
An Italian in my life

"After you I came to understand why storms and hurricanes are named after people" (Book translated from Portuguese to English. Over ten thousand readers on Brazilian wattpad before being deleted from the same platform). Cibele never imagined that her destiny would have great twists and revelations. Her dream had always been to become a stylist who would be graced and valued all over the world. But she did not expect that in the final stage, her plans would fall apart and be so disastrous for her resume. Leaving her studies about fashion, possibilities, and a passing world, or at least she thought so, Cybele flees to Greece, to the bosom of her hometown to reunite with her family. There was only one resentment in her heart, the fact that she knew Apollo would be there, thinking about a possible re-engagement, but she felt that her love for her childhood sweetheart had ceased, and the secret that she had with her was one more reason that was inside her, and in a few months it would soon be discovered, or maybe not, as fate is always unpredictable when it comes to the people in our lives. A possible passion, improbabilities, suspicion, lies, secrets, omissions, certainties, truths, and a mix of feelings will tell the so promiscuous story of Cybele.

Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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43 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Hours before Iris wakes up:

So the long awaited day of the engagement dinner has come, not for Apollo of course, more for Alice, she will never come happier. Gloria peeks at her getting ready, while the girl hums in her room.

Alice ignores all of her father's messages. Little did she know that everything was not going to be as she expected. For on the other side of the sea, Iris was opening her eyes from the coma she had put herself in.

Alice was honest with herself, to the point of knowing that not even she recognized herself in the mirror. When she was young she was a true nerd, a fan of Star Wars and loved Lord of the Rings, which was no big deal, but after a while it began to weigh on her.

''Her face was beautiful, but her heart?'' Surely that's what her mother would ask, now she was just making her father feel guilty for abandoning her, Stefan had abandoned her in the United States as soon as he became rich, now she was no longer even the remnant of what she once was.

She swallowed dry and tried to get away from these thoughts, which she called destructive, empty, that's how she felt, ''I need to go shopping'' she thought, grabbing the lint from her green blouse.

She picked up her purse, and walked to the door, opened it, and went downstairs.

- Gloria, I need to go shopping! - she shouted.

She walked to the door and left.

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Apollo woke up, and was stirring in bed. Last night he had decided to put an end to this, all he wanted was to tell Cybele how much he loved her, no more trying something that won't work.

Why was it her, because she was the one who shivered every inch of your body and made you feel your blood pump in a charming rhythm, she was the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He was going to tear it all apart at dinner.

He went downstairs, after doing the necessary sanitizing, down each step with a smile on his face, silly and in love. Then he found his mother in the kitchen, took a deep breath and asked to talk to her.

- Mom, we need to talk, he put his hand through his hair, and leaned against the wall.

- Of course we do, she smiled, still facing the microwave and turning it off, turned around and said: - But my son, please stop ruffling your hair! - Everything has to look beautiful for tonight! She smiled and walked over to her son, and smoothed his hair.

- Mom, I'm not marrying her! He looked her in the eye, and stepped back a little.

- But how crazy is this now? - This isn't Apollo, do you want to kill me from the heart? - He put his trembling hands in the middle of his chest.

- Mom, please, I won't be happy if you go through with this.

She interrupted, throwing her hands in the air, and screamed: - Cybele! The girl who broke up with you, and got pregnant with another man, I took her in and she did this to you!

He scratched his beard and leaned away from the wall - Mom, when Cybele broke up with me she was right, I wasn't being very easy to give to her, and honestly, that's all in the past, it's not her fault she got pregnant, - He pointed his index finger at him - I've made up my mind, tonight I'll end it, I'll raise my son, but I can't marry Alice!

He turned and walked away, his mother took the chair and sat down, looking pale and quite upset.

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Actually at 4:30 in the afternoon:

Iris got out of the car, and walked slowly covered her face, she didn't want anyone to see her yet. Her arm was leaning on Cybele's, they slowly walk in, no one was home, they go to Cybele's room.

- Iris, why don't you want to tell your mother that you've gotten better? - Cybele looked up holding the necklace.

Iris sat up in bed and took a deep breath. My mother, the way she is, will end up telling everyone in the village, and I don't want anyone to know yet! - She put her head on the pillow, leaning her body on the bed. My neck hurts and my head feels like it's going to explode.

- I hate seeing you like this," Cybele strode over to the bed, and then remembered something, throwing her hands up in the air with a broad, enthusiastic smile. I'll get it right away.

She raised her upper body, propped up on her elbows, and shook her head - No, no, no! I don't want to be alone," she lay down again, and held out her hand, "I just need to rest a little.

