
An Undead’s rise to Godhood

Reality is often disappointing, merciless, and unpredictable. One such fates befalls without fail on one human. Seichi Kurotachi, a boy with slightly below average in everything. He's a boy who is the talk wherever he goes, from his poor academic ability to his poor physical appearance and health, he gets the full treatment of a cruel life. Upon his death, he was met with an opportunity. One that is presented only to those few that represents Humanity's best and worst. It is a calling, a saving grace for an insignificant boy to rise up and meet face to face with Humanity's most fearsome monster. See as a boy makes his way through the innumerable Floors that others have gone through in the past. Discover ruins, meet friends and comrades-in-arms, and defeat monsters of various sizes and abilities. Hardship awaits him, but even so he'll struggle, and struggle, so that he could hope to see the glimmering light of another tomorrow. "The only thing that is real is the things you put effort in. Even if it's the World itself." ************** Hello, author here, this won't take too long, just some heads-up before you go in reading. Chapters are at least 1000+ words, an unhealthy habit of lengthening chapters of mine. Slow progress most of the times because of the first. Characters may seem... off? I don't know how to write good characters, so I mostly will just go with the flow and shape their characteristics as I write. Another is you readers can decide on the story progression, your input will and can be taken into account if I find it interesting/fitting enough. And I also hosts some events on some chapters as well for the fun of it. I sincerely hope you can bear with me, an inexperienced young author (not kidding), as I write His story (and possibly many others). Thank you for your time :) Note: I don’t own the cover art

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chosen Undead





Death in repetition, number unknown even to the one dying.


And yet, a fire of determination dwells within. It burns, brightly still for any to see. A stubborn fire, smoldering ever more to the end of eternity.

"One… more… time."

In face of an insurmountable challenge in what could be called the first steppingstone, Seichi Kurotachi, the Chosen Undead, faces the Founder, the Soul of Undeath.

"Kuhh… I, didn't see… that coming."

Killed, again and again. Spilled blood, if he had any, enough to paint a river within the Green Plains.

"A sword swing…"

With every death, he moves one inch forward. With every final breath, he comes ever closer to achieving his promised victory. But, even if he's determined, even if he's willing to persevere forward, he still, in the end, holds Humanity. He's no monster, not yet.

"Argh! Dammit! Not again!"

The very first attempt, ended swiftly through a clean slash without a delay. The second attempt after returning, he managed to dodge the first strike, but got knocked back from a shoulder bash and slashed in two upper and lower halves.

The tenth attempt, he managed to grasp the basic maneuvering of the Founder, and landed his first scratch on the seemingly boundless wall. But, in the end he still dies without another strike

The twelfth attempt, he broke down slightly in despair. He lost motivation, suffered deeply from the failures, but he still carried on forward. Even though despair envelops his mind, he had this unfounded hope somewhere within him.

The fiftieth attempt, Seichi was getting used to the patterns of the Founder. Every slight movement, every sword combo and body attacks. By now, he's able to deal some amount of damage to the Founder, 76 strikes for this attempt.

The hundredth attempt, Seichi was in yet another despair situation. He couldn't do anything more, his damage was lackluster, and even though his Strength is now 24 from all of the repetitive abuse, he still couldn't see the light within sight. It was still like a star, forever in the distant sky above and he was just someone reaching, never to touch.


The 226th attempt, yet another failure as the Founder's sword thrust into his chest. He withered into dust and ash, returning to his Path of Undeath again.

"...This can't continue."

[Activating Path of Undeath]

"I want… more power."

[Sensing a disturbance within the Chosen Undead's Soul]

"I need more… more…"

[Detecting Greed]

The shadows of his former nightmares arise, but they are no match for Seichi's current Strength value of 30. His true nightmare was now in front of him, the Founder, the one who he could only beat within this simulation, but not in reality.

"Moree… I want moreeeeee!"

[Greed is overwhelming the Chosen Undead's Soul]

[Skill, Dark Impulses, is absorbing the Greed you harbor]

[A hidden requirement has been fulfilled]

[Activating the Hidden Skill of Dark Impulses, Acknowledgement of Greed]


[Your highest Stat will be increased in proportion to your Greed, while other Stats will be lowered in proportion to your Greed]

[Strength has increased from 30 to 145]

[All of your Stats except for Strength has decreased to 1]

Finally, the star came crumbling down to his grasp.


