
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

New Ark City's First Immortal

Bee Max strained to maintain his grip on Raging Stone, his wings cutting through the air with determined precision. Al and Elissa followed them on the ground, their eyes locked on the on the little red light in the sky that was quickly swarmed by yellow dots. They turned their aways away to focus escaping.

"We have to turn back!" Bee Max's voice carried over the rushing wind, urgency etched in every syllable, his arms tightly gripping the injured Raging Stone who responded resolutely "We're risking our lives. If we don't, we won't make it!"

A grim determination appeared in his eyes. "As proud representatives of our nations H.E.R.O. program we have to see our mission through. It can't be left unfinished, even if it costs us our life's."

Behind them something unprecedented had occurred. In his last moments Hot Pyro and his Node Sprite which was an extension of A.R.M. Came to an agreement a contract was signed. 

As dozens of winged angelic creatures surrounded him. Him gave permission to his Node Spite to fully integrate with his body and mind. In that moment the metal sphere composed of nano machines dissolved into a gray cloud entering Hot Pyro from every orifice of his being. In fractions of a second the little machines entered his blood stream creating smaller versions of themselves. Passing the brain blood barrier, growing smaller and smaller, it perfected the already genetically enhanced D.N.A. towards its perfection. 

The flames intensified, their heat and brilliance reaching an almost unbearable peak. It was as though a miniature sun had erupted, a supernova in the midst of dawn. The surrounding Dawn Keepers, beings born from the energy plane, masters of flame spells, were instantly consumed by the searing inferno.

Hot Pyro's form underwent a rapid and mind-bending transformation. His once fiery body burst and exploded, revealing a core of pure plasma. Amidst this profound change, a bewildering thought surfaced within him: "I... I'm still myself?" Followed by a second question, an echo from an unknown abyss, "What is 'myself'?"

As Hot Pyro floated suspended in the sky, the remaining Dawn Keepers acted in perfect harmony. They created the same spell and merged them together into one.

Thousands of flaming birds painted crimson streaks across the blue sky, hurtling toward Hot Pyro in a fiery flock. "I think I understand now," he murmured, his voice carried away by the blazing winds.

The surrounding air crackled with ionized energy, generating fierce gales and sporadic bolts of lightning. The majestic thousands of firebirds smashed into the blazing wind surrounding Hot Pyro and were reduced to chaotic flames, torn asunder by the ionized tempest. As the river of red fire descended toward Hot Pyro's head, it disintegrated into ethereal wisps, vanishing into the surrounding heat.

The extraordinary transformation that Hero Hot Pyro had undergone brought Exarch Stefanos's Light Acolyte to a halt, causing him to stop chasing after Elissa and Al. 

"If the H.E.R.O. program of New Ak City wishes to intercede, they've clearly declared their allegiance. All that remains now is war!" Exarch Stefanos Light Acolyte communicated telepathically with the towering Giant Eye of Light, which assumed the form of a colossal Falson and soared forth to confront the newly transformed Hot Pyro. 

The words spoken among the Light Acolytes crystallized into tangible thoughts and divine gnosis, reverberating across the Church of New Light through holy men such as their Exarchs.

With each passing moment, more Dawn Keepers rallied to the chaotic battlefield. A.R.M., now intertwined with Hot Pyro, and Hot Pyro, now fused with A.R.M., were both acutely aware that the struggle ahead would be gruelingly long, and the prospect of survival was not boding well despite their newfound power.

Regardless Hot Pyro shot out like a falling star confronting an entire army.

Meanwhile Bee Max, Raging Stone, Al, and Elissa made a desperate retreat, their destination New Ark City. On the ground, Al and Elissa sprinted side by side.

As the landscape passed swiftly beneath their feet, time seemed to blur around them. 

Raging Stone, his once vibrant red hair now disheveled, and his eyes heavy with exhaustion, couldn't help but express their dilemma. "Without our Sprite Node, we're left in the dark. If we could communicate with A.R.M., a sled from New Ark City would have already intercepted us," he said, his voice laced with weariness.

Bee Max, donned in his black and yellow attire, his face obscured by a horned mask, remained stoic as he pressed on.

"It seems we won't be able to relay the news of Immortal Rainbow Rift to his Immortal seed," Al whispered to Elissa, who nodded in solemn agreement. 

They continued their journey until they reached a breathtaking sight—a seemingly endless platinum wall that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"We've arrived," Bee Max murmured, his words devoid of emotion. 

As the four approached the massive platinum walls, two colossal humanoid forms began to take shape. From the very substance of the wall, two immense platinum golems emerged. Bee Max placed Raging Stone down on his feet who struggled but managed to walk on his own and the two walked to meet the two platinum giants.

The pair of towering guardians met their gaze, acknowledging them before laboriously pushing open the colossal doors of the platinum barrier. Raging Stone waived his arm for Al and Elissa to join them. 

After they caught up, he leaned in, his voice hushed as he shared a fact about his nation with Al and Elissa. "These are the city wall's automatons. They possess more machinery than sentience."

As they entered New Ark City, Elissa's eyes were immediately drawn to the soaring skyscrapers, their heights seemed to scrape the sky itself. The structures burst forth in a riot of vibrant colors and animated displays. 

Elissa's wonderment was palpable. "This is Amazing! In my three hundred years of life, I could never have fathomed witnessing something like this," she gushed, her enthusiasm contagious.

Raging Stone's heart swelled with pride for his homeland, but before registering Elissa's words. He turned towards Bee Max, a question mark etched on his face. "Over 300 years?" he exclaimed, taken aback by Elissa's ageless appearance, untouched by the passage of time.

Elissa's ignored Raging Stones reaction and locked her gaze on a particular building that seemed to dance with flames. "Look, Al! It's on fire, and now it's transformed into a crashing wave! How extraordinary!" She exclaimed, capturing Al's attention and drawing him into the captivating spectacle of New Ark City.

Observing Elissa's boundless enthusiasm, Al couldn't help but make a mental note of it. "I've only seen her show this level of excitement when talking about cultivation,". 

The animated illusory skins that adorned the towering buildings were truly remarkable. Al recalled the technology of his time and he had seen similar constructs, albeit on a smaller and less sophisticated scale. Nonetheless, he appreciated the grandeur of New Ark City.

The colossal platinum doors sealed behind them, Raging Stone took the opportunity to elucidate the city's infrastructure to Al and Elissa. "Each building here is constructed from billions of nano-machines that interlock like puzzle pieces, making them both interactive and customizable," he explained, his voice filled with pride.

Elissa absorbed the information, her curiosity piqued. As they ventured into the city's outskirts, Al's attention was drawn to the fields of diverse vegetable crops that stretched before them. 

Raging Stone continued his explanations, while Al's gaze wandered, taking in the scenery. Here and there, nine-step pyramid mounts dotted the landscape, each tier boasting its own distinct vegetation.

"If my dad were here to witness this... I wonder what he'd make of New Ark City," Al reflected quietly, a gentle smile gracing his features. The vibrant world of New Ark City seemed to offer a lively community, a sentiment that stirred something warm within him.

"The tallest building stretches a staggering 450 floors high. The uppermost ten levels are reserved for the H.E.R.O. program's most influential Heroes," Raging Stone concluded his explanation to Elissa. Al's attention was fully captured by the last sentence. He inquired, "And who determines which 'Heroes' are considered more influential than others?"

Raging Stone welcomed Al's curiosity with a smile, his once disheveled red hair now less chaotic, he was walking with renewed vigor. They had continued to traverse the streets of the outskirts. The people dressed in modest attire. Occasionally passing citizens would notice Raging Stone and Bee Max, forming small clusters and pointing at them with awe and admiration in their faces.

"It's all about one's contributions to society. From the discovery of new species, vegetation, or soil mixtures to groundbreaking feats in the arts and creative innovation that push the boundaries of human imagination," Raging Stone elucidated.

Al absorbed the information with keen interest. "This city is barely a couple of years old, and yet it has such a well-placed system. It almost sounds too good to be true," he mused to himself, a note of skepticism underlying his contemplation.

They left the city outskirts venturing further into the city, Bee Max and Raging Stone no longer stood out in the same way. 

Every other person they passed was dressed in a similar dramatic fashion as the two. They now blended seamlessly into the vibrant tapestry of New Ark City.

Al couldn't help but ponder in amazement as they strolled through the city. "Every other person we passed is a Hero. And the citizens themselves have a unique charm compared to those on the outskirts," he mused, taking in the more openly dressed people of the city.

With a devilish glare Al turned towards Elissa. "Hey, Elissa!" he exclaimed, shifting her focus to a woman who clearly wasn't part of the H.E.R.O. program. 

The woman was wearing a translucent lingerie made of glowing orange glass. "You fit right in here," he teased with a sly grin, hoping to get a playful reaction from Elissa.

To his surprise, Elissa's response was one of genuine adoration. "That is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. It leaves me breathless," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the luminous garment.

 The woman noticed their gaze and her face quickly fell apart tears streamed down her face as she murmured, "I knew I shouldn't have chosen the orange Krystal Freedom piece on a Tuesday," before fleeing in a devastated state.

Elissa failed to acknowledge the woman's reaction her mind still on the glass piece. "The intricacy! To craft lingerie from glass that molds to the body without shattering... it's truly a marvel," she continued, her voice full of wonder. "I must find out who her fashion designer is," she declared, momentarily lost in the artistry of the garment.

Raging Stone interjected, redirecting their focus. "Bee Max and I will escort you to the first floor of H.E.R.O.'s Tower. Make your way to the highest floor, where you can meet with our Guardian A.R.M.," he instructed, his tone carrying a sense of purpose. Their mission was so close to being completed.