
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Meeting Raul Del Santos

Back in the 15th Blood Ring, Al, Cesar, Ellie, and Jin returned after leaving Kesha near her home, which was swarming with police officers. They currently engaged in a conversation with Aliyah, who held the artifact they had retrieved from the church. Aliyah had also witnessed the events through Ellie's C-stone recordings.

"So, let me get this straight," Aliyah began, repeating Al's words to confirm her understanding. "You guys not only fought against a Dawn-keeper, but you survived and managed to kill it?" She couldn't help but feel incredulous. Even if her team, the '15th Blood Seed,' which consisted of Recognized Disciples, were to face off against a Dawn-keeper, the battle would be incredibly challenging.

Jin swiftly interjected, eager to provide further context. "We were on the verge of certain death, but Al annihilated it with a single attack." Aliyah found herself even more bewildered, as she was well-acquainted with Stubborn Will users such as Al and knew their offensive capabilities were generally lacking.

"Al, how is that possible?" she inquired, inspecting the distorted knife chained to his ring. "Could the sun and moon armillary have erred in determining his Will? No, that's impossible; otherwise, his harvest wouldn't have been successful. Could his Stubborn Will be a variant, some kind of mutation? It wouldn't be unprecedented, but it still doesn't explain why the armillary would classify a variant as Common, considering all variants are inherently Exotic."

After scrutinizing Al, she decided to let go of her thoughts and dismiss them. What astonished her the most was what they had witnessed in the room, kept under the control of the Dawn-keepers, and the overwhelming power it displayed when it broke free.

"I'll speak to my Captain and see what he says for now. You all should rest and consolidate the progress you've made," Aliyah advised, acknowledging the individual advancements each of them had achieved.

After bidding Aliyah farewell, Jin and Ellie turned their attention to Al, who then looked at Cesar. "Well, you heard her. Let's go get some rest and regroup before we meet again," Cesar suggested, echoing Aliyah's words.

And so, the weary quartet made their way towards much-needed rest. Al found himself back in his housing unit, utterly exhausted. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he could drift into a peaceful slumber. There were no dreams, just a dark abyss where he found solace and rest.

Unfortunately, his respite was abruptly interrupted, as it seemed like only a minute had passed when he was roused from his sleep, someone was knocking.

"What could have possibly happened in such a short time?" Al wondered as he opened the door to an exuberant Cesar. "Wow, you look well-rested for the first time in a long time," Cesar exclaimed, genuinely amazed. Al, with a hint of annoyance, retorted, "Haha, very funny. Get to the point."

Cesar began walking, with Al trailing alongside him. "I'm serious! Did you actually sleep the entire time, it's been 2 hours?" Cesar asked. Al shot him an irritated glance and checked the time on his C-stone. All he could manage was, "Oh! I guess I did sleep that long. Haha. Anyway, where are we going, and where is everyone else?" Al inquired as they ventured outside the burrows.

"We're heading to the Exchange Center to meet with Aliyah. She specifically asked me to bring only you along. It's a bit strange, right?" Cesar informed him. "Yeah, that is a little odd. Hopefully, they have something good planned for those damn creatures. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom," Al confessed, his voice wavering slightly. However, he quickly regained his excitement and asked with a peculiar look, "Do you think Aliyah's Captain will personally meet with us?"

Cesar responded, "Uhh, I am not sure she didn't say but maybe.", Cesar contemplated, "Perhaps it's for the best that I remain Captain." He recognized that Al, like a ticking time bomb, had a tendency to suppress his emotions. Nevertheless, Cesar held a profound respect for Al.

On the top floor of the Exchange center, which consisted of only three levels, there was a room with a dome-shaped ceiling. Positioned at the center of the ceiling was a mesmerizing flow of lava, defying gravity as it ascended, casting a warm glow on the sculptures of figures reaching out towards it.

The intense heat emanating from the lava was palpable, and Al and Cesar stood transfixed, their reflections mirrored on the exquisite obsidian glass floor.

Adorning the walls were paintings depicting a noble man adorned in gray and vibrant crimson armor. The man exuded an aura of mightiness, his armor pristine and unblemished, with striking accents of bright gray. Al recognized the man as the statue in the center of the training fields. Aliyah stood beside Al and Cesar.

