
An Uchiha With A System.

Read the Journey Of Kaiten Uchiha, a prodigy whose mother died during the kyuubi attack, he was a cold hearted and ruthless shinobi, but things take a turn when he receives a system that helps with alot of things.... Read this to find out what happens. Open for suggestions.

sPenK_XD · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

- Konoha, Uchiha Compound. -

Cries echoed throughout Konoha, originating from the direction of Hokage Mountain, where a gigantic fox with nine tails loomed ominously. The creature opened its maw and began gathering chakra, forming a destructive energy sphere.

Fast forward

In the hospital, a woman with snowy white hair gave birth. As the nurse carefully wrapped the newborn baby in a towel, she exclaimed, "Miss Kiyo! It's a boy!"

The Uchiha woman managed a faint smile as she reached out to touch her son, gently caressing his delicate face. However, the cruel hand of fate took her away shortly after giving birth, leaving the infant alone in this world.

The ANBU stationed at the door swiftly reacted, realizing the urgency of the situation. "We need to act quickly; the Kyuubi is attacking Konoha," one of them declared. With that, the ANBU members shunshined away, leaving the nurse and the Uchiha child in the care of the Uchihas at the Uchiha Hospital.

- Uchiha Hospital -

The baby boy, with his tiny eyes closed, lay in his crib, unaware of the chaos unfolding outside. The Uchiha clan members who had taken responsibility for him exchanged worried glances.

As the child's limbs flailed about, his eyes slowly began to open. Those who witnessed this sight were stunned into silence, for the child possessed a pair of blood-red eyes, each with a single tomoe encircled by a distinctive pattern — it was the infamous Sharingan. But as quickly as it activated, it was deactived as nobody caught the sight. 

One elder stepped forward, "we shall name him Kaiten Uchiha,"

- Kaiten's POV -

98%... 99%... 100%... Installation Complete.

Booting Up.

A cyan-colored screen materialized in front of the child, but to everyone else in the room, it remained invisible.

Welcome, Host. The System has been activated.

- Third POV -

While the Uchiha clan members marveled at the infant Kaiten's brief Sharingan activation, they were unaware of the mysterious event taking place within the baby's mind. The cyan screen and the enigmatic message were concealed from their perception.

Outside, the chaos of the Kyuubi's attack raged on, but within the confines of the Uchiha Hospital, another extraordinary phenomenon was unfolding. Kaiten Uchiha, the bearer of the Sharingan, had been entrusted with something far more remarkable than anyone could have imagined.

As the Uchiha elders debated Kaiten's name, they remained oblivious to the hidden powers and destiny that had chosen this child. Little did they know that Kaiten's life would be far from ordinary, and the secrets of the cyan screen would soon unveil themselves, setting him on a path that would forever change the course of Konoha's history.

Five Years Later. 

- Uchiha Compound -

It was precisely 5:00 when the 5 year old kaiten opened his eyes and stood up from his bed, suddenly a cyan screen materialized in front of him. 

Welcome, Host. 

Kaiten was.... Surprised, to say the least, thinking it was a genjutsu, he quickly used his chakra to dispel it but it still stayed there. 

- Kaiten's POV -

Kaiten couldn't believe his eyes as the mysterious cyan screen persisted, defying his attempts to dispel it. He thought it might be a genjutsu at first, but it felt different, more real. With a sense of both curiosity and trepidation, he tentatively touched the screen.

The text on the screen shifted, and a soothing voice echoed in his mind, "Welcome, Host. I am the System, and you have been chosen to embark on a unique journey." Kaiten's eyes narrowed as he processed this information.

"What is this? Who are you?" Kaiten questioned, his Sharingan spinning to life as he examined the screen for any hidden traps or threats.

The System responded, "I am an extraordinary entity, a companion that will help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of your life. You possess the Sharingan, and I will grant you the tools and abilities to unlock its true potential."

Kaiten's cold and ruthless demeanor intensified. He had always known he was different due to his Sharingan, but this revelation intrigued him. "Continue," he commanded.

The cyan screen shifted, displaying a menu that resembled the RPG interfaces from the usual games, here were stats, skills, and abilities, all waiting to be explored.

"Host, you have been granted a unique System Points (SP) pool. You can allocate SP to enhance your attributes and acquire new skills or abilities. Use this wisely to become stronger and achieve your goals."

Kaiten's eyes gleamed with ambition. He had always desired power and control, and this System seemed to promise just that. He spent some time perusing the options, allocating SP to enhance his Sharingan's perception and genjutsu prowess.

"Now, Host, would you like to access the tutorial for a better understanding of the System?" the voice offered.

Kaiten nodded, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. He had already made up his mind to utilize this System to its fullest potential. The tutorial commenced, and over the next few hours, Kaiten delved deep into understanding the intricacies of the System, learning about quests, missions, and how to harness his newfound abilities.

Suddenly, a ding sound was heard. 

Choose 4 Perks : 

Fire Expert : -50% In Requirements For Fire Related Skills, +150% Fire Skill Exp, +50% Damage to Fire skills, -40% Chakra Used For Fire Skills. 

Lightning Expert : -50% In Requirements For Lightning Related Skills, +150% Lightning Skill Exp, +50% Damage to Lightning skills, -40% Chakra Used For Lightning Skills. 

Wind Expert : -50% In Requirements For Wind Related Skills, +150% Wind Skill Exp, +50% Damage to Wind skills, -40% Chakra Used For Wind Skills. 

