
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs



Izuna's eyes were red. His three tomoe spun as he gave his enemy a death stare. The shinobi was paralyzed in fear of those eyes.

Of course, he knew about the legendary Uchiha clan, the greatest, except the Senju, from the warring states era. He knew that these eyes meant great power.

"You attacked the wrong group." Izuna stated before doing a back kick, sending the man back three meters.

"Don't think you are strong just because you have these eyes, kid! Everyone! Come out!"

As he said that, four other shinobi came out of the trees.

Yuki, Himuka and Toru immediately covered Takuma, forming a triangle around him.

"Izuna, there's five of them! Take care of that guy, I will handle the rest. You guys defend Takuma-san!" said Yuki.

"Yes, Sensei!" Himuka and Toru answered.

"Sensei! I can take more than one! They seem to be weak."

"Do as I told you, Izuna!"

As he heard this, Izuna got angrier.

He dashed toward the enemy and quickly stabbed him through the heart with his kunai, killing him instantly.

Then, he took eight shuriken, four in each hand, and threw them all at the same time towards the next shinobi he saw.

He managed to dodge Izuna's attack, but before he could even try to take out a kunai, Izuna appeared behind him.

"Die! You do not deserve to live, you rogue ninja!"

He quickly pushed his hand through the shinobi's chest. Lightning chakra came out the other end.

"Now, who's next?" Izuna asked with a psychotic face.

The remaining three tried to run away from the group, but the Uchiha started doing hand seals.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!)

As the fire formed a large ball, the shinobi turned around and formed some hand seals themselves.

"Doton: Doryuuheki!" (Earth Style: Earth-Wall!)

The fire hit the giant wall, destroying it, but also getting extinguished itself.

As the smoke dissipated, Izuna noticed that the three were stuck in place, not moving at all.

"What is happening?! What did you do?!" they yelled.

"That was me."

Everyone turned to Toru and noticed that his shadow was extended towards the enemies, connecting with their shadows.

"You can not move now, so resisting is futile."

After that, Toru kept them still as Yuki tied them all up with rope.

'Tsk! Toru managed to catch three of them at once while I only got two!' Izuna thought.

"Well done, Toru! Izuna, I need to talk to you about something later." Yuki said as he looked towards the two lifeless bodies.

"For now, let's resume the mission. I will have to report that the bandits knew ninjutsu, though."

"Oh... of course!..." said Takuma.


(At the Uchiha compound)


"Are you sure about letting that kid Izuna come to the clan meetings? He is the same age as Itachi and is still a genin."

"It's fine, Mikoto. He probably won't say anything or understand much anyway. Besides, I want to get him closer to us. I fear that he might have awakened... that ability..."

"What?! The Mangekyou Sharingan?! At his age?! That surely has to be impossible!"

"It might be... but I just want to make sure. His parents both died during the Nine Tails attack and he lost many friends before too."

Fugaku said, stopping for a minute before continuing:

"The pain I felt when I awakened it was insane, it was something I never even imagined before. It was the trauma that came along the death of my friends. Who knows what sort of pain Izuna is going through right now?" he said, thinking about the last war.

"Besides, if he does have that power, we sure do not want him to go rogue..."


(In the Land of Grass)


"Ah, there it is! Kusagakure!"

"Is this where we drop you off, Takuma-san?"

"I believe so! Thank you for escorting me here,Yuki-san, kids, I'd surely have been attacked by that group if it weren't for you!"

"Don't mention it, that is our duty as shinobi."

"Well, thanks again! See you again some time!"

"Good bye!"

After making sure that Takuma entered his home unfollowed, Yuki and his genin left, heading back to Konoha.

Before that, however, he felt the need to talk to Izuna...

"Hey, Izuna! Come here for a second. You guys wait a bit."

Izuna walked towards Yuki, already knowing that this was about his recent behavior.

"You know that I am upset with the way you treated this mission, right?"

"Yeah, yeah... I could have just captured them, I know..."

"It's not about that."

Izuna looked at Sensei when he heard this.

"I am talking about how you treat your teammates and even me, your captain. A shinobi must know the importance of working together with others, so you just doing everything you want on the battlefield is not something I can allow. You need to learn to depend on people."

"Depend on people?... But..." flashbacks of when Yoji died in front of his eyes flashed. "But!..." images of his mother speaking her last words appeared in his mind. "But!... How am I supposed to depend on others when in the past, that only lead me to despair?! I believed in you, Sensei, and I believed in my teammates, and yet!..." he activated his Sharingan, staring at Yuki.

"And yet here I am!... Cursed by this wild hatred I have for the world, cursed by the pain I feel... Sensei! These eyes! They see the images of my loved ones die every time I close them! Do you understand this pain? This feeling?! If not, then how can you compare me to a regular shinobi?..." he yelled out before calming himself down.

"Besides, I am no regular... I am the one who will avenge my parents, at least that is what I swore...

I believe this discussion is over. I'm going back to the village now." Izuna ended.

'Incredible... I did know he was going through a lot but what he just said proves he isn't fine at all. I need to talk to Fugaku-san about this...' Yuki thought after Izuna left him.

'Still... to awaken and use the fully evolved Sharingan at his age? He has the potential to become incredibly strong... Maybe as strong as-'

He suddenly stopped.

'No, that wouldn't be good. Madara Uchiha was evil to his core. We don't want Izuna to turn into a rogue ninja and attack the village...'