
An Ocean Away

A girl who has just been heartbroken meets a guy. He heals her heart and falls for her. With the feelings mutual, they are together and happy. The only thing about this relationship is that it is a long-distance relationship and they aren't able to meet. There are many events that are going to happen with these two. Will you join them on their journey of love?

Cheerful_Panda · Teen
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The Boy From Online

It's been 3 months since she broke up with him, the guy who she thought loved her. He broke her heart and left her with no explanation. Leaving her with thoughts that she wasn't enough, that it was her fault, that she wasn't even enough for the simple sentence, "I don't love you anymore" or some variation of that. She's over it now though. It just took a couple of weeks of crying, questioning, comfort from friends, and time alone. Happy now with no boy problems and no drama. It's almost the end of summer vacation and school's starting in 2 and a half weeks. Not ready for that honestly. It's the start of her first year in high school. The girl that has gone through this is Linda, 14 years old, single, has caring friends, and a new addiction to video games.

*Linda's POV*

It's night time now... I should play some matches on Pugb with my friends before I go to sleep.

Calling Emi and Gina...

"Hey, do you guys wanna play some matches on Pugb with me?" (Linda)

"Sure," (Emi)

"Yeah, just wait a sec," (Gina)

"Okay," (Linda)

"I'm on there," (Emi)

"Same here," (Gina)

"Okay! Let's go!" (Linda)

Call ended...

A couple of matches in, the girls were talking, and then they heard another voice. The voice was from their other teammate. It was a boy? His voice was really deep for one, maybe he's a man. You never know though, can't judge a person's age by their voice. He has a British accent, which is soothing and nice to listen to. Not a creepy thought at all, right? Welp, that's what Linda was thinking. It seemed like he was singing. After listening to him, they decided to compliment him. Saying his voice was deep and that his singing was amazing. Soon, Linda and this anonymous British guy were talking and playing in the match, while her friends were listening and texting back and forth teasing her. Things like "Ooo, she likes him," and, "Maybe he likes you > - <!". Getting to know him she finds out that he is actually 15, is from Germany but living in Britain, and is African. His name is Jeremy, but many people call him Jay. After this, they tell each other that they'll add each other and play more matches together.