
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Marcy Jung

Marcy listened to Cesar as he explained how he had snuck into Al's car following him to the 15th Mortal Blood Ring where they were intercepted by a Hybrid in the Mental Domain. Since he had not awakened his Will, he could not see their enemy, yet somehow, they killed it.

He then met Romann who became their teacher he made him the captain of their phantom seed after Cesar won a challenge and awakened his Wind Will.

Marcy looked at the tall boy who had scars covered all over his body up to his neck. "I have never met someone whose Will is actually one of the four pinnacles, amazing." she said.

Cesar blushed but then turned to Ellie and Al "If you think i'm amazing you should see those two." Cesar said with a deep pride on his phantom seed.

Marcy took a liking towards Cesar. "I already know Ellie's Will is in the extreme category, but that boy's Etheric Shell seems to belong to an unimpressive Will most likely common." She quietly glanced towards Al who was robe less only covered by some of the island's vegetation. She then turned to Jin and Agnethe.

Agnethe spoke first then Jin, they both had a similar story, they belonged to prominent clans within a God Leaf territory. They were both initiated by a former family member who had participated in the last Mortal Rings Tournament.

When they mentioned their Common Will's Lightning and Titan, she seemed to lose some interest in asking them more questions.

Ellie's turn came but Marcy simply asked her one question, "What exact Will did you awake?"

Ellie looked down before saying how she had the Extreme Will of Reflection/Mirror. Marcy nodded and asked her nothing else, finally turning to Al "What is your story?" she asked with a plain look on her face.

Al paused briefly, his thoughts wandering back to the beginning of his journey.

He spoke of his chance encounter with the renowned Supreme Immortal King Godfrey, who had personally invited him to train at the 15th Blood Ring and presented him with a C-stone. The condition was simple: keep the Supreme God Leaf in his thoughts.

Marcy's eyes widened as she absorbed this information, Al's voice carrying a detached tone as he remembered the time his mind felt on fire.

After recounting his unusual journey, Al disclosed the nature of his Will, Common, Stubborn Will.

Marcy's expression shifted to one of puzzlement, and she glanced at Cesar and Ellie before returning her gaze to Al, with visible confusion.

"I've heard of Supreme Immortal King Godfrey; his name carries weight," Marcy commented.

"It's indeed fortunate to have crossed paths with him. However, a partially awakened Stubborn Will is nothing unusual. Stubborn Will itself is considered unremarkable, with low offensive and defensive capabilities. So, why does Cesar hold you in such high regard?"

Al, slightly taken aback by Ellie's directness, continued his story. He explained how they completed a rigorous three-month training course under Romann's guidance and visited his mother.

During their visit, was the first time they encountered a Dawn-Keeper, a battle that would have ended in tragedy if not for his Etheric Shell's unique and strange ability. It absorbed the Angelic being's most powerful attack and redirected it and with a single, devastating strike, obliterated their foe.

Their journey then led them to the 5th Immortal Ring of the Blood Leaf, an encounter that brought them face to face with two enigmatic underground blue giants, who referred to their people as Tonovians.

"While trying to get the God Leaves to help the Tonovians the world cataclysm occured. As we saw the world coming to an end, an Immortal intervened, transporting us to the headquarters of the I.P.S (Institute for Practical Science). There, Robert Sullivan, the leader of the institute, joined forces with Loh', one of the Tonovians, to craft an inhaler. The unique mixture temporarily allowed us to enter the Metal Domain." Al explained before taking a deep breath.

Marcy was amazed by the scale of their experiences within the brief period of their cultivation it was staggering. Just as she was about to probe further into the I.P.S., Al continued with their journey.

"During our first mission, we confronted the blood plague unleashed by the Rakh-ahtan, accompanied and one of their soldiers. Even with everyone momentarily in the Mental Domain we were about to be defeated so I decided to enter the activate my inhaler and enter the Mental Domain. Instantly a mysterious spell entered my mind called Midnight-Abyss. Upon its invocation, an impregnable armor enveloped me, transforming my knife into a dark blade of unfathomable power. I then destroyed the plague and sent the Rakh-ahtan warrior fleeing in terror. I later even fought and defeated an Immortal Dark acolyte, although regrettably, his spirit-soul managed to escape."

Marcy regarded Al with a wary expression, an air of uncertainty lingering as she contemplated the weight of his words, unsure whether he might be embellishing certain details.

Hearing the end of their journey, Marcy decided to reintroduce herself. "My name is Marcy Jung, and as you know, Ellie is my daughter," she began. "Regarding my Will, I'd prefer to keep it a mystery for now. As for my Domain, let's just say I reside in the Immortal Chasm."

