
An Odd Little Girl

If monsters were a thing, what else was there? Spirits, beasts, vampires, werewolves, witches, wizards, holy creatures, demons, angels - that covers most of them. Who knew what else was there? If that didn’t make it dangerous enough, how about telling you that I live right beside a ravine that had a waterfall flowing into it and a lake at the bottom? Oh, and a valley between several mountains that had numerous forests in it with a jungle right around the corner. Yeah, that’s exactly where I live. In this weird, fantasy world.

Ahin_Apelle · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Mallo's P.O.V

A month has passed, winter snow has started to fall, and we took a break from aura and magic. Except, Ribius kept going. At night, when his mother wasn't awake, he'd practice in his room.

After I realized that Ribius seemed to be sleepy and tired when we're together, I forced him to take a break like the rest of them and stopped his aura source with a magic spell. However, we do gather aura once in a while indoors, so they don't forget.

And right now, we're in the library. Alyth was reading a novel of some sort, Ribius read some sci-fi, and I read a newspaper. I read the pages quickly but carefully, to avoid missing something important, or a mention of an Eveldelsa from five months ago. But found nothing of the sort.

I sighed. Five months passed so slowly. The spell that I put on Alyth worked so far, and it'll stay until she sees her father.

It's the beginning of the first month, and snow is piling up. We'll have to stop using natural aura until Spring. I glanced at the two kids sitting in front of me. Alyth is a year and four months, while Ribius is ten years old.

Much has passed, and much is to come. But right now, in this snowy season*, there's no way a thing can be done. We can practice indoors every day, but that's way too dangerous.

I kept looking at the newspaper, going through its pages twice and thrice, to make sure I didn't miss anything, and I didn't. Maybe... maybe Angyar and the others haven't started their fight and they're only camping or planning out their attack.

"Mallo, is something wrong?" I heard a soft voice say. I turned around and saw Vinaha (Vindra's sister). "No, I am just a little worried for Angyar and the others." Vinaha sighed. "I am honestly really worried too, but we can't do anything." I nodded. If only there was a way to contact them…

Contact them?

...Oh yes, contact them. Using magic. Why hadn't I thought of this before? If I concentrate long enough, I can use telepathy. I slammed the newspaper onto the table, gaining the kids' attention and Vinaha's. "Mallo?"

"This is it! Telepathy!" I said with a wide smile. "Telepathy? Mind communication? What about it?" Questioned Ribius. I looked at him. "We can contact Angyar and everyone else." His eyes widened. "Seriously..?" I nodded.

Alyth seems to feel familiar with the name, but she can't figure him out. "Wah…? Telepathy? Mallo use telepathy?" She asked. "If I concentrate long enough, I could." Alyth and Ribius glance at each other. "Excuse me, Vinaha. I'll have to get going." She nods in confusion.

I got up from the table and pushed back my chair, and Alyth and Ribius followed me.

We were at my house. "So? How do you do it?" Asked Ribius. The corners of my mouth turned up to form a smirk. "Watch."

3rd Person P.O.V

Mallo sat on his bed with his eyes fully closed and in deep concentration. Ribius and Alyth felt aura gathering in one place. Much, much aura. "M-Mallo, you okay?" Alyth felt herself tremble.

There was lots of aura in the same place. Alyth and Ribius both were worried about Mallo. He was sensitive to a lot of aura in the same place. Even though Alyth asked him if he was okay, he didn't answer.

"His concentration is so immense, he can't hear us," Ribius said to Alyth, knowing she heard it when she nodded. They stared at him, hoping they could know how to do what he's doing.

Ribius knew. He knew he'd gain nothing from watching Mallo. So he sat next to him and did what he was doing. And it clicked for Alyth. 'Ribius is doing this so that aura in larger form could be easily accessed using him! Ribius is gathering the aura so Mallo can take it from him!' She thought to herself.

"Crap…" She heard Mallo mutter. He opened his eyes and stood up. When Ribius felt that the source of magic in the form of a black hole (since Mallo was taking every aura he can) had stopped taking aura, he broke off his concentration and stood up too.

"I can't reach them. They must have reached the East mountains by now, but there is no aura there that can connect us to them. Meaning…" Ribius and Alyth nodded.

"Meaning they can't use magic. Just weapons." Alyth gasped while Ribius's eyes widened at this. "Th-that can't be! How will they fight? How about Angyar? How can he use magic?!" Mallo lowered his gaze. He knew about that, but it's not like he can do anything.

