
An Odd Little Girl

If monsters were a thing, what else was there? Spirits, beasts, vampires, werewolves, witches, wizards, holy creatures, demons, angels - that covers most of them. Who knew what else was there? If that didn’t make it dangerous enough, how about telling you that I live right beside a ravine that had a waterfall flowing into it and a lake at the bottom? Oh, and a valley between several mountains that had numerous forests in it with a jungle right around the corner. Yeah, that’s exactly where I live. In this weird, fantasy world.

Ahin_Apelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


3rd Person P.O.V

After 2 days, they reached the borders of Courheth. Just one more day of walking and they'd reach the village. Of course, it wasn't easy at all. Alyth has less stamina and energy than Mallo or Ribius, so either of the two had to pick her up every 30 minutes or so, considering she's a 3-year-old, and it's the middle of winter.

The fact that she doesn't remember her father relieves Mallo a lot. He knows that it isn't a good thing, but she'll be in more pain if she remembers. At least, that's what Mallo thinks. Ribius would probably agree as well.

Alyth was sensitive. Emotionally sensitive, even though she has the mental mind of a 25-year-old.

Although it's been 3 years since she died and was reborn, her mind stayed that of a 25-year-old woman. She doesn't know why, and she technically has two minds, her childish mind, and her adult mind. Sometimes, it's hard to differentiate between the two minds, and they often get mixed up, causing her adult mind to be much more childish than it should be.

Even though she knows what to do at most times, her baby body doesn't allow her to do what she can do. For example, when she first tried to hold a spoon (most utensils in Masilta are made of wood because everyone is super poor, they can't afford steel or silver ones), her hand couldn't grip it very well. Even though she knows how to hold it, and where to apply her strength, her baby body reacts like that, not allowing her to do things she isn't supposed to do.

Also, when she tried to speak for the absolute first time, it was hard. Her tongue just wouldn't pronounce every word. She didn't have teeth either. All she said at first was gibberish. Slowly, after a lot of practice, her mouth got used to it and she started speaking.

Still, her body was the body of a child named Alyth. She was just Emme. A 25-year-old Emme from the 21st century. She had thought about it. Why was she reincarnated, or reborn, or whatever? Is there a purpose? Or was it a natural thing? If it was, then how come she has her memories of her past life? If other people were reborn in this world, do they have their memories too? Or perhaps, each person gets reborn in a different world?

She had no idea. Whenever she asked Mallo, he said there had to be a purpose, that it can't be an accident or coincidence, but other than that, he doesn't know.

At the same time, another thought appeared in her mind. She doesn't have a lot of relationships. She doesn't know things. Not enough about this world. Too naive. Well, come on, she's 3, but it's good to know things, right?

The only people she really trusts are Mallo and Ribius, at most, maybe Vinaha too. Aside from everyone who went out for the Eveldelsa. Some kids in the village as well, but she's not particularly close to any of those brats, they were too... kiddy...? She couldn't get along with them like how she gets along with Ribius.

When she asked if they could read books together, they acted as if she was a nerd (kinda is), and stopped playing with her. All they did was make mud potions, Alyth didn't care about mud potions!!

Oh, the torture they made her go through. Once, they had forced her to hold a caterpillar, and she had fainted. Mallo obviously got angry and spoke with their parents, but those kids didn't play with her ever again. She was boring, all she did was read books, she was younger than most of them, she asked too many questions, she didn't play most of their games, and she's just... Odd. So they left her alone.

Not that she needed them. In her first life, she wasn't much of a reader. At all. All she read were fanfictions and manga. But in this world, reading books and getting knowledge is important, thus, while doing something important (reading), she enjoyed it.

She reads every type of book now. Except for the ones Mallo doesn't allow her to read. She was capable!

When coming to this world, she realized how interesting it was. She isn't the type to love adventure, in fact, she was very lazy, but now that she's here, it all seems so fun and exciting...

She wasn't a fighting or magic maniac or anything, she only enjoyed reading books with Ribius, and spending time with her best friends. Since Mallo and Ribius understood her and she spent her entire life with them, she's comfortable showing her true side.

They wouldn't judge her.

They all trust each other.

They all protect each other and Masilta.

They understand each other.

They have fun together.

They were indeed best friends.

It was a miracle that Alyth didn't forget about Halvort and everyone else, it has been around 2 years. But that was natural. Her memory as a baby itself wasn't great, but her adult memory could remember their faces, their voices, and their names.

She could've sworn both her memories remember someone with red hair, but she called it a 'mystery' she'll find out about later. She was in no rush. When she heard they were going to find everyone who left, she got all excited. She was finally exploring somewhere that wasn't her village and the Capital.

