
An Immortal Prince

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is. He watches me with an intensity only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you." **** Vaela should never have gone up that mountain. She should never have tried to find the Immortal Prince. But she did, and now she's mortal in a land of immortals, fighting to find her mate in order to save her own life. Yet the enigmatic Prince trying to save her life is getting in her way. How can she concentrate on finding her true mate when she is confined to his home, unable to resist him? Unless, of course, he is the answer to all her problems. *Mature Content! Read at your own discretion!*

Midika_Crane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs



I don't know how long I slept for.

I wake colder than I was before, despite my proximity to the fire. Aside from the crackling of the flames, which I believe is stoked by magic, the foyer is silent, and lacking any Pureblood's.

Sitting up, I rub my eyes. Should I wait here, or should I seek Hale out?

If I seek him out, it means I have to talk to him. Not that he isn't interesting, or hasn't been somewhat nice to me, he's still utterly terrifying.

My knee aches as I scramble to my feet, swaying warily. With a full stomach and a mind sated by a fine nap, I'm satisfied.

Aside from this biting cold.

Exhaling irritably, I stalk my way to the entrance to the hallway, footsteps silent against Hale's crimson rugs. He could be anywhere. Should I risk a wander down the hallway to that bath I noticed when he tended to my knee?

Is it even safe to undress around here?

The silent promise of warmth bends rationality as I pad down the hallway, fingertips running around the natural walls of the cave.

My fingers bump along unopened doors as I walk. I wonder if Hale is behind one of them. Immortals don't sleep, unless to pass time, so I'm curious as to what he is doing at this exact moment.

With the slightest touch, one of the door's shudders open.

Pausing, I turn my head, peering curiously through the crack in the door. My blood is ice cold, and not just from whatever magic has cursed me.

I should keep walking. But instead, with three fingers, I press the door open, intrigued by a subtle glow emanating from inside.

It's hardly a room that I see, but a part of the cave that has been incorporated into the living space.

A hot spring, steam drifting up off the surface, is set in the centre of the space.

For a long moment. I just gape at it.

Approaching it cautiously, I peer in, seeing it's deep enough to sit in comfortably. The heat emanating off it is tempting. This looks far more enjoyable to lounge in than a bath would be.

There is a reminder humming in the back of my mind that I should be cautious. It takes a single touch to melt the skin and flesh from my fingers. These natural springs are unpredictable.

Tipping my toe just below the surface of the water, I'm met with delightful warmth.

For the first time since my foot slipped into the eternal life pond, I smile.

There are enough shadows in the room that I feel comfortable enough to strip down to a camisole and panties. I'm moments away from falling victim to the cold, which seems like a far-away problem the moment I sink into the water.

I can't help myself, letting out a relieved sigh as I rest my head back against the rock.

I'm not sure how many minutes pass, as I allow the heat to wrap itself around me like an embrace. The reflection of the water dances along the cave roof, hypnotic. Eventually, a slight sweat gathers on my brow, but I don't move. This is far too enjoyable.

"I would have thought the last pool would make you more wary of bodies of water."

I don't turn.

"You're not naked are you?" I respond sourly, keeping my eyes closed. I can hear his footsteps scuffing over the rock as he approaches.

"A man is walked in once and this is his legacy?"

Opening my eyes, I glance over my shoulder, watching him approach, crouching down to reach my level.

I almost forgot he looks like that.

How he can have such captivating eyes, such unflawed bone structure and such fascinating tattoos and stay up in this cave where eyes cannot be graced by the sight of him is beyond me?

My gaze lowers to the dark surface of the water. "Sorry…"

"Seems I should be wary of your state of undress, over mine."

My eyes narrow upon him as I consider whether I should send a splash of water in his direction. I decide against it. I'm in his home, at his mercy. Aggravating him, even if it seems impossible, is not worth the risk.

"I was so cold, even with the fire. And I didn't want to ruin my only clothes," I respond, lazily gesturing to the pile I've left at the side of the pool.

Hale waves his hand, and an entirely new set of clothes appears, neatly folded, beside my own one's.

Stunned, I gape at them, too scared to reach out and see whether they are my size or not.

"Feel free to bathe naked next time. Just close the door and I will not bother you," Hale offers, no hint of amusement in his tone, which means he's serious about that offer, that I will most definitely not be taking unless he can wave a lock into existence too.

"There is no way I'm taking that risk!" I snap at him, wrapping my arms around myself.

He's silent for a moment, unamused.

My gaze drops to his lips, set in a thoughtful line, while he examines me intently. I can't tell if it bothers me or not that he so brazenly looks over me like I'm a problem he's trying to fix.

"I'm worried you are unwell." I know he doesn't mean my knee.

"I'm just cold," I shrug.

"With the fire, and the pool, you should be heated by now," he murmurs distractedly, deep in thought.

Waving my hand back and forth through the water, I ignore the fear blooming within me. Death may be upon me, and it may be permanent.

"I'm just not used to morality."

He tilts his head. "Or it's something else…"

Part of me wants to bite back defensively. It's strange having him dote over me like he actually cares. He could easily discard me, and likely will, yet he speaks to me like a concerned lover.

"You'll be rid of me soon, Hale. I wouldn't worry yourself."

The softest frown creases between his brows. "I am worried."

My throat is suddenly dry, as I attempt to clear it, focusing on a spot on the far wall. The sooner Eyla gets up here, the better. Being around Hale is proving to be a dangerous distraction.

"Do you have a towel?" I whisper.

Sure enough, he waves his hand, and a folded towel appears at the side of the pool. Sliding up above the surface of the water, I wrap it around myself, careful to not bump my knee against any rocks.

"Thank you. Your magic is a blessing." I suppress a shudder, back to being haunted by the cold.