Cybele frowned and twisted her mouth: - Iris are you sure? she walked to her bed and sat on the foot of the bed, staring at her cousin.

- Yes, yes! Cybele, she can't go unpunished and I know you think I should stay here and rest, and you go there, but I don't want to! - She shook her head and frowned, her neck throbbing with pain - I want to go there, and I want to go beautiful in! I want to go gorgeous em, worthy of Clara Tavares, I can't go like this blouse you're wearing with all these buttons in the front.

Cibele raised her shoulders and made a doubtful face: - Clara Tavares? Oh my God, from that Brazilian soap opera we saw? Iris, don't be so dramatic. Just go there and tell her about the horrible thing she did to you! - Cybele insisted.

- Yes, I know, honestly, I'm just saying this to try to forget, to forget that...! - She let out a deep breath, and her eyes became wet with tears and her breathing quickened - I feel a pain, you know, here in my heart, I already had plans for him... - She turned over in her bed, tears streaming down her face. - I didn't even have to imagine how serious being a mother would be! she said, her voice was shaky from crying.

Cybele felt a tightness at the thought of her son, she couldn't even imagine the pain Iris felt at the loss of a child. She approached her cousin and hugged her from above, then together they cried.

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Then night comes Alice arrives with her father and enters Apollo's house, Iris and Cybele go downstairs, but Tereza is in the living room, she raises her eyes in astonishment.

- Iris, my daughter! - She dropped the Bible she was holding and ran to hug her daughter, touching her curls and kissing her cheek. What are you doing here?

Iris gave a wide, sincere smile and smiled - Mom, it's a long story, but you'll understand half of it if you come with me! - She takes her mother's hand.

Tereza is confused, and her heart races to see her daughter well and standing up. Iris was wearing a tight black dress, her favorite, and had been ignoring the pain in her legs, she was broken but no more than her heart.

Pietro arrives at Cybele's house and sees them leaving, he walks over to them.

- Pietro, now is not a good time! - she said putting her hands together.

- And that I really wanted to apologize for this morning, I don't know I think you were... He interrupted his speech, and frowned, looking at the way Cybele was swaying and looked nervous, "It's okay, you can do what you have to do, then we'll talk!

She nodded and left behind her cousin and aunt, he looked at them and scratched the back of his neck, suspicious.

They arrive and knock on the blue door of Apollo's house, Paolo opens it to answer and is surprised to see her, Iris comes in like a hurricane as soon as he gives her room to pass.

She turns her face looking around, the smell of Mistress Florence's lasagna reigns in the place, she walks to the living room.

She looks around with her chin up and says in a firm tone: - Alice, were you going to start without me?

They were all gathered at the large wooden table in the dining room.

Alice looked at her and the color fled from her face, she dropped her fork on the floor, closed her hands tightly. The girl blanched before her, everyone looked at her without understanding much, Apollo's eyes widened and he went to her. Stefan looked at her in disbelief, everyone stopped eating.

- Iris, are you awake? What a good thing. Apollo said approaching his friend, then he wrapped his arms around her shoulders giving her a hug, she gave him a half laugh and got out of the hug.

- I woke up Apollo! - But no thanks to your little girlfriend, because it was Alice who pushed me down the stairs!

Alice got up from her chair quickly, and her voice trembled: - What?

- She looked up, raised an eyebrow, and continued ignoring everyone in the room, staring at Alice: "You heard very well! - She looked toward Apollo and pouted: - Alice, she is not pregnant at all, she lied to you Apollo, I found that out before she pushed me down the stairs, and there is more, she had me killed in the hospital, but she didn't expect the vis...

- Iris has had enough! - Stefan threw the napkin on the table, stood up, walked towards her with an angry look on his face, and then said, close to her face, "That's enough, stop making up lies against my daughter! He took her arm firmly.

Iris became a little dizzy and came to her senses hearing what Stefan had said, released her arms from his hands and said loudly

- Ah, but this family is all crazy! - Florence said dropping the spoon she was holding and watching Iris, looking at her from head to toe - You're all wrong, you tried to steal Apollo from Cybele, and you also stole her cousin's drawings, God knows what else you must have done.

Alexia, who was at the table, said: - Don't talk about my family - said Alexia getting up from the table and walking to her cousin.

- Yes, I did make a mistake! I did it, and God knows I regret it! - She closed her eyes and felt sad, letting a tear fall. But everything I'm saying is true.

Alice goes to her and puts her hands on her stomach: - Leave her alone, she is probably delirious because of the drugs! - She stopped in front of Iris and gave a wry smile in front of Iris.