"I don't know…" Mallo couldn't answer. He couldn't find an answer. Not when he had a million things on his mind. One of them was if Alyth remembers Angyar, but it seems that she only knows about the Eveldelsa, not about Angyar.

Another thing was that Mallo wanted to go. He wanted to help them in any way he can, but who would protect the village? Ribius and Alyth aren't ready yet!

"Mallo! Answer me!" Ribius demanded. "I… I don't know…" Mallo clenched his fist. "Then what will happen to them?!" Alyth felt the suffocating pressure and dark atmosphere. She wanted them to stop.

So she cried. "Alyth? What's wrong?!" Mallo kneeled down next to her and held her chin up. "What's wrong?" He repeated quietly as he wiped her tears. "Stop… fighting…" She wiped the remaining of her tears with her arm.

Mallo had a sad look on his face. "I am so sorry." He held her against his chest tightly. "It's all my fault. I am so sorry." Alyth stopped crying, but her hiccups remained. Ribius couldn't deny that he also was in fault, but he was worried for everyone. Worried about what will happen to them.

Mallo let go of Alyth and the guilty look on his face was still visible. "Alyth… I am sorry too." Ribius admitted. Alyth shook her head. "It's okay. Alyth just don't like fighting." He smiled, thinking everything was solved.

But they forgot. They forgot what they had done to Mallo.

____Two Weeks Later____

Alyth's P.O.V

"What mean by 'not like that'?!" I yelled. "That's exactly what I am saying! It's not 'what mean' it's what do YOU mean!" Ribius doesn't usually yell, but I guess I am the one making him yell. I know that it's not 'what mean', but I usually forget 'you' when I am speaking like that. How do I explain this to him?

"...Alyth." I glanced at him. His form of calling me was pretty serious, unlike when he just yelled. I tilted my head to show confusion. "Have you seen… Mallo not researching?" Instant gloom filled the library. The library is usually empty, people not interested in books and history.

I shook my head. Ever since two weeks ago, Mallo has been only writing and reading. Reading strict history books about magic and writing every important info point.

This is all probably so he can find out some way to contact everyone or find a way to help them. Whenever I try to stop him from working so hard and doing everything on his own, he answers by "Are you saying I should leave them face whatever comes by themselves?" So I can't respond or stop him.

"We have stop him-"


"Shut up!!"

"You only say that right."


___End Of Chapter 11___

Hello! This was a long chapter to write (it's always a long chapter for you to write, Apelle.) Oh yeah, Ahin Apelle is a pseudonym, meaning it isn't my real name. Anyway! School is starting soon, and I am reading a lot of books.

I want to explain lots of things!

First, is the first star (*). I sort of lost count, so let's start all over again!

There's 10 months in a year in this story. So there's every month except November and December. Alyth's birthday is in October 5th, the last month, which is why she's a year old after the Eveldelsa.

From October, its straight to January. Which is why she said it was spring when she was 5 months old, because from October, it goes, Jan, Feb, Mar, APRIL! April is spring, and October counts as a whole month because she was born on the 5th, so that's 5 months until April, meaning it was spring. But I forgot about the weather before, when she was 10 months old and stuff.

Now I will pay attention to the weather and months, and will most likely keep a calendar within the story to keep whoever is reading this not confused. Right now, it's the first of January. Lots have happened, but forget everything exept Angyar and everyone's Eveldelsa, and let's begin again, this time with no confusion.

Now that we're done with that, I just wanted to say that I will make a few seperate chapters for: Ribius when he was 5 years old, Evelion and Sevelion's childhood and past, Angyar's Eveldelsa and how everyone is doing, and much more.

I will count Evelion and Sevelion's chapters a side chapter, so as Ribius's because those were in the past.

Angyar's Eveldelsa is present so it will not be a side chapter.

Lastly, thanks SO MUCH to anyone who's actually reading this. I am trying to write more and make everything more believable, trust me, and I always sit on my desk trying to figure out some good chapters to write about, and maybe to connect a few chapters instead of making every chapter seperate.

Once again, I am so happy that at least one person is reading this, so I am constantly trying to add in some cool mysteries and some action to keep them entertained. And in a few more chapters, something really interesting will happen, something unexpected, and much more! I promise that this is only the 10th chapter, and things will become more interesting soon! So, please keep reading this, whoever you are! You have no idea how much I am glad to have someone reading a stupid fantasy of mine.


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