
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

The Hidden Hand

Al cleared matters up with Elissa, then returned to Robert and A.R.M. to discuss his opportunity to enter the innovative cultivation chamber crafted by Robert.

That is where he currently found himself inside the innovative chamber. It was located within the expansive confines of the 12th floor at H.E.R.O.'s Tower. 

Al immersed himself inside the inner room of the chamber. The room dominated the space, its design reminiscent of a steam room. Whispers of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen streamed through the vents in the ceiling and sides, replacing the traditional hot steam. 

Al, sat down on a wooden bench he surveyed the surroundings, his mind absorbing the simplistic style of Robert's design.

"It's like a steam room," Al mused in a hushed tone. The unique combination of gases played a crucial role, Robert had explained. Higher doses of hydrogen for those attuned to the energy plane, and nitrogen for those anchored in the material plane.

He took deliberate, deep breaths. A harmonious rhythm emerged, stimulating his A.R.C. (Autonomous Revolution Converter). His A.R.C. nestled in his navel whirred to life, converting each breath into a cascade of Heat Will that permeated his skin.

With each inhalation, his A.R.C. produced more and more Heat Will, a torrent gaining momentum like an impending avalanche. 

Al's eyes shot open, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The rising heat prompted perspiration, his hot skin transforming the moisture into tangible steam. In response, he drew in a measured breath, inhaling the steam his body had produced, briefly ending his intake of the gas mixture.

The brief respite from the intense process allowed Al a moment to recalibrate. Eyes narrowed in concentration, he harnessed his focus, condensing the swirling mass of Heat Will enveloping the outer layer of his skin. Gradually, the temperature of his skin returned to normal.

"Sheesh, it's like riding a bull," Al murmured, contemplating the upcoming six months.

Meanwhile, Elissa reclined on an elegant Victorian settee, her gaze fixed on the virtual card Yulia had bestowed upon her. "Butler, what do you know about the Hidden Hand?" she inquired, prompting the room's interface to respond with its refined Victorian accent. "New ark City allows belief systems to prosper, giving them the title of a Spiritual Institution. As long as the applying system can withstand the People's Gauntlet."

Curiosity etched across her face, Elissa tilted her head toward the ceiling, seeking further clarification. "People's Gauntlet? What do you mean by that?" 

The machine swiftly supplied the answer, "To establish a spiritual institution, the applicant has to prove the system's ability to connect to Spirit. A trial is set up where Heroes and regular citizens scrutinize the belief system, its history, claims, and actual practical application."

Upon receiving the explanation, Elissa's mind flashed back to the Church of New Light and how they were allowed to proselytize in New Ark City. 

"So, the Hidden Hand is one of these spiritual institutions?" she thought out loud before rising from her settee and strolling toward the two pillars flanking the living room entrance.

The room's intelligence who she had named "Butler" had heard her question and answered "Correct, and may I also add how difficult it is to become a recognized spiritual institution in New Ark City, there are only 14 of thousands of applications." the machine informed her. 

Intrigued, Elissa approached the pillar crafted from a band of majestic horses. "Get me in contact with this person!" Elissa ordered, brandishing the holographic card Yulia had given her before the monitor screens. 

One of the horse's eyes scanned the holographic card and another eye projected a holographic screen presenting a map with an address along with a route from Elissa's current location. It would take around an hour to reach the destination on foot.

"Would you like me to make you an appointment, my lady?" the butler offered. Elissa deliberated for a moment before decisively responding, "Call her right now." 

With the command given, the holographic screen began showing the words "Calling the -Hidden Hand." 

A voice with very low enthusiasm answered "Hello, you called the Hidden Hand. Let us help you place your destiny into your own hands," the man slowly intoned, clearing his throat. 

Elissa noted his demeanor and swiftly replied, "My name is Elissa. Yulia gave me her business card in the elevator of H.E.R.O.'s Tower. Please let her know I will be taking up her offer for a free reading."

The man's response echoed with the same lackluster tone. "I will let miss Yulia know. We cannot wait to see you claim your destiny." With that, the man abruptly ended the call. 

"Is it fine if I move at my own speed within the city?" Elissa wondered, contemplating the possibility of reaching the location in a matter of minutes if she sprinted.

The machine responded as Elissa made her way toward the door. "No, madam, please refrain from supernatural spectacles. Even Heroes are prohibited from using their abilities. If you would like, A.R.M. has provided you with access to a sled. It can take you there in a few minutes." 

Elissa pivoted towards the pillars. "Why didn't you mention that before?" she inquisitively asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry for not mentioning it. I just assumed you would have preferred walking. Walking is the most popular form of transport in the city. The people love it for its cardio," Butler explained before Elissa cut it off. "Yeah, yeah, just get me that 'sled' and route it for the location on the card," she commanded.

"Immediately, my lady. Just approach the wall opposite of the door," the machine instructed. Elissa complied, and the silver wall rippled before transforming into a small floating two men sled. What was left in place of the silver wall was a see-through screen that shimmered like glass, revealing New Ark City's skyline.

The dark violet night sparkled with stars, visible despite the expansive visual screens on towering buildings. 

"Before leaving, would you like me to accompany you as a Sprite Node?" Butler asked. Elissa shrugged and replied, "Sure." 

One of the larger horses that formed the pillars condensed into a small floating sphere resembling an eyeball. Elissa became visibly upset and said, "Disgusting, not that. Turn into a black owl or something," she instructed.

