

Iruka sensei begins the class as we all sit down

"I'm sure you all cant wait to start the class so ill start immediately. Like you all know already, ill be teaching about chakra today. Everyone – humans and animals alike – possesses chakra. Their bodies are constantly generating it and it circulates throughout their entire chakra pathway system at all times. However that is only a fraction of the chakra that an individual can hold within them.

Ninja train themselves to create more chakra by consciously mixing togetger their physical energy and sporitual energy, known collectively as stamina. Physical energy is produced by the trillions of cells of the body and spiritual energy is produced by the will and experiences of the mind.

They must master the ability to create, maintain and manipulate their chakra even in battles of life or death. Chakra control can generally be defined as one's ability to create chakra then channel it through their body and/or transform it into a technique.

When one converts stamina to chakra, they unconsciously swirl those energies around inside them as they mix them together. Some people are inclined to spinning them clockwise and others spin them counter-clockwise. Swirling them in the opposite direction to their type would disrupt the build up of chakra, but by consciously swirling those energies together in the correct direction and focusing on the speed of that spinning, they can increase how quickly they can create chakra and thus cast their technique.

A ninja should only create and use exactly as much chakra as they need. If they try to cast a t echnique without using enough chakra then the effects are going to be significantly weaker than desired at best or likely just fail outright. The effect of casting techniques using more chakra than needed can vary depending the type being used.

For offensive and defensive ones, adding more chakra will serve to increase their power and scale which is naturally very useful for attacking their enemies or defending themselves. The trick is that the more chakra they use then the more control is required to compensate to ensure that it is all applied to the technique without waste and without making it unstable. However for support techniques, using more chakra can often just be a waste of stamina or actually cause more harm than good such as with using medical ninjutsu on a patient.

That said, the mind and body limit how much chakra a person can produce in one go as a self-defence mechanism, preventing them from accidentally dying from chakra exhaustion. It is one of the reasons that the average, rookie ninja doesn't learn more advanced and costly techniques.

Because of that self-preservation instinct, they must gain the stamina and resolve needed to overcome that limitation to freely create as much chakra as they need. The more stamina one has in the first place then they can naturally create more chakra from the beginning but it would still only be a fraction of what they are truly capable of. Are there any questions from my explanation??"

As Iruka sensei finished, i realized a lot of things that i didnt know before.

Realizing that there were no questions he continued his explanation and we spent the next hour learning about chakra comprehensively before the day ended and we were all on our way home.

Naruto amd i met up and he couldnt stop talking about the things Iruka sensei taught us, he was really exicted to try controlling chakra and i couldnt really fault him since i also felt the same. We hurried to the training ground eager to start immediately