
First fight

Its been a week since i resumed at the academy and it has been okay, i finally remember why i hated school so much. Though its probably because we've not had any classes on chakra control or any spars.

Today's supposed to be the day we start learning taijutsu and ninjutsu. Im so exivted thinking about it.

Meeting up with Naruto in our usual spot, i think about our training sessions this last week. Because we realized that academy classes might disturb our normal sessions,we decided to move it to after academy classes before going home everyday except on weekends when we have our training sessions at thenormal time.

Our first class for the day was taijutsu and we were all asked to move to the training field.

Iruka sensei gave all of us a sparring patner and i was really suprised when Naruto was put against Sasuke. I guess their rivalry really was destined. Though Naruto and i had been training for a while, we didnt have any proper taijutsu training while as a clan heir Sasuke already got taijustu training and he also had one tomoe sharingan already so i dont see anyway Naruto is bearing him.

My fight was against a civilian kid called Yato. I already realized that Naruto and i would have adisadvantage against clan heirs without any taijutsu training so i had my parents get both Naruto and J some shurikens and a ninja pouch. It was really hard to get my parents to get shurikens for 2 six year olds but eventually i did. We already had accuracy traininy and we pratised with the shurikens so though we werent 100% accurate, our throwing was pretty good.

Concentrating on the ring, i realized that most of the fights was just like watching a bunch of little kids fighting, no special moves or anything. I guess apart from the clan heirs, nost of us havent had any proper training so it was always a one sided fight when anyone had to fine a clan heir.

Finally it was my turn as Iruka sensei called Yato and I to the ring. We both did the seal of reconcilation at each other and the fight started as soon as Iruka sensei said begin.

I quickly jumped back to create distance while Yato moved back a little as well probably expecting me to charge at him. It wasnt until he saw my hands reaching for my pouch that he realized that he had to stop me but it was already too late as i took out a shuriken and threw it at him. I wasnt worried that he might get badly injured since Iruka sensei was watching us and just like i was expecting, he quickly arrived in front of Yato and blockedthe shuriken.

He announced the end of the fight with me as the victor and that was how my first fight in Naruto ended. It seemed so easy but when i really think about it, Yato probably wasnt expecting me to be a long ranged fighter since i was also just a civilian and most of us havent had any proper training. It was also because he is a cautious fighter that he didnt just charge in at the beginning probably wanting to prepare himself for any tricks i might have. If he had actually attacked immediately, he might have been very close to me and it would have been harder for me to attack him with a shuriken. So i only won that fast because i caught him by suprise.

Walking out of the ring, i walk toward Naruto

"That was really fast"

"Yeah, he wasnt expecting that"

"Well, you won anyways so congratulations"

"Thanks, goodluck on your fight too"

"I dont need it, it'll be a piece of cake"

"I dont think so, you'll be facing a clan heir so he should have proper training and you probably cant beat him with a trick like i did"

"Yeah, the fight might be tough" he says sounding less confident

"But dont worry, you'll be fine" I say, clearly not even believing in my own words

"Yeah, im the man who will become hokage afterall. hehe"

While we are still talking, Iruka sensei call for him and Sasuke to step into the ring.

"Just do your best' i tell him

He nods at me and wals off into the ring. Though according to common sense, he shouldnt have a chance against Sasuke but Naruto has never operated according to common sense.Both of them get into the ring at Naruto performs the seal at Sasuke while Sasuke just stared at him haughtily probably not taking the fight seriously making Naruto mad.

"Begin" Iruka sensei shouta as the fight starts