
Chapter 2

“I am so sorry!” I gasped when I realised that I’d knocked coffee all down the officer’s front.

He was still gripping my elbow when he spoke. “Don’t worry about it. I should have been watching where I was going.”

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice and I looked up, craning my neck to see his face.

That’s when my heart practically stopped.

He was so tall that he towered over me and his broad shoulders must have been twice the width of my own. Not to mention he was drop dead gorgeous with sun tanned skin and dark chocolate hair that looked like he’d simply run it back with his fingers when he got out of bed that morning

Even with all that it was his eyes that really drew me in. The perfect shade of blue sparked down at me when his eyes locked with mine.

“Please, let me replace it,” I stuttered, struggling over my tongue which had gone bone dry.

“Perhaps another time,” he suggested. “I have somewhere I need to be.”