Their collective gasp of disbelief echoed through the cave, even Ellie, who had always assumed her mother's Domain was situated in the Spiritual Domain of the Mortal Chasm was shocked.

After their discussion with Immortal Murky Stone, they knew that individuals in the Immortal Chasm could range from being 600 years old to well over a millennium. Meeting her mother under these circumstances was like encountering an entirely different person.

Al wasted no time in seeking clarification. "But you never qualified as a recognized disciple of a God Leaf, so how did you make such remarkable progress on your own?"

A soft, appreciative smile graced Marcy's lips as she responded, "The path of cultivating ones Will is inherently solitary. While joining a God Leaf is certainly advantageous, it's not the only path. Those with more eccentric Wills often progress at a similar pace, whether within a God Leaf or independently."

The group's curiosity deepened, their minds now abuzz with speculation about the nature of Marcy's enigmatic Will.

"In the present, your primary focus should be preparing for the upcoming Mortal Rings Tournament. Placing well in the tournament might attract the attention of a God Leaf, possibly leading them to extend a personal invitation. This means you should strive to enter the Mental Domain, as you'll likely encounter opponents from the Mental and Spiritual Domains. Staying confined to the Physical Domain, even with an Extreme or Rare Will, will not only guarantee an early loss but you could be killed," Marcy advised, underlining the urgency of their situation.

At this juncture, Ellie rose from her seat, addressing her mother with a question off topic she wanted to know about the fate of those living in California.

Marcy's initial surprise gave way to her response. "Most perished. Southern California succumbed to the sea's embrace and earthquakes shattered it. However, the Church of the New Promise foresaw the impending disaster and managed to save a substantial number of people. They now inhabit the Temple Isles around Mount Kali, which is under the Church's dominion. Is there a particular reason you're asking?"

Ellie's gaze shifted to Al and Cesar, her tone firm. "If we are truly dedicated to reaching the Mental Domain, closure is necessary for both of you." She pointed resolutely at the two, garnering distinct reactions. Al's tension manifested audibly through his clenched teeth, while Cesar seemed lost in contemplation.

"Ellie, you've articulated it well," Marcy commended, her composure unwavering. "Progress requires leaving behind any emotional burdens. You should bid farewell, as it might be a final farewell."

Al's frustration burst forth. "We don't even know if they're alive!" he exclaimed.

Marcy's response remained steady, unruffled by his emotional eruption. "Then find out. If needed, bury what remains, and say your goodbyes. Closure demands certainty. On the far end of the island, I have a sailboat that the five of you can take."

A few hours later in the crisp cold air of night the five found themselves navigating the open sea.

In one corner of the sailboat, Agnethe stood beside Al, her arms wrapped around him in a comforting embrace.

Meanwhile, Cesar stood inside the cabin at the helm, guiding the vessel through the waters as he shared with Jin, Ellie tales of his childhood. His stories painted vivid pictures of his parents, and siblings, creating a sense of his affection towards them.

Amidst the tranquil night, Al softly spoke to the sea. "The more time passes, the less real any of this feels." he murmured softly the words reaching Agnethe, tinged with a hint of wistfulness. She listened attentively; she didn't respond simply listened.

As the night progressed, the distant lights of Mount Kali's base came into view, painting the horizon with a warm glow. After several hours, Al and Agnethe joined the others.

Al's voice held a resolute tone as he shared his decision. "Even if she's alive, I won't approach her. It's better for her to believe I'm gone. Seeing me again would only bring her continuous pain."

Ellie and Jin were poised to offer their opinions, particularly Ellie, whose memories of Alice were filled with affection.

However, Cesar interjected before they could speak. "I agree," he said, his voice tinged with the weight of sacrifice. "Knowing where alive somewhere away from them in danger, would only rob them of years due to worry and stress."

Ellie's gaze fixed on Cesar, and she sensed the depth of the burden they were choosing to carry. "Guys, please... They deserve to know you're alive," she implored, her concern evident.

Yet Cesar and Al remained silent, their determination unshaken. Jin, sensing the heaviness of the moment, threw his arm around Cesar and interjected with a smile. "Come on, Captain, tell us again how you became the Muay Thai champion," he encouraged, injecting a cheerful note into the atmosphere.

The night transformed into a tapestry of shared memories as they recounted stories from their pasts.

Gradually, the sky began to lighten as the sun rose on the horizon. As they neared their destination—the first Temple Isle.0

The Island they approached was dominated by a colossal temple that crowned its highest point. The population was modest, numbering less than a thousand.

Al, now clad in one of Marcy's robes, blended in more effectively than they initially anticipated, although they soon chose to explore the island invisibly covered by Ellie's etheric shell.

The island's inhabitants were dressed in white linen robes, and friendly voices