
Chapter 12: An Un X-pected Goodbye

Sitting on my bed I looked out the window.

Getting a good look of the view of the property, since it will be the last time I will see it for a while.

Because after much deliberation I have decided to leave the Institute.

The risk of Charles reading my mind has become too great for my liking.

So it's time to set out on my own.


A bag filled with clothes, a few other necessities, and some money I had managed to stash away, I stood in front of the entrance to the Institute.

Xavier and Logan standing right in front of me.

Since today is the day I officially leave this place.

"Roman, are you sure there isn't anything I can do to get you to reconsider your decision?" Charles asked me.

I shook my head. "No, professor." I replied. "But thank you for caring about me. Don't worry though I'll be fine. The year I have spent here learning and training from you and everyone else has prepared me for this."

Especially all the great powers I absorbed.

Not to mention the I.D. and drivers license I got thanks to this place.

As well as the friends I made.

Who I've already said goodbye too.

None of them tried to stop me, but none of them asked me to stay either.

They completely respected my decision.

Which is why I consider them true friends, and will do everything in my power to keep them suffering during the events of X2 like they did in the original story.

I sware it.

"Alright. I understand. But just so you know, this place will always be open ro you when you need it." Charles spoke.

"I know. Thanks professor." I said.

Now leave you wheel-chair bound mind rapist.

Giving me one last smile Charles turned his wheelchair around and headed back toward the school.


Since Logan stayed with me.

Looking at me, he asked a question. "So, what's the real reason you're leaving this place? And please, don't bullshit me kid."

I was suprised by Logan's words.

But after processing them for a moment I decided to answer him.

Namely because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let me leave until I did.

"We'll the truth is Mr. Logan there are things I need to do. Things which I cannot do while attending the school." I explained to him.

"I see." Logan replied.

"Yes." I spoke. "Though now that I have answered your question do you mind telling me why you asked it in the first place?"

Because honestly Logan and I are not that close.

"Well seeing as how Laura has taken a liking too you I wanted to make sure you weren't getting ready to go out and do anything crazy." Logan explained to me.

Shocking me once more.

'Laura has taking a liking too me?' I thought.

This is unexpected.

She's never said anything of the sort to me directly.

Which she had many chances to do, considering after that Saturday after we ate lunch together I tried to eat with her in the dining hall every time I saw her there. No matter what meal it was serving.

I also trained with her a bit.

Laura didn't reject my actions but she didn't act welcoming towards them either.

She always simply stared at me with a neutral or blank expression on her face.

But I'm glad to know that in this past month we've spent around each other she warmed up to me.

"I see. Well thank you for the concern Mr. Logan and tell Laura I said thank you as well." I spoke.

"You can tell her yourself." Logan said.

I wanted to ask what he meant until Laura jumped from atop one of the nearby trees and landed in front of me.

Me wondering how long she was up there waiting.

No seriously.

Because even with all my powers I can still never tell when Laura gets close to me and invades my personal space unless I see her with my own eyes.

It's equal parts cool and slightly disturbing.

If I wasn't leaving this place I would ask her to teach me how she does it.

Well maybe one day when we see each other again I will.

Because just because I am leaving the Institute doesn't mean I'm cutting off contact with the friends I've made here.

That was a non-starter from the get-go.

Standing to her feet Laura looked me directly in my eyes.

Me not flinching in the slightest under her gaze and staring right back at her.

"You are leaving." Laura stated. Making a statement and not asking a question.

"Yes." I replied. "I need to do some things which I cannot do while as a student in this place."

"Okay." Laura said.

She then shocked the hell out of me by suddenly pulling me close and giving me a hug.

"Do not die." She spoke.

Releasing from the impromptu hug after a few seconds.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

Still processing that Laura just hugged me.

It wouldn't shock me this much if a hug came from a normal person, but this is Laura Kinney we're talking about.

Genetically engineered and abused trainied assassin.

Yet she just showed me, a guy she's only known for a month, some affection and concern.

I have no idea what it means, especially since Laura is still wearing a blank expression on her face even now, but I'll take it as a win.

My lips couldn't help but form into a smile.

After they did so I turned away from Logan and Laura and started making my way off the property and toward the nearest town.

Reaching it, I found a train terminal and paid for a ticket to take me into the city.

My destination already set.

177A Bleecker Street.

The New York Sanctum.

It's time to learn some magic.

Next chapter