Finally, he was going to destroy that star with his Greed.


On the 227th time, returning from his Path of Undeath with a surefire victory of one swing.



The two Undead stare at each other. One with a high victory score of 226 wins, and the other an underdog that has nothing yet.

"I… will kill… you!"

[Activating Dark Impulses]

[Hidden Skill, Acknowledgement of Greed, has increased your Strength from 30 to 178, decreasing your other Stats to 1]

Due to his Agility, which is now reduced to 1 through the Hidden Skill, he moved sluggishly once more. But, such movements weren't that of a novice. It was precise and swift in order to minimize the loss of Agility.

The Founder's beginning downward slash misses by a hair's breadth, and this gave Seichi an opening to end this.


The Founder sensed the power behind Seichi's slash, and did the most surprising thing throughout the entire fight until now. He actively dodged out of the way.

No blocking, no deflecting, just a backstep to get away from the absolute destruction he would've received if he tried anything.


And following that surprising development, the Founder let out the first sounds after fighting up until this point. His eerie laughter didn't make Seichi faze, no, it went above him as he focuses solely on overcoming the challenge, the Quest, he's given.

"Hah… haha…"

Seemingly out of his mind, seeing the victory so close to grasp, he was laughing himself.

"End it."

On that que, both of the Undead went forward with the intent to kill each other completely with one strike.

[Your Greed is overwhelming!]

[Your Greed has attracted attention from some Minor Gods of the Tower]

[Hidden Skill, Acknowledgement of Greed, has increased your Strength from 173 to 400 and decreasing the rest of your Stats to 0]

Seichi with an upward slash, and the Founder a downward slash, the two make a collision to decide the one that will rightfully earn, or keep, the title of Chosen Undead.


I am Gerfrie Elric Arsanchez, son of Gerhman and Gertrude, two powerful warriors spoken of in legends, and I, who was once the renowned martial artist that could defeat an adult Dragon with my fists alone. I am a proud Reftian of the 21st Floor. And now a shadow of my former self in the 1st Floor.

I have entered a companionship with a Chosen Undead, though he still has yet to gain that title. I have watched his battle, from boring swiftness to now, a match of pure strength alone. And I must say, I wasn't expecting much, but now I have a wide, dumb smile on my face.

'Hahaha… what a tough lad.'

Of course, I wasn't gonna ignore the amount of stress that was likely going to go overboard within him. He was fighting nonstop, no rest, for what seems like two or three days? I have no idea anymore.

'And… he won.'

An amazing fight, though sadly it was too swift to say the least. No significant actions, no flashy movements, no intelligent deception plays, nothing outstanding really, except for the final showdown of strength. Which, as it settled down from a massive explosion that caused the earth beneath to rupture, was pretty intense from my point of view.


The sword of that Founder guy was broken to bits, while the kid's seems to be holding on to dear life at this point from how fragile it looks.


I let out a hearty laugh at the wonderful success my companion had attained through his hard work, overcoming the depression of failures up to 226 times I think? It was wonderful indeed.


[Your Vitality Stat is 0]

[Unable to maintain a stable body]

[You have died]

I am familiar with death.

[Activating Path of Undeath]

I am familiar with the cold feeling of eternal rest that I so rarely ever get back in my past life.

[An interference has occurred with the Skill activation]

But now, that eternal rest is denied for me, only the cold feeling of it remains.

[A Special entity has intruded into the Chosen Undead's World of Respite]

I wanted to rest.

"Hello, Chosen Undead."

But I know resting is no longer an option for me anymore.

"I am the first, and now you shall inherit my title."

No, I refuse to.

"Bear it with pride, as you are the second in line."

I didn't want to do this, but I guess I must.

"Climb, and fulfill the destiny that I have carved. Kill, the one that owns this Tower."

I refuse, why… must I listen to you?

"I know it won't be a path that is smooth. But, I have faith in your ability, in what you've done and shown to me."

Get out of my sight.

"I wish you luck, my second incarnation."

I don't want to do it!

And with that, the story finally, fully begins.