That was the last straw for her, she reached out her right hand and pulled her bangs, making Alice tilt her head forward, she screamed. Iris held her hair and lifted her face and slapped Alice in the face, it made a loud noise, and made Alice feel throbbing.

Stefan came forward trying to wait for the two of them so Iris quickly kicked him with her left leg, between his legs, and he stepped back in a grunt, leaning over.

Lady Florence shouted ordering Apollo to separate, and Paolo took a deep breath trying not to laugh at the situation, Iris pulled her hair and lowered her face throwing her against the wall, she didn't know how to fight and had never fought, but was very angry with her.

Alice shouted and soon the neighbors were looking through the windows and in front of their houses, Cybele looked at all that without reaction, Alice did not facilitate and gave a quick punch in the belly of Iris.

She closes her eyes. Alice hits her again and tries to scratch Iris' arms, who hits her head against the wall and the collision of her head on the concrete makes a noise, Alice gets dizzy runs out of breath and feels dizzy.

Apollo arrives from behind and grabs Iris by the waist separating her, she blew out her cheeks her face was red and a little scratched, but it didn't matter. Florence looks and yells that she is a savage, putting her hand over her mouth as she saw the situation.

- Enough! - He said and put Iris to the corner of the room, - Iris I believe you! He turned his head down.

- He put his hands on his face and turned around, trying to breathe, looked at Cybele in the corner of the room and said as if speaking only to her: - I wasn't going to go through with it anyway! Because I love the other person, and that's who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you, Cybele. - He looked in her direction.

Cybele's Heart beats strong, she squeezed her eyes shut and huddled in the corner of the room and looked around, we are all looking at her.

Cybele's Heart beats strong, she squeezed her eyes shut and huddled in the corner of the room and looked around, we're all looking at her

Alice looking wide-eyed for air. - Apollo how can you, I am pregnant with your child! She buried her hands in her hair that was up. - Pushing the messy hair away from her face.

Iris frowns and takes steps, wanting to leave, but Apollo stands in front of her. You still insist on this! - Iris shouts as she adjusts her dress.

-A test! - Alexia says standing between them in the room - She does a test, here and now, and it's done.

Iris felt her throat hurt from dryness and leaned on Apollo for water, Alice was left with no way out - she knew she wasn't pregnant.

- Apollo, I did it all for love! - She cried out, crying, she got down on her knees on the floor - You'll never! You'll never meet anyone who loves you more than I do. Let me make you happy, I just want to make you happy. - He wiped his nose and widened his eyes.

Mrs. Florence was startled. Paolo couldn't hold on to his chair, it was so surreal, like a scene from a movie, he twisted his mouth looking at the situation.

- Get up now, and get out of my house! I don't want to see you ever again. - he says, looking up at the ceiling, and pointing to the door.

She insists, and her father lifts her off the floor. She looks at everyone, and glances at the small green flower vase in front of her glanced at Cybele, she reached out her hands and took the vase and threw it furiously across the room toward Cybele.

It was all too fast, but Cybele lowered her body like a flash, she swallowed her eyes dry as she saw the vase beside her wasted.

Stefan takes her by the arms and forces her to walk to the door, she opens the door without saying a word but Iris follows screaming:

- But you are so wrong thinking it's over here, I'm going to sue you for attempted murder Bitch!!! - she says taking a deep breath, gasping for air.

Iris feels her legs powerless and feels a pain in her stomach, it was hunger, and then she remembers that she hasn't eaten all day, her mind and vision become blurred and she faints, at Apollo's door. Alexia asks Paolo for help and her aunt holds Iris' arms, Paolo takes her in his arms.

Cybele goes after them, and all she wants is to get out of there, out of one of the most confusing nights of her life.Apolo goes after her.

- Apollo, what do you want in? - He spoke but stopped with his face tilting

He straightened the blazer he was wearing. - I want you! - He gave a smile, which brightened his evening even more.

- He put his hands on his face and turned around, trying to breathe, looked at Cybele in the corner of the room and said as if speaking only to her: - I wasn't going to go through with it anyway! Because I love the other person, and that's who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you, Cybele. - He looked in her direction.

Cybele's Heart beats strong, she squeezed her eyes shut and huddled in the corner of the room and looked around, we are all looking at her.

Alice looking wide-eyed for air. - Apollo how can you, I am pregnant with your child! She buried her hands in her hair that was up. - Pushing the messy hair away from her face.

Iris frowns and takes steps, wanting to leave, but Apollo stands in front of her. You still insist on this! - Iris shouts as she adjusts her dress.

