
An inconvenient attatchment

Rebecca Brown otherwise known as Bex is your average teen girl, not a nerd but not too popular but on the upside, she is best friends with her schools most notorious bad boy and player, Peter Rivers, he is the player of Liberty High, he is your typical Bad boy and Player and has a soft spot for his childhood best friend Rebecca. Bex has a secret she is intending to keep but what happens when old faces show up from their childhood and turn their world upside down.

Paige_Boniface · Teen
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Chapter One

Rebecca Brown otherwise known as Bex lives by three rules, 1. Believe in herself and what she can do and 2. know your limitations and 3. To keep her circle small and walls high. Since she was thirteen Bex has lived by these rules and by doing this she tries to prevent herself from being let down and heartbroken. But the Universe works in mysterious ways and who knows what can happen.

I sighed and took a sip of my drink, careful not to spill it all over myself as I made my way through the crowd of sweaty teens. I shake my head and put the empty cup down and continue my search for Pin. That's my nickname for Peter obviously. I chuckle to myself and shake my head. If anybody else called him Pin he would punch their lights out. You see, Pin and I have known each other since we were babies and our fathers are best friends/business, partners. Our mothers are also best friends as well, but trust me our friendship is definitely not all sunshine and daisies. Over the years a lot of things have happened good and bad and now I don't really trust anyone and keep my friend group small and trust nobody.

'Brown where is Peter? ' One of Pin's sluts demand as they hang on my shoulder drunk. Biting my lip and stopping myself from saying something sarcastic, I walk over to the sofa and sit her down and walk outside to the gardens, pulling my phone out to message Pin.

'Bex...' Parker Black slurs and makes his way over to me. I shake my head and chuckle as he nearly falls but I grab his hand, stopping him from falling, ' you okay?' I say as he looks me in the eyes and nods.

His eyes scan mine. An out of nowhere his lips crash into mine, I stand there taken aback completely surprised as he has never taken the slightest bit of notice of me. All of a sudden he is ripped from me, I look to see who it could possibly be, suspecting it might be Pin but I stand there shocked as Shawn Brightfield punches Parker square in the jaw.

I stood there shocked and Shawn towered over Parker's body and looked at me and the crowd that had started to form, he grabbed my hand and we got in his car, and I texted Pin saying to forget giving me a ride and stay with his whore before texting mum that I was on my way and turning my phone off. Now getting bored of the silence and turned to Shawn, I noticed his hands turn white as he gripped the steering wheel and his jaw clench as he watched the road, ' thank you Shawn' I said and I noticed his grip loosen and his face go soft before he sighed pulling up my driveway.

He shuts the engine off and turned to look at me, ' you need to be more careful when your around drunk people we can't always be there to save you ' he says and for some reason, it stung was I just dead weight a burden to them, I blinked the tears away and undone my seatbelt. 'Also you really have to get your own car, Peter has to come so out of his way just to pick you up for school and to drop you home, and it's getting boring having you around none of us actually like you, we just tolerate you because of Peter and he might not say it to your face but even he is getting tired of you hanging around' he says and I fight back the tears.

I get out of the car and slam the door and walk to the front door, ignoring the fact that Shawn was leaving as I walked into the house and to my room, the thought pondered in my head was he really getting bored of me being around him. Was I really such a nuisance? I sighed and dropped onto my bed, I looked to my phone for the time but forget that I turned it off, I sigh and wait for it to turn on and when it does I see I have 12 missed calls from Pin and at least 20 messages from him.

But I ignore them all and put my phone on charge and walk to my bathroom washing my face and letting my hair down before brushing my teeth, and putting my PJs on I flop onto my bed and look at the time 11:54 pm I sigh and close my eyes letting sleep engulf me.