
An Unbreakable Bond. Two Brothers Traverse a Fantasy World.

Two souls, brothers in fact, had been wandering the infinite nothingness known as the abyss for eons. Slowly their sanity began to slip away under the immense crippling effect of the abyss. All seemed lost, as both brothers lost something important to them' something that made them who they were. One, their bravery, confidence, and will power. The other, their compassion, empathy, and emotions. But thanks to the meddling of a God they were given a chance to take back what they lost and maybe gain even more. Follow the adventures of a not so ordinary brotherly duo as they traverse a fantasy world.

ForThe_Lolzs · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Together Again

The first thing that greeted the two brother souls was an endless amount of white. Similar to the abyss they previously were acquainted with. Yet far more comfortable and didn't try to degrade their minds every second. 

"B-Bro what just happened?" Xavier said startled, but with far more clarity than what he had before.

"Well obviously we were devoured by that blinding white light and taken to this white void. " replied Demetrius with monotone.

Timidly Xavier said "I-I guess that was a stupid question h-huh?"

Nodding his head Demetrius sighed, he never understood why people asked questions when the answer was obvious. 

He was about to continue talking to his now introverted brother when he blinked in confusion and not so little amounts of surprise.

Did he just sigh, nod, and blink? Not to mention he felt his mouth move as he talked a second ago. Did he have his body back? Was he once again physical in nature, his own flesh and blood?

Looking down at himself his suspicions were proven correct. He had his body back. Exactly in the condition it was at before his untimely demise.

Demetrius is of mixed ancestry, and  stands at six and a half feet tall, the average for any in his family. His face is quite masculine and extremely sharp with after shadow adorning his chin. His black puffy hair is messy, unkept, and chaotic but looks natural.  An unbuttoned white scientists coat , which reached his black military boots, hung from his shoulders. Underneath the coat is a simple white muscle shirt that showed his well toned six pack and swimmers build, and a pair of blue jeans.

He wasn't bad in the looks department either. He wasn't overly handsome, breathtaking, impossibly good looking, or anything of the sort. Demetrius had this look to him that radiated calmness, intelligence, and dominance.

Overall Demetrius was satisfied. He had his old looks back, his body was in tip top condition, and by looking behind him to find his brother he could tell Xavier was too.

Xavier looked similar to his brother with some key differences. For one Xavier was a monstrous seven and three feet tall, beating Demetrius by a good margin. Secondly his hair while chaotic like his brother's is black with brown on the end of his curls. Thirdly his face was more on the cute and pretty boy side rather than handsome. Though do not confuse it with looking feminine, that was far from the truth. Finally his body  was far more muscular than Demetrius, on the crest of a body builder's type.

Xavier also wore the clothes he had before his death, which was almost identical to what Demetrius wore except for the large symbol on the back of his coat. 

The symbol is a large flaming green reptilian eye staring into the abyss of space represented by the stars behind it. This symbol is the official logo behind Xavier's organization he led in life called the Meme lords.

After staring at each other for a while  Xavier with utter confusion and Demetrius curiosity. The older of the two Demetrius took initiative and spoke.

"Brother? Is that really you?" He said with caution not taking a chance that this was a trick.

"Y-yeah I-I think so?"  Xavier said not knowing if he was a clone or something equally terrifying. 

Demetrius looking at his brother's conflicted face held a small smile. He easily read what his brother was thinking.

'Only my brother would question his own existence upon returning back to life instead of being joyous .' Demetrius thought with a small miniscule smile. 

Then faster than most professional athletes could ever hope to run, Demetrius sprinted and slammed  his brother into a bone crushing hug causing them both to fall down.

Xavier panicked at first, scared at what slammed into him, but slowly calmed down when he saw his older brother hugging him tightly.

Tears welled up on the sides of Xavier's eyes as he returned the hug full force. He could finally feel, hear, touch and see his brother again. No more being alone' only comforted by the disembodied voice of his brother. No more of the abyss chipping away at his mind degrading his most apparent character trait. No more of the endless void that filled both of them.  

Now he could be with his brother, he could actually talk to his brother, he could hug and cry with his brother, and he could be happy with his brother.

 Even though they most likely were stuck in another abyss he did not care. Having his brother was all he needed to stay away from depravity.


With that last thought he couldn't hold back anymore. He cried, he sobbed, and he held onto his brother for dear life in fear of this being an illusion.

Xavier wasn't the only one feeling his pent up stress being released.

Demetrius despite lacking a majority of emotions still held the intense feeling and urges to protect and care for his younger brother. So seeing his brother after all this time let him temporarily regain some of what he lost. Allowing even him to shed tears as he hugged his brother.

Xavier was Demetrius's pillar of support. Without him he would have become the monster he was originally before his emotions were created. Even though traits of what he was are far more present than in the past, that could be mended with time.

They both needed each other, they balanced each other out. Without the other they'd be incomplete and broken. 

So with that Demetrius cried. Cried alongside  his brother, all while vowing to never allow death to show it's ugly face near them again. Unknowing that Xavier made the same vow.

These two brothers were finally reunited, and may the gods help whomever tried to seperate them.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please leave comments, reviews, and suggestions for the story!

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