Ever since 2 years ago, Mallo and Ribius went out regularly into the Capital, once every month or so. But she's never been to any place other than Masilta and the Capital.

Now, she had the energy of a damn demon. Jumping everywhere, killing many monsters and Abanders, hunting, and running through the place.

"Alyth, calm down. Running around like that will only waste your damn energy." Commented Mallo. Alyth responded with a laugh, "Yeah, true."

Ribius, reading his book and walking next to Mallo, while Alyth was on the other side of Mallo. "Hey, Mallo, can I ask you something?" Mallo nodded at her. "Do you love Vinaha? She seems to like you," She was quite forward with that question, it left Mallo surprised and Ribius's mouth fell agape.

"....Hah? What are you talking about?" Alyth smirked. Mallo knew at this point that there's no return... Ribius seemed to want an answer as well.

"I... Well, Vinaha is a good lady...?" Nope, that wasn't doing it for Alyth and Ribius.

Ribius seemed to want an answer NOW, like he was angry at Mallo. Alyth was only excited that one of her friends could be getting into a relationship. "Okay, fine, I am not thinking about marriage or any of that. If I did though, I would probably ask Vinaha out, but I am not interested."

Ribius sighed of relief, and Alyth frowned. "Seriously... Well, at least you're admitting your feelings for her." Mallo glanced at Alyth. "I never said that," Alyth smirked. "Well, you meant it." Ribius glared at Alyth.

"What." She deadpanned at Ribius, who was literally raging. "But you do realize she could ask you out, right? She likes you," Mallo nodded. "I know, when the time comes, I'll decide what to do then, if I'd marry her or not."

Alyth giggled.

Alyth's P.O.V

"We should set our tents now. Ribius, can you go hunt a boar or something? Alyth and I will set up the tents and fire." Ribius nodded and pulled back deep into the woods. I gathered some small sticks and brushed the snow off of them.

Mallo muttered out a few words and his pebble glowed brightly in green color. A large bag popped up in front of him and he opened it up, setting up the tent.

After Mallo had set the tent up, he helped me make a fire. All he needed is a small spell. "Asr Okalia Ji Rafta Oela Wa Sok Da Phatra Lo Sa." That was a spell for a breath of fire.

He opened his mouth a bit, lips slightly apart, and huffed. When he huffed, a small fireball shot out and lit the sticks. My cheeks warmed up. He looks super cool when he does that thing. Also--


Like wow, I can't even- It's just so amazing! I can't believe that I am living in a world of MAGIC! Like, fantasy! A reincarnation Manga! Ahhhhhh!!!!--


"Mallo?" He hummed at me. "Can you teach me these small spell things?" He paused. He put down his boar meat skewer and crossed his right leg over his left leg.

He stroked his glasses in amusement and looked at me as if I asked something INSANELY interesting. Did I?

"Why do you want to learn that?" Ribius also paused and looked at Mallo intriguingly.

"Um, I just think it looks cool," I answered truthfully. Mallo frowned at me. "That's the only reason?" I nodded skeptically.

Did I say something wrong?

"Do you think you'll survive for so long using spells because they look 'cool'?" What? Why is he talking to me like that?

"Well, what did I expect? You're still an ignorant brat. Too naive." I dropped my skewer onto the ground. "Why are you saying that?" He scoffed.

"Even if you are older than you seem, you still don't know anything about this world. It's cruel. What world did you even live in before? It was a world with no magic or monsters, right?" I clenched my hands.

Why is he so rude?

"You've only lived for three years-- almost four. What do you think you know? Just because you read so many books doesn't mean you know everything. All you faced is Abanders going around Masilta and some magicless monsters like Wicked Dwarfs."

I frowned. Why is he being like this? It's true, I don't know anything yet, but he doesn't have to point it out like that!

"I can fight other monsters too! I just haven't had the chance! Plus, if you teach me those small spells, I can fight even more monsters, since my and Ribius's elements aren't evolved enough to use yet!" Mallo stood up.

He walked towards me and leaned at me. "Are you sure about that?" I nodded, definitely determined.

But all I felt was something rushing up my throat, only to find out that I had puked blood.

"ALYTH!!! MALLO, HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!?!" Ribius yelled as he ran towards me and hugged me.

Mallo had kicked me in the stomach with magic. Ribius is right, did he go insane? I am 3... If I didn't protect my belly with magic before he hit me, I really would've died.

"That, would be how a Magicless dwarf can hurt you."


___End Of Chapter 15___



Sorry it was short, but frick I have school soon so I can't really- You know. I wanted it to be longer, so I might edit it later.

Bye byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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