♥️.

The rest of the ceremony went pretty well after it ended. We all headed back home and celebrated with the girls and their parents.

“ giiiirlllss ” screams Hailee while running back and forth in our mansion’s garden

“yeeess Hailee” we all answered laughing at her

“you know what this means right? ”

we all give her a smirk before shouting“girrllss triiipp ”.