Not far from them, around 15 feet away, a man sat in deep meditation, his body drenched in sweat. Al couldn't help but marvel at his composure, thinking to himself, "I can barely endure the heat from this distance, yet he calmly meditates right next to its very core."

Cesar shared similar thoughts, and even Aliyah dared not venture close, maintaining a respectful distance. She called out to him with utmost deference, "Captain, I have brought the two you requested."

The captain, known as Raul Del Santos, slowly opened his eyes and rose from his meditative state, bowing respectfully towards the coursing stream of lava. To him, this was not mere meditation; it was a fierce battle with the volcano itself. Captain Del Santos turned around and approached Al and Cesar, dismissing Aliyah from his presence.

"So, your team of four truly fought and defeated a Dawn-keeper? And all four of you remain in the Physical Domain. That is remarkably impressive," Captain Del Santos proclaimed, his deep and resonant voice reverberating through the temple.

"I examined the artifact you retrieved. It is a sacred relic of the Acolytes of Light," the captain began, his voice carrying a tinge of gravity. "It possesses a unique quality, acting as a conduit that awakens upon contact with any Will from the energy plane, like Cesar's Wind Will. It swiftly absorbs and transmutes that Will, creating a magnetized field. Only the most intelligent Acolytes venture from church to church, nourishing themselves on these fields and growing stronger in the process."

Al had a sense of what the artifact might signify, but the truth turned out to be far worse and more intricate than he anticipated. "Wait, so you're aware of this?" Al exclaimed; his voice filled with intensity.

"Of course, we are aware," Raul responded, his confusion evident in his tone. "But what does it have to do with us? We are striving for godhood ourselves."

Al's emotions surged, and he pressed further. "But what about my mom? What about my friends and all the innocent people? They don't even know they are being slowly consumed."

Taking a step forward, Al was forced back by the searing heat. Raul smiled, a touch of nostalgia gracing his features. "Look, kid, you have to understand. Even if the truth were presented before their very eyes, they would still fall to their knees and pray to what makes them feel insignificant. That is what sets you and us apart from them. If you were to return to your mother right now and reveal the truth, she would either bow down before you or flee in fear. You see, it is not a matter of ignorance; it is a matter of choice, and that choice has already been made, whether consciously or unconsciously. Regrettably, time is not on their side."

Cesar observed the frustration flickering in Al's eyes, and while he wanted to offer comfort, Raul's words resonated with him.

Al's breath became calm and relaxed his mind swirling with a maelstrom of thoughts. Determination fueled his steps as he moved closer to Raul, his sweat evaporating from the searing heat. With each stride, his skin began to blister, and he endured the agony of first-degree burns.

Al found solace in the pain, for it served as a tangible release from the emotional turmoil consuming him. Even Raul, taken aback by the sight of the self-inflicted burns, felt a sense of unease. Yet, Al pressed on, his body healing and flames flickering as his skin repeatedly burst into flames and regenerated.

Drawing near, Al stood face-to-face with Captain Del Santos, his body engulfed in flames that danced around Al's robe that was immune to the flames. In a voice dry and hoarse, Al questioned with a hint of desperation, "So you have no intention of taking any action at all?"

Captain Del Santos met Al's gaze; his expression tinged with sympathy. Though he felt remorse for Al's suffering, he couldn't bring himself to deceive him. "Perhaps, in another ten years, if they gain too much influence," Raul admitted, revealing a truth that pierced Al's soul.

Overwhelmed by despair, Al crumpled to his knees, his body transformed into a raging inferno. The flames engulfed him entirely, consuming his form. Impressively Raul simply waved his hand over Al absorbing the flames.

As Al's eyes fluttered open, he found himself back next to who was Cesar standing by his side. The surroundings remained unchanged, with Raul resuming his meditative state near the lava stream.

"It's time to leave, Al," Cesar gently urged, his voice carrying a mix of concern and support. Al silently complied, rising to his feet and casting a final glance at Raul, who remained locked in a fierce battle of wills with the volcano.

Together, Al and Cesar made their way towards the exit, descending the stairs that led them away from the temple's edge. An air of uncertainty hung between them as they departed.

As they made their way across the first floor of the Exchange Center, Cesar halted, turning to Al with a suggestion. "Wait, Al, why don't we accept a task for the four of us?" he proposed.

Al narrowed his eyes, a hint of skepticism in his gaze. "Are you serious? You think I'm going to stay here and abandon my mom to her fate just because of what that man said?" Al struggled to maintain his composure, his emotions running deep.