The floating eyeball complied with Elissa's instructions and restructured its nano machines morphing into a black owl that gracefully perched on the sled's rail. 

Elissa stepped through the transparent glass and onto the hovering sled, her hands gripping the rail. As soon as she made contact, the sled soared into the night sky.

The sled broke through the clouds, moving alongside the moon. As the cold nights wind broke past her face Elissa whispered excitedly, "Wow, I can see the entire City from here—its massive silver walls in the West extending North and South, and the coastline to the East."

"So, this is what Air Walking must feel like. It really puts things into perspective." She quietly realized.

In moments, the sled began its descent. Elissa observed others being transported on their own sleds, all flowing seamlessly. 

Leaving the towering skyline buildings behind, they descended toward a wide, single-story structure. Above it, a giant red glowing hand reached toward the sky, with a blue eye on its palm. The building appeared relatively empty compared to the bustling structure next to it.

Observing the people coming in and out of the neighboring structure Elissa commented. "Their skin is blue, and their hair is white, just like Loh' Pohlieus. They must be Tonovians," 

The owl informed her, "Correct those are Tonovians, and that is one of their two spiritual institutions, The Stone to Dust Lodge. There are only about two thousand Tonovians, making them a minority within New Ark City as well as a tight-knit community," 

Elissa contemplated her numerous questions, recognizing that answers would unfold in due time. After a few minutes the sled gradually descended in front of the Hidden Hand's building. 

A familiar, laid-back voice greeted her as she stepped inside. "Hello, welcome to the first step towards unfolding your destiny," a tall, bald man addressed Elissa, who entered with a black owl floating by her side. 

"We spoke on the phone a few minutes ago; I'm the one with the free reading," Elissa stated, handing the man the holographic card Yulia had given her.

The man scrutinized Elissa, his gaze lingering on her whip secured to her hip. "Right this way," he said, gestured Elissa to a door down the hallway. Upon opening the door, Elissa found herself in a room bathed in a pink glow, adorned with crystals and gems. 

"So, you accepted the call of destiny?" a voice inquired. It was Yulia, standing next to a tall green crystal, gently caressing its surface. "I wouldn't mind gaining insight into my future cultivation," Elissa responded with a curious smile.

Yulia returned her smiled, "Come and place your hands on Marco," Yulia invited. Elissa raised an eyebrow, cautiously walking over to Yulia. "Whose Marco?" Elissa asked.

Yulia also glanced around the room, her eyes assessing the other colorful crystals, though they paled in comparison to the prominent green crystal in front of her. 

"Marco is my emerald crystal. It is because of my connection to him that our Hidden Hand gained the title of a Spiritual Institution and the reason why I am the head witch," Yulia explained, guiding Elissa to place her hands on the 5-foot emerald crystal.

Yulia elaborated on the Hidden Hand's cosmology. "Long ago, such a precious gem would have been out of my reach. These organisms are fractals of parent crystals located deep within the Earth. The Soul of Earth is stored in a giant quartz crystal scattered across the surface of the Earth."

Elissa absorbed the information, contemplating the similarities with the teachings of the Lightning Stone Leaf. She silently reflected, allowing Yulia to continue.

"Each crystal acts as a portal to the Earth's Soul and its memories. Past, present, future is all stored within Earth's Soul. Every human soul is tied to their planet, if you can access the planets crystal, you can glimpse into the future or past or even locate things in the present," Yulia spoke with a calming voice while lighting a candle and incense. 

"This is all very interesting. Can I ask where you learned this from?" Elissa probed, but Yulia seemed not to have heard her, proceeding to say, "Alright, let's begin. So, what exactly would you like to know?"

Elissa pondered for a few seconds before reposing her question, "When will I step into the God Chasm?" A sly smile played on her lips as she spoke. 

Yulia's eyes widened at the mention of the God Chasm. "From what I understand, the God Chasm is the legendary absolute pinnacle of cultivation. Ninety-nine-point nine percent of Cultivators, will die never reaching the God Chasm," Yulia remarked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement at Elissa's bold assertion of reaching such a realm.

Yulia placed her hands on the crystal's tip, closing her eyes. Elissa observed the small woman, the dark robe in stark contrast to her blond hair. Suddenly, lights began flashing around the room, emanating from the emerald crystal. 

Yulia's hands remained on the strange crystal as sparks pulsed within the crystal's body. Yulia's eyes fidgeted, and her mouth opened to speak. "I see the sky, but there's something wrong with it. You are faced with everything you've ever wanted, but you're in tears. I see a young man with black hair covered in the blood of the entire world. The young man seems to be surrounded by flames. 'You liar,' he shouts before everything goes black," Yulia narrated, opening her eyes in a cold sweat. 

The emerald crystal dropped in temperature, perspiring causing Elissa to pull her hands away. 

"Even Marco can't really make sense of the memory. Usually, it's very clear and precise, and I've never seen it go absolutely black like that before," Yulia mentioned as she walked over to a table, cataloging the crystal reading on a floating holographic screen. 

Elissa, still processing the experience, asked, "These readings, they're only glimpses into possible futures, right?" 

Yulia looked at Elissa, trying not to alarm her. "The future has already happened. What I shared was a memory; it will happen," Yulia stated before offering a glimpse of hope for rectification. "When the final decision is made, you have to choose differently, only then things will change."