-A test! - Alexia says standing between them in the room - She does a test, here and now, and it's done.

Iris felt her throat hurt from dryness and leaned on Apollo for water, Alice was left with no way out - she knew she wasn't pregnant.

- Apollo, I did it all for love! - She cried out, crying, she got down on her knees on the floor - You'll never! You'll never meet anyone who loves you more than I do. Let me make you happy, I just want to make you happy. - He wiped his nose and widened his eyes.

Mrs. Florence was startled. Paolo couldn't hold on to his chair, it was so surreal, like a scene from a movie, he twisted his mouth looking at the situation.

- Get up now, and get out of my house! I don't want to see you ever again. - he says, looking up at the ceiling, and pointing to the door.

She insists, and her father lifts her off the floor. She looks at everyone, and glances at the small green flower vase in front of her glanced at Cybele, she reached out her hands and took the vase and threw it furiously across the room toward Cybele.

It was all too fast, but Cybele lowered her body like a flash, she swallowed her eyes dry as she saw the vase beside her wasted.

Stefan takes her by the arms and forces her to walk to the door, she opens the door without saying a word but Iris follows screaming:

- But you are so wrong thinking it's over here, I'm going to sue you for attempted murder Bitch!!! - she says taking a deep breath, gasping for air.

Iris feels her legs powerless and feels a pain in her stomach, it was hunger, and then she remembers that she hasn't eaten all day, her mind and vision become blurred and she faints, at Apollo's door. Alexia asks Paolo for help and her aunt holds Iris' arms, Paolo takes her in his arms.

Cybele goes after them, and all she wants is to get out of there, out of one of the most confusing nights of her life.Apolo goes after her.

- Apollo, what do you want in? - He spoke but stopped with his face tilting

He straightened the blazer he was wearing. - I want you! - He gave a smile, which brightened his evening even more.

She straightened her blouse and looked at everyone around her- And you think it's that easy, you gave up on us just like that, I need to think! She put her hands against his chest, pushing him away.

I was going to call you to run away with me today you fool, I didn't lie when I said I love you! I do, and I've never stopped loving! Listen, there's a boat at the pier waiting for us... - He scratched his beard and took her hand - Listen I made a mistake, I made a mistake I know! But please forgive me!

Tereza crossed her arms - Cybele! Grab that man, or I will! - She smiled, looking at them both.

Cybele's cheeks rosy and she bit her lips, the cold wind that night enveloped her so she held out her hand to him.

- Yes, I'll come with you! - She gave him a smile.

He took her warm hand and ran out in front of her in nonsense. Her mother came out screaming.

She went to the gate - Apollo? Where are you going? - She raised her eyebrows at her son from afar.

He stopped and said breathlessly: "Be happy, mother! Don't wait up...

He ran hand in hand with Cybele back to the pier.

She saw the boat and said: - You really set it up! - He put his hands on her red face.

He came closer and kissed every part of her face, and she laughed, her heart beating hard and fast inside her chest, and couldn't believe it was real.

He took her by the arms and she burst into a smile. He took her inside the boat, he had indeed planned a whole night, the bed was covered with roses.

He looked into her eyes, casting her a passionate glance, and said softly, "I am yours, all yours! He came up to her and kissed her on the forehead.

- And I'm all yours! - She kisses him on the cheek, and kisses his shoulder.

Her hands go to the inside of his shirt, and he smiles and takes the end of his shirt and pulls it up.

Apollo moves even closer to her and with his hands firmly on my shirt, he opens it without any gentleness tearing it open ripping the buttons falling everywhere, I wanted to show her the intensity he wanted her.

Cybele felt his burning breath on her, biting her lips quickly, and all they could think of was that they didn't want this moment to ever end.

She ran her hands down my legs, they both shivered, their bodies glued together and her hands on his shoulders, she sighed as she felt her mouth on his in a passionate kiss, soft and intense.

That night it was just them, a reunion of their love. Their hearts could not stand the happiness, they were both each other's and they knew it, they knew it, but it was not all that Apollo had thought, little did she know what the morning had in store for her...

Their hearts couldn't stand each other's happiness, they were both each other's and they knew that, they knew that, but it wasn't just what Apollo had thought, little did she know what the morning had in store for her.

The clouds danced with us that night, the cool, soft breeze touched my skin, while your hand went down through the strands of my hair. You looked at me, eye to eye, laughed and looked into the corner. And without realizing it, the sky from our mouths danced too. The universe photographed that night, the stars registered what I already knew, I was yours, only yours. Then you whispered, I am yours, only yours. And we were each other's.