Something bitter and icy flickers across his face, before he angles his head away. "Not so much, Vaela."

It's hard to forget who he is in moments like this. When I return home, will I share this experience with the infamous Immortal Prince? Will I tell them something dark simmers within him, something deeply fascinating?

"Not sure what I want more. Your magic or your immortality," I exhale, getting to my feet. Hale follows, keen eye watching my wavering as if he's tempted to reach out and steady me.

"Both are fickle," he murmurs.

I work on trying to dry my arms, lowering my head. "You really are unbothered, passive…"

"I like to think I don't fall into that," he sighs. "Being a Sin. But I do live up in this cave, so…" He waves his hand to encompass the space. It's not like it's hard to see how he could live here, considering how uniquely enjoyable the space is to spend time in.

"You've been kind enough to let me stay here for a moment."

Suddenly, Hale tenses, shifting his gaze toward the exit of the room.

"Do you hear that?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No?"

He stands up a little straighter, squaring his shoulders back. "Your name is being called."

"That must be Eyla! She's back already," I exclaim excitedly.

Hustling Hale from the room, I change quickly, hopping on my good leg as I struggle to get the pants on my wet legs.

He's waiting for me outside the door, but I whirl past him, rushing out into the main entrance, and through the door, ignoring the bite of cold as I surge for the furthest door, which is open, Eyla and…

Who is that?

I break back into a walk, reaching the magical wall that blocks immortals entrance, seeing not only Eyla, but Will.

My ex, Will.

"Vaela, you're still alive," Eyla gasps out, dark eyes wide as they sweep over me. She's quivering, as she reaches out to grab my hand, clutching it as if to confirm I'm actually real.

"Yes, I'm okay," I assure her.

She steps back for a moment, frowning. "What are you wearing?"

I look down at my cozy blue sweater and dark pants Hale waved into existence. The outfit has taken the edges off the sharpest hits of raw cold that sits stagnant out here.

I grip either side of my head. "You're never going to believe it…"

I break off, glancing behind me. I'm afraid one word about Hale will speak him into existence.

"I brought the only person I could think of." Eyla rubs the back of her neck, nudging Will forward.

He hasn't changed much, since a few months ago, when I last saw him. His chestnut hair is slightly longer than usual, but his eyes are still that familiar, once comforting and now nauseating blue.

"Oh…Will." I can't help how bitter my tone is.

"What's going on, Vae?" He looks over my shoulder, clearly shaken up by the magic keeping him from the hallway I linger in. I'm assuming Eyla caught him up to date with my new mortality.

"I'm mortal. But Hale has been keeping me warm," I say, before I even realise the implications of what's coming out of my mouth.

Eyla blinks. "Hale?"

"Who?" Will demands.

"Oh, right." I rest my shoulder against the wall, pointing back into the shadows. "Ah, the Sin, Hale, he lives here in this cave."

Will exchanges a glance with Eyla before his gaze captures mine, a silent storm simmering in his irises. "And he's been keeping you warm?"

"It's lovely in here," I tell them, ready to launch into a detailed description about how glorious Hale's magic is, creating an infinitely blazing fire.

Eyla's expression is muddled with both horror and amazement. "And he didn't kill you?"

"No, he's been quite hospitable, actually."

It sounds crazy hearing that come from my own mouth. Even Eyla and Will have to take a moment to absorb that.

"Fine, whatever. Let's go," Eyla says in a rushed breath, tugging me out of the hallway and back into the cave.

"I don't think so."

We all turn at the sound of Hale's voice.

Eyla stumbles back with a yelp, as Hale emerges from the shadows, looking as formidable as a Sin can. I pry her bony fingers off my arm, knowing now that she has no reason to fear him.

"You're the Sin," Eyla says in one rushed breath.

"I don't think taking Vaela away right now is the best idea," he comments.

He's not even looking at me. Instead, that enchanting silver gaze has found Will, who stands stiff, hands trembling. Were I in any other situation, I would be amused.

"You're not holding her prisoner, are you?" Eyla is still pinned to my side, hands warm despite the cold.

I frown. "No, or course not, right Hale?"

"No, but the cold will kill her before you get down the mountain." I wish he would stop staring Will down like this. As much as I despise my ex, nothing will be accomplished if Hale continues to look over him as if contemplating the most efficient way to remove all his limbs and discard of him off the mountain.

Will strips his jacket off, nudging Eyla out of the way to rest it on my shoulders. "She can take my clothes."

Hale shakes his head. "Not good enough."

"She will be fine." Will grabs my arm, the pressure of his touch searing through me. "Let's go, Vae."

He tugs at me, but I don't move. I know Hale is right, because I can feel it. The cold feels like a permanent fixture within me, having nestled under my skin, buried deep in my bloodstream. The moment I step from the shelter of these rigid walls, I'll collapse.

"And what will happen to her down there? Immortals will tear her to shreds in an instant," Hale reminds us.

Eyla blinks rapidly, looking toward Will for help. Both don't want to question the Pureblood, but neither trust him.

"We will keep her safe," Eyla assures him, voice tense.

"Why don't you come in and talk? Vaela is getting cold again." Hale quirks a brow at me, aware that I'm a shuddering mess. I'm convinced my toes are unrecoverable at this point.

I step to the threshold, motioning to it. "They can't-"

"The spell has been lifted for the meantime. Come in." Hale waves his hand down the hallway, the barest hint of a smile suggesting he's enjoying the terror he's induced in both Will and Eyla.

"We can't trust you," Will counters, looking at me as if he's trying to decipher whether this is just a dream.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would," Hale reminds them, before shoving his hands in his pockets, strolling back down the dim hallway and toward his home.

Both Eyla and Will gape at me, waiting for me to come to my senses.

Instead, I turn, and follow Hale.