Water Expert : -50% In Requirements For Water Related Skills, +150% Watsr Skill Exp, +50% Damage to Water skills, -40% Chakra Used For Water Skills. 

Earth Expert : -50% In Requirements For Earth Related Skills, +150% Earth Skill Exp, +50% Damage to Earth skills, -40% Chakra Used For Earth Skills. 

Taijutsu Beast : +20 STR, DEX, END, AGI AND DURA Each Level, Learn Taijutsu Styles Thrice As Faster, Learn Skills Related To Taijutsu Thrice As Faster. 

Ninjutsu Master : +30 INT And Wis And +8 STR, DEX, END, AGI And DURA Each Level, Learn Ninjutsu Thrice As Faster, Chakra Control Improvement Increased By 200%.


Kaiten studied the choices presented to him on the cyan screen. Each perk seemed like a stepping stone to greater power, and he needed to make a calculated decision.

Without hesitation, he made his selections:

1. Fire Expert: Kaiten had always been drawn to the destructive beauty of fire. With this perk, he could harness the flames with greater ease and wield them to his advantage.

2. Lightning Expert: Lightning, with its speed and precision, appealed to Kaiten's desire for control. He knew that mastery over this element would make him a formidable force.

3. Taijutsu Beast: Kaiten had witnessed the effectiveness of close combat skills in battle. With this perk, he aimed to become a physical powerhouse, capable of overpowering his opponents with sheer strength and agility.

4. Ninjutsu Master: Kaiten recognized the importance of ninjutsu in the shinobi world. He chose this perk to amplify his intelligence and wisdom, making him a master of the mystic arts.

With his selections made, the System acknowledged his choices with a subtle hum. The newfound power and knowledge flowed through him, and Kaiten could feel the difference within himself.

"Status", Kaiten Called out. 

Status :

Kaiten Uchiha. 

Level : 7 (97%) 

CP : 7000/7000

STR : 87

DEX : 85

AGI : 82

END : 80

DURA : 83

INT : 71

WIS : 79

Title : Prodigy. 

Effects : Double Tomoe Sharingan. (+20 All Physical Stats, Very High Visual Prowess Ans Perception Ability, Ability To Copy Techniques.) 

Prodigy (+20% Damage And Exp To Everything)

Ryo : 300000 (He has uchiha funds) 

Points : 35

Kaiten smirked, this would indeed be very beneficial. 

Kaiten stood up and quickly took a shower, then, he got into his clothes and had breakfast which was prepared for him by a maiden and then exited the house. 

As soon as he exited the door a screen popped up in front of him, 



1000 Pushups.

1000 Sit-ups.

1000 Squats. 

50 Rounds Around the village. 

Reward : 2000 Exp. 


Kaiten wasted no time accepting the quest that had suddenly appeared before him. It was a challenge he welcomed, for he knew that greatness required relentless effort.

With a determined mindset, he embarked on his quest:

- 1000 pushups: His small frame seemed insignificant, but his resolve was anything but. Each pushup was executed with precision, his muscles flexing and straining as he powered through.

- 1000 sit-ups: Kaiten's core strength was put to the test. He moved with unwavering determination, sweat dripping from his brow as he neared his goal.

- 1000 squats: The repetition was grueling, but Kaiten refused to yield. He was well aware that physical endurance was a crucial aspect of being a shinobi.

- 50 rounds around the village: Kaiten sprinted through the familiar streets of Konoha, his determination pushing him forward. Each lap brought him closer to his objective.

Hours passed, and the sun climbed higher in the sky. Kaiten's body ached, but he did not relent. He was driven by the promise of the reward and the knowledge that every drop of sweat brought him one step closer to his goal.

Finally, as the last pushup was completed and the final lap around the village finished, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. He had achieved what was asked of him, and his efforts had not been in vain.

The cyan screen reappeared before him:


Reward: 2000 Exp.

DING! Due to Heavy Physical Exercise, Host Has Gained +2 Points in STR, DEX And AGI. 

DING! Host's Level has increased by 1! 

With the completion of his arduous training regimen, Kaiten felt a profound sense of accomplishment. The sweat-soaked clothes clung to his body, and his muscles throbbed with the exertion, but he couldn't help but smile. He knew that every pushup, sit-up, squat, and lap around the village had brought him one step closer to his goal of becoming a powerful shinobi.

As the cyan screen notified him of his quest completion and the rewards he had earned, Kaiten's determination only grew. The additional points in strength, dexterity, and agility would undoubtedly enhance his physical capabilities, making him a more formidable combatant.

And with the news that his level had increased, Kaiten couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. It was a tangible sign of his progress within the System, and he was eager to see just how far he could push his limits.

Having completed his morning training, Kaiten decided it was time to focus on honing his newfound skills. He headed to a secluded part of the Uchiha training grounds, away from prying eyes, where he could practice his jutsu and combat techniques.

With the Sharingan already enhancing his visual prowess, he began practicing basic ninjutsu, manipulating chakra with precision. The System had promised to help him unlock the true potential of his Sharingan, and Kaiten was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As he was training, he felt three people approaching him from behind, two which were insanely powerful and one which was extremely weak. He quickly turned around show a boy with black hair, a stoic face and two bangs which framed his fame, on the boy's back was a kid around one year older than, he said the same black hair but his hair was spiky, beside them was a older boy with brown spiky hair. 

Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha. 

This was gonna be interesting. 


Give me some ideas for the next chapter in comments and please boost this.