

Getting up from my bed, i rushed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have my batj before rushing out and dressing up. Today is the day i will finally gradute from the academy and become a genin so i am really excited. I can finally take my first step into becoming a ninja.

I was out my room and out of the house almost immediately after having my breakfast and saying goodbye to my parents. Naruto and i are supposed to meet up in front of his house so i rushed towards his house.

I met up with him and i could see that he was also really excited for today. He hasnt mastered the three academy jutsus but he does have really high scores in his taijutsu and academic aspects so i think he should be able to pass if barely.

We got to the academy earlier than usual and i was suprised to see that most of our classmates were already in school.

"Wow, almost everyone is around" Naruto said

"Yeah, i guess we aren't the only ones excited for today" I replied him

Iruka sensei waited for everyone to arrive before he and some other examiners decided to start the exams, we already had a written and taijutsu exam so today was just for ninjutsu. We all waited outside as our names were called and we moved into the classroom one by one.

I was called into the class before Naruto so i walked in as he wished me goodluck.

"You're Kiyoshi right??" A man i had'nt seen before not in the anime or in this life asked

"Yes sir" I replied

"Your test is to perform the three basic academy jutsus" He said and i nodded. It was exactly the same as the anime so i wasn't really nervous as i performed the three jutsus. After that i was given the forehead protector and congratulated as i officially became a Genin.

I was so excited as i walked out of the class with forehead protector in my hands but i didn't let my excitment show on my face as i walked towards Naruto. I wasn't sure if he was going to pass and i didn't want him to feel very bad about it if he failed.

"You passed!!" Naruto said qith visible excitement on his face

"Yes i did" I replied in a perfunctory tone without any excitement on my face.

"Why are you not excited??" Naruto asked suprised at my lack of enthusiasm.

"I knew i would pass so its not that exciting and besides even if i didn't pass, it's not like it's the end of the world so i don't think it'sthat big of a deal" i replied

"Of course it's a big deal, you're now a genin, oficially a ninja" He said clearly exasparated at my reaction.

"It's not like i wasn't stromger than genin's before i passed the test so it doesn't really make that much of a difference" I said to him but this he just ignored me. I knew i had achieved my goal, if he eventually fails then i can just console him with the fact that it wasn't that big a deal and if he passes i can stop the act.

We waited for a while before it was his turn and then after a while he came out. I could see the sadness on his face as he walked towards me and i knew he probably failed. I walked towards him and hugged him.

"Don't worry about it, you can always try next time, it's not that big a deal if you failed" i said trying to console him though it didn't seems to make any difference as he hugged me and i could feel tears on my cloth

" But i really wanted to pass, so that i can become a ninja with you and maybe we could be in the same team and " he tried to continue but he couldnt as his emotiins got the better of him.

"Don't worry i can wait till you pass your exams before taking the chunnin exams so we can both be genins at the same time and maybe even get the chance to be in the same squad"

"Really, you'd do that for me??" Naruto asked as he separated from the hug and looked at my face

"Yes , you're my friend so why not"

It seemed that he finally calmed down as he cleaned his tears.

"You're right, it's not that big a deal if i fail once, i'll just ry harder next time besides i'm going to become Hokage, i cant let something as little as this hold me back" Naruto said.

I knew that he was just saying that to console himself but i didn't know what to say so i just nodded . I could see that a lot of people passed and while some people also failed, they were in the minority.

Iruka sensei and the others came out of the class as the test ended and congratulated all of us that passed and wished those that didn't better luck next time.

The other senseis left as Iruka asked all of us that passed to get into the classroom.

I asked Naruto to wait for me as i walked into the classroom with the others. Iruka sensei walked in and congratulated all of us once again before telling us that we would be all be didvide into the our squads the next day and we should all be in the academy in the morning the next day.

I walked out as he was done and looked around for Naruto but i couldn't find him, i knew he wouldn't leave me so i looked around for him before i finally saw him on the roof talking with Mizuki. It seemed they were done as Mizuki appeared in front of me with Naruto.

"Mizuki sensei" I greeted him

"Hmm, congratulations on becoming a genin" he said

"Thank you sensei" i replied

"Well, i'll be on my way" he said as he walked away

"Let's go" Naruto said as he started walking and i followed him. I could guess what they were talking about but i dint ask Naruto anything because i knew this was very important to him becoming who he became in the anime.

We both walked to my house since my mum had told me to come home with him to celebrate our graduation in the morning. I was pretty sure that he wouldn't want to go since he failed but i guess what Mizuki said cleared his depression.