
An other LOSER

This is the story of a 16 years old boy that wakes up on a different world after failing school and being called a loser by everybody, on this new world he faces real missions and mysteries in order to go back to his normal life and find his true self.

imadramdani · Fantasy
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The Loser

Mike a 16 years old student at the Bencher Highschool, Mike lives with both of his parents and his older sister, since the day he was born, his parents George and Barbara always pushed him to be the best student and the ideal student and teenager, they implement that method before on his 19 years old sister that is not studying quantum to become a physicist.

Mike always wanted to become an astronaut because his parents planted that dream on his head since he was 4 years old, recently he realized that becoming an astronaut is not what he really wanted, he decided that he wants to become business man instead, he proposed that to his parents but they didn't accept it, they granted him and told him to become an astronaut because they need one in their family.

in order to follow his dream, Mike since he was 14 started being lazy at school and doing the worst, he was barely getting 52% each year just to move to the next level, but not too good to become an astronaut, on the last time his parents met the high school president he told them that their son Mike failed that year, his classmates were laughing at him since he was on one of the top high schools in the country, the students even made memes about it on the group chats and Mike's parents were most unleashed with that, so they sent him to his room and his father said to him "You are not my son any more, once you are eighteenth, you leave this house!" Mike listened without showing any regrets nor hate toward his father and walked to his room that was emptied from all kinds of games and books, he sat on his bed and hugged his pillow then spoke while tears were running out of his eyes "why can't I just be eighteen already?!" and he falls asleep.