

Kat slept restlessly. She continued being haunted by the image of the demon prince. She found no comfort in her dream boy's arms. She had searched for him but was left empty and alone.

Marie threw open the balcony curtains. Kat managed to hoist herself into a sitting position. Breakfast was laid out on the tray as it had always been. She grabbed her coffee and pushed the rest away.

"What's wrong Kat?" Marie asked concerned.

"I have much thinking to do after last night. Can you make sure I won't be bothered?" Kat asked as she threw on an old worn dress.

"Of course I can. Should I expect the regular avoidance schedule then?" Marie chuckled.

"A long morning ride and the afternoon in the gardens," Kat smiled as she poured down the rest of the coffee.

"I'll have lunch waiting for you by the pool." Marie excused herself quietly.

Kat went down the servant's stairs and out the kitchen doors into the gardens. From there she went out the servant's gate and through the field to the stables.

As the stable boy saddled up the white stallion Kat took a deep breath. Now that she was a woman she didn't bother asking permission.

Kat smiled at the stable boy as she hiked up her skirt and plopped down firmly in the saddle. She would not be riding like a lady today. There was no one around to tell her otherwise. She kicked the horse into a gallop and left the stables behind.

Kat raced across the open field. The freedom she felt as the wind blew through her hair she couldn't replace with anything. She just continued to race away from her duties and responsibilities as the sun raced its way across the sky.

Several hours into the afternoon Kat dismounted back at the stables. She felt calmer as she made her way back into the gardens, as promised, the garden was cleared out and lunch waited for her by the looking pool.

Kat watched the reflections in the water as she ate in silence. She turned her gaze to the sky amazed that her star was still visible during the day. She watched it for a while as the sky began to turn grey. Silently she prayed that her dream man knew what it meant.

Kat wandered for a while through the forgotten paths just inside the outer wall. She wondered what life was like out there. If it was filled with the same duty and responsibility she now faced. She shivered at the thought of being paired with one of the princes from the night before. Duty or not, she wasn't required to like it.

Kat turned through another corner of the winding path. Just ahead of her there was a soft scratching sound on the outer wall followed by breaking branches and a solid thump on the path in front of her. She held her breath frightened for a moment. Her curiosity got the better of her as she crept up behind the stranger.

As he made his way into the moonlight Kat recognized him immediately. He seemed lost and confused as he stood there in the clearing looking up at the star. It faded away as Kat stepped up beside him.

"It is you." She whispered amazed. He turned to look at her and smiled warmly.

"Well you did call for me. How could I say no?" He chuckled.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Lucas Nicholai Barron. My friends call me Nic." He said.

"Isabella Katrina Alvert. My friends call me Kat." She replied with a smile.

Nic stood there looking at Kat in silent awe. He wondered if it was all just another wild dream after a hard days work. As he looked upon her he had to refrain from reaching out to her. He was reminded that a dream was not reality and things here were different. He had so many questions.

Kat watched Nic as he looked her over. So many things she wanted to know about who he really was outside of their shared dream. It didn't seem to matter at this moment. She threw caution to the wind and fell into his arms.

Nic wrapped his arms tightly around Kat and sighed into her hair. She wept tears of joy into his chest. Nic kissed the top of her head softly and chuckled lightly.

"I can't believe you're really here." Kat wept.

"It's alright now. We have so much to talk about." Nic whispered as he wiped away her tears with his calloused hands.

"Yes we do." Kat smiled.

"Kat?" Marie called out as she walked out from the kitchen.

Nic chuckled and kissed Kat's hand gently as he let her go. She sighed in defeat as she turned back to the castle.

"Reality calls again. It's always something." Kat said frustrated.

"When can I see you again?" Nic asked hopeful.

"The trellis leads up to my balcony. Can you climb it?" She asked.

"It should be easy compared to the wall." He chuckled.

"Tomorrow after dark then?" She asked.

"As you wish, my lady," He smiled as he hiked back over the wall.

Kat shook her head as Marie's calls for her grew louder and more frantic. She emerged from the tree line right in front of Marie causing her to jump to avoid a collision.

"Where have you been?" Marie gasped.

"Just out wandering the old paths." Kat grinned.

"Your father has been asking for you all day. What am I supposed to tell him?" Marie puffed.

"Alright, I'm coming now." Kat giggled as she raced Marie up the path.

Kat dusted the day's worth of dirt off of her dress and walked casually into the hall. Her father stood at the top of the stairs with his arms folded. He had a stern look of disapproval written across his features.

Kat climbed the stairs with her head held high. She stopped and folded her arms. She returned the serious gaze causing him to crack a smile.

"Where have you been all day?" He asked still smiling.

"I spent the morning riding and the afternoon meditating in the garden." Kat replied.

"You have duties now." He responded.

"I also have gifts I must learn to control." Kat said quickly.

"They've started?" Her father asked shocked. Kat nodded before responding.

"Last night I could see right through people. It frightened me at first but I'm learning to accept it." Kat walked past her father and opened the door to her room.

"Not so fast young lady." Her father scolded. "After your breakfast I expect to see you in the throne room for council."

"Of course daddy." Kat replied as she kissed him on the cheek.

Kat promptly closed the door before her father could say anything further. She sighed in relief at the days end. It was difficult for her to believe that Nic had really found her. But, now that he was here, just what was she to do with him?

Kat decided to give her head a rest. She crawled into bed and closed her eyes contently. Soon she drifted back into a dreamless sleep promptly forgetting about tomorrow.