
9. An unexpected night.

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a white ceiling, I was in the infirmary.

remembering all the previous events, I just got up and went home with a blank mind.

while I was walking, I heard someone calling me, but I couldn't process anything and just looked at a blond hair out of the corner of my eye as I continued on my way...

I arrived at a park, and I sat on an empty bench, while I watched the children play, I was able to recover my consciousness a bit and think clearly.

If I have the lightning affinity... it would be impossible not to attract attention, I would be hunted and used as a cow to produce such an affinity in quantity, and one would say, fucking every day is every man's dream and you reject it and that's it?

well, no brother, it is not like that, the first thing they will do is put me in a machine and suck me dry, it would be the simple thing, the second thing is that they would do experiments that I do not want to imagine with me to see the qualities of my magic and I would be denied freedom Until I die, it doesn't matter that I am a student at the academy under the wing of the director, the government will do whatever it takes to get my body, and that's only if the king doesn't allow it and sends me to other domains for more experiments with to achieve a better peace in the name of the world.

The reason for all this commotion is because 500 years ago, there was a great war with all 4 races together against the demon god, when it was thought that they were going to lose, 4 unknown heroes entered the battle together with the emperor of humans. and they were able to even the battle and seal it in the end.

The elf hero had an affinity with sound and could also make a "vacuum" which was a variation of the wind, he was able to leave only a hole where there once was a city, the dwarf had a variation with metals, his metals were harder Like the diamond, the demon had jet flames instead of normal red, capable of burning dragons and never being able to go out.

The reason for not mentioning it before is that those elements were almost impossible to have with those variables since the user would have to spend decades training to be able to understand the meaning of each one, there are other magic variables but they can become rarer or less rare as it depends on the user's understanding.

the emperor had the wind attribute, ice attribute, and the light attribute of the goddess, although it may seem similar to normal light, its firepower was not, legend has it that the goddess herself came down and gave the gift to the emperor so that he can help in the battle against the demon god, the other human was the rarest among all since there was never a similar case, his attribute was lightning, it was not a variation of some basic element, it was a lost element, a You see in the entire history of the earth and he never reappeared again, the legend says that this hero appeared out of nowhere and after the war he went somewhere and there were never any reports of him again, not a family or anything.

And now it turns out that I am the one with the lightning affinity, I feel that my whole life will go down the drain and there will be no turning back, I should leave here, to some town far from everything, just like that-

I looked to my left and saw her.

red eyes, long white hair, and a pair of forward-pointing black horns.

Aiko Evilness.

what is she doing here? she should be with the police looking for her mother even until midnight.

cutting my train of thought, Aiko told me.

- Did you see my mother?

I could only roll my eyes and answer him.

"How can I know who your mother was? If I never saw her?

Aiko had a blank, hollow look as she blurted out words.

- My mother has the same appearance as my hair, which is white, but hers is black.

"excuse me, I came to rethink my life and I'm only here for 5 minutes, I didn't see anyone with your description

- ...I see, sorry for asking.

While she got up with her eyes unfocused, I had the idea of doing my bit and helping her a little.

"Why don't you call your father and ask him? Maybe he can help you

-I thought so too but I don't want to bother him and make him worry.

"Don't tell him that your mother is not here, would it worry him, wouldn't it?

- You're right, sorry, my head is still in a mess I can't think clearly, I'll contact him now.

She took out a sphere from I don't know where, and after shining for a couple of seconds, the face of a white-haired man appeared and the first thing she said when she saw his daughter was:

- how are you my dearest most beautiful spring candy-

Aiko screamed with tears in her eyes.

- dad! please help me, mom got lost.

-... breathes sky, breathes and tells me.

'how well do they get along

I thought as he listened to them.

After listening to Aiko tell everything that happened to her father, the demon king only said:


'what nerves of steel.

While he watched, I couldn't help but marvel at his great mental resistance to not lose his composure before the kidnapping of his wife, for now, let's see how this ends.

- I suspect it was humans who did it.

- that? as you say-

- shhh honey, I know it must be hard to believe but there are no other options, seeing that she wasn't waiting for you outside the bathroom, it would be impossible for her to leave you out of the blue, and since you couldn't find her even with the help of the police, it must have been planned, The serious question why do they want your mother, her mana core maybe?

"and if they want yours and they just caught her as bait for you

the accumulated anger of the demon king was released at me at that moment.

- and who asked for your opinion despicable human-

- dad! He is the one who advised me to call you, please behave.

- is that so? ok, since I have no way to reach you right now, I'll ask the director of All to go over there, tell that human to help you, and HEY YOU HUMAN, IF MY WIFE DOESN'T SHOW UP, I WILL TEAR YOUR FLESH OF THE BODY AND THEN I WILL BRING THE-

While he watched the sphere go off, Aiko turned to me and said:

- please, I know you are a total stranger, even useless in battle, but you belong to the same academy as me and I can't do it alone right now, my mind is a mess with every second that passes by knowing that my mother can be being moved further away from me.

'How direct, but he is not wrong.

I looked at the girl who had tears in her eyes and went over my options, if I helped her, I would get a favor from the famous demon king, known as the hunter and creator of artifacts, and the favor of one of the future girls of kiriko, thinking in my pros and cons, which are to die by getting against that king's adviser if they discover me I could only say.

"I will do it in exchange for 3 things"

- I'll do whatever, please.

'Don't tempt me, please.

"I want a mask, a reward after this and never ever, you will mention this to others except for your father who will reward me, is that clear?

- I have it, please help me.

'How innocent.

I thought before hitting her on the forehead


- why did you hit me!?

"You're too innocent, what if I were one of them? You should make me sign a mana contract before agreeing to something so delicate."

-But I can't think clearly, I'm scared.

Aiko said as she held her arms and trembled, I guess it must be the fear of being alone against the world.

"ha...it's normal to have it, for that you need to learn from your father and not lose your composure, it's not that he's not afraid of losing his wife, seeing how he treated you, he must be scared to death if it happens to him something, but still he was able to think clearly. if you don't face fear, it will block your mind and if it blocks your mind, you won't be able to act when you need to, carve this in your mind, your enemies will never expect you to recover They will try to kill you if they see the opportunity.

Seeing her give me a nod I asked her for a mana contract, she took out a contract from her storage ring and we signed that in exchange for helping her find her mother, she will make her father reward me, I didn't think I needed to put anything as serious as not telling anyone, since the punishment for non-compliance would be to lose something depending on the quality of the contract, in the worst case a person would lose their life due to non-compliance. so she just tried not to tell a stranger about the secret and I decided to trust her.

Little did I know that confidence would bite me in the ass a few days later.

As she took out from her storage ring a beautiful black full-face mask with gaps for the eyes, there were blue lines on the sides that matched my eyes, I put it on and received from her a simple katana, but since she is the daughter of the demon king nothing she has should be simple.

I asked her if she had a way to locate her mother, and she told me that her father gave her a compass that points to the location of her family members, she did not take it out before because although she was innocent, she was not stupid, her His father told him never to take out the compass in front of the eyes of others and he did so, he trusted the police who said that his mother was nearby, so he thought that it was not necessary to take it out.

we ran for 30 minutes, and I must say that if she hadn't given me stamina potions, she would have given me up long ago, I must exercise.

We arrived at an abandoned workshop, strangely the place seemed empty, I never let my guard down, I observed all the corners and we entered.

When I entered the whole place it was empty and it was dark, the only light was at the bottom of what seemed like a double door, when I got there I felt a Deja bu, and memories of the game came back to me when Aiko discovered the death of her father, the whole area where She was at that moment and ended up charred by her flames that got out of control, my sister didn't tell me anything else because she says that the screen went black for a moment and she jumped to the next scene.

so I stopped and asked her for an advanced healing potion, she gave me a weird look for a second and handed it to me, and I told her to wait she would see the perimeter if there were any traps.

and when I entered and saw what was inside, I felt how humanity in this world can also do whatever it takes to get more things.

In a chair full of dried blood, there was a woman, clothes in tatters, cuts everywhere, her fingers were in the wrong positions along with her nails and other things that are not visible to the naked eye, if it were not for her small breath, I would think she was dead.

Holding back all the urge to comment on this scene since there is a girl behind the door, I went over and put the bottle in her mouth, and seeing that she didn't seem to swallow, I could only tell her at that moment.

"Your daughter is waiting for you to come back.

and as if she took what was left of her will, she swallowed once, then 2, and so on until she finished it, I saw how her wounds began to close and I marveled at the advances in the medicine of demons.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she said was:

- Where is my daughter?

The door was flung open and I heard a scream.

- Mommy!!!

I could only see that scene with nostalgia, I remembered how one of the few beings who gave me love in my childhood was my mother and while I was thinking about the past, I felt cold on the back of my neck and I ran towards the mother and daughter hugging each other, and a sensation It gave me a stab in the back and when I turned around and saw there was a rough-looking man, bald,...

'this guy won't be broke right?'

- b-rank assassin, Mark tones, get off my kill, kid

'great, I didn't even get to practice my swordsmanship today and I have to face hired killers'

"If one of them dies, some guy will kill me."

- as you like child

said the bald man and pounced on me.

there will be the ranks of nobles that are.

1 King

2 Arch Duke

3 Duke

4 prince

5 Marquess

6 Count

7 Viscount

8 Baron

Andre_Saavedracreators' thoughts
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