
Taijutsu Class

After the ninjutsu class was taijutsu class, so we were all tolf to move to the training grounds, meeting up with Naruto, we both walked out together.

"What do you think we'll be learning today??" Naruto asked me

"I dont know, but it probably has something to do with taijutsu"


He stared at me deadeyed for a second and just continued walking. We all got to the training grounds and Iruka sensei was there waiting for us in front of the shuriken pratice area.

'I guess we're having Shuriken pratice today' I think to myself. Iruka Sensei immediately began the class as soon as we all arrived.

"Today's taijutsu class will be a test of your shuriken skills, i'm sure most of you have never touched a shuriken before but you wont be the only ones so dont worry about messing up.As soon as i call your name, you come forward and have your turn."

After saying that he called a name and instructed the rest of us to move behind a protective cover made of earth. We could still see through the tiny holes on the wall but it would protect us from any stray shurikens.

The kid he called walked forward for his turn and picked up a shuriken from the rack,he was told to stand about 30metres from the target , he took a stance and threw the shuriken at the target. Staring at the shuriken, i saw that it missed the target completely. He still had two chances though but i doubt he wcould do better in two chances. When i stsrted learning to throw shurikens with Naruto, i remember that it took me about a week before having my first hit at the same distance he's throwing his.,Naruto also took a while, even longer than i did.

Picking a second shuriken, this time he was shaking probably worried after missing his first throw, Iruka sensei saw this and walked up to him and said some words which visibly made him calm down. Gathering up the courage he threw his second shuriken but missed again.

This tI'mme he didnt seem that shaken by the result as he almost immediately picked up his third shuriken and threw it. But just like the first and second time he misssed again though this time it was closer to the target. Done with his turn, Iruka Sensei asked him to move behind the cover at well and called the next person, he called all the civilian kids and just like the first guy all of them missed the target with their throws. After calling all the civilian kids he finally called my name.

I walked forward and picked my first shuriken as i had my first throw, the shuriken spinned through the air as it met the target directly at the center.

I could hear gasps and exclamations from the other kids, it probablt came as a shock since i was a lso a civilian kid like them, they probably weren't expecting much, though some of them didnt seem that suprised just like most of the clan heirs, they must have figured that i had shuriken skills from my spar, though i didnt throw that many shurikens during the spar most people could determine from my throw that i had atleast basic shuriken throwing skills.

My second and third throw also met the center of the target and Iruka Sensei asked me to move behind the cover and called Naruto up as the next person. Naruto also hit the center with all his throws and then Iruka sensei moved on to the Clan heirs. I realized that he avoided calling any clan heir till he called all the civilian kids, he probably didnt want the civilian kids to be under alot of pressure. The clan heirs all had their turns and the difference between them and the civilian kids was quickly shown.

Though they didnt all have perfect throws, they all hit the target. Unlike the first class, Iruka sensei didnt rank us, i guess he couldnt really make a ranking when about 5 of us all had perfect scores though most of us already knew what we would rank. I would probably lose against the other 4 kids that had perfect scores, though my throwing stance corrected itself from continous training, it still wouldnt compare to someone that was taught the right way.

Ending the taijutsu class, we all moved back into the classroom for the remaining classes of the day. They were all normal classes that i mostly had no interest in and that was how the day ended.

Time skip incoming

David_F365creators' thoughts