
An Irreversible Fate

On that stormy night,the group of four struggled to control the Yacht that threatened to capsize after outsmarting their captors. The raging waves didn't help the matter either. We are all going to die Nelly dropped to the floor panicking and weeping. Calm down baby stay strong for me Shawn comforted her. I found a map here...there is a forest ahead Natalia shouted from the cabin. Get it over here Lia we don't have much time George who was acting as the captain called out to her. And thus they Navigated to the Place that their lives were thrown off balance. The journey that they started off on a beautiful day but ended up being victims of an irreversible fate.

Precious_Chinex555 · Urban
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52 Chs

Family dinner #3

Why don't we come up with some some fun games to play Richard said in an attempt to shift the topic from him.

Yes I agree Austin said in agreement

let's play paper role Nelly suggested when silence fell upon the group and everybody howled with laughter.

Paper role? seriously Nelly,Natalia raised an eyebrow to stop herself from foolishly laughing again.

Are you still a child Nelly for goodness sake you are about to turn 18 this year are you really our parents child Richard lamented.

Well somebody gotta find what to do is so boring here Nelly retorted

Haha Natalia laughed as she said....good thing I brought a remedy for myself.

which is what? Nelly asked as she gave her side eye.

Taaa daaa!!! Natalia beamed as she dip her hand in her side pocket and brought out a novel with the title 'An irreversible fate'.

What!!! Nelly screamed...You brought a freaking novel to my house she pointed at the culprit as she asked

Hey relax what's the big deal I'm tired of talking anyway Natalia said as she didn't see anything wrong with it.

Well we are....Austin was cut of before he could finish his statement.

Gather around people...it is time to go home Bertha's voice was heard coming from the sitting room.

Coming mother Austin replied.

Do return the visit Jane or else I will make you visit through social media Bertha joked to diffuse the gloomy atmosphere.

Jane chuckled...You know Betty sometimes I forget we are still media figures.But don't worry I will be repaying the visit soon.

Yeah I agree let's do it again Robert said as he brought his hand out for James to shake.

As soon as the children descended Nelly voice was heard .

I'm gonna miss you Lia Nelly said as she moved to give Natalia a hug.

Quit it drama queen...we are still seeing tomorrow in school Natalia grinned at the crybaby.

See you tomorrow Lia and don't forget to chat me up Nelly said as she waved as they Andrews left for the their house.