Cesar let out a laugh before responding, his tone laced with understanding. "And do what, Al? We survived purely by luck. Let's face it, you're intelligent enough to know that we can't do this alone. Heck, even if Ellie, Jin, and me went back with you we'd likely meet our demise if we were right away. We need a complete team, the best of the best. Traveling through the Rings of the Gold Leaves is our best bet. And if we're going to embark on a journey of that scale, we'll need resources."

Al found himself at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the depth of gratitude he felt towards Cesar. He hadn't anticipated that the boy he had met months ago would not only risk his life for him but also set aside his own aspirations to support him.

"Cesar..." Al began, but his friend interrupted him, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty. "You don't even have to say it. Anyways, as you have mentioned before, my own family lives too close, putting them at risk as well. I believe we can earn enough merits to gather all the necessary resources within a month to begin our journey."

A smile spread across Al's face as he nodded in agreement with Cesar's plan. After accepting one week worth of tasks, as one week was the maximum time limit, the two set off to find Ellie and Jin, eager to discuss their new path forward together.

When Jin and Ellie learned of Cesar's plan and the events that had unfolded, they readily joined the cause.

Jin, always one to consider the bigger picture, fixated on the upcoming 301st Mortals Rings tournament. In order to qualify, he understood the urgent need to bolster his strength, recognizing that forming a team was the most effective path to achieve that goal. The prospect of traveling the world, assembling their team, and returning to confront the enemy that had nearly decimated them resonated perfectly with Jin.

Ellie, on the other hand, didn't harbor thoughts that extended so far into the future; her sole focus was on aiding Al and his mother, Linda.

After three exhausting weeks of relentless tasks, the quartet managed to acquire an abundance of merits. Clad in the robes Romann had acquired for them, they decided to retain them, albeit dyed black to conceal the indelible traces of blood. Among their most significant purchases were two variations: a scroll and a glass cube filled with water. Despite the hefty price tag of nearly a thousand merits, they discovered that the scroll was an indispensable necessity.

The final requirement on their checklist was to amass a collection of talismans to enhance their speed and stamina, anticipating the majority of their journey to be undertaken on foot.

The final week arrived, demanding unwavering dedication as they diligently worked to complete as many tasks as possible. Their relentless efforts yielded merits that nearly allowed them to purchase all the speed and stamina talismans showcased on the first floor of the del Santos gallery.

On the eve of their departure, they collectively took a day of rest, recuperating from the arduous preparations. Finally, they convened outside the mountain base, which had served as their home for almost half a year.

"South, West, North, or East? Pick one," Cesar proposed, his gaze fixed upon the dense forest that lay ahead. The world stretched out before them, brimming with possibilities.

"Well, I've always dreamt of visiting an Immortal Ring of a God leaf," Jin mused, contemplating the unknown. "My Uncle once advised me that if I ever had the chance, I should seize it without hesitation." Although none of them had any clue about the whereabouts of such a ring, Jin was prepared to select a direction at random.

Interrupting Jin's musings, Cesar interjected, "Actually, I know the location of one Immortal Ring. It belongs to the Blood Leaf." As the Captain of their Phantom Seed, his revelation came as no surprise. "Romann informed me that he will be tending to matters at the Blood Leafs 5th Immortal Ring in Lake Huron. Wherever that may be."

Ellie stared at Cesar in disbelief. "You're kidding, right? It's one of the Great Lakes; it's situated above Michigan," she explained. Cesar appeared perplexed, scratching the back of his head, clearly unaware of Michigan's whereabouts. Sensing his confusion, Ellie relented and said, "It's East, Captain. We need to head East."

Cesar's face lit up with enthusiasm as he pointed his spear ahead and exclaimed, "To Michigan, we go!" However, his momentum was short-lived as Ellie interjected, "East is that direction." Ellie said sounding exasperated invoking laughter among the group.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone on the surface, a vast underground cave system lay hidden beneath Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Delving deeper into the earth's embrace, this labyrinthine network extended for kilometers, unveiling secrets untold.

Descending further into the depths, an immense pocket opened up, concealed from the touch of sunlight. Yet, miraculously, water had managed to find its way, seeping through the cracks and crevices and freezing into ice formations, adorning this subterranean realm with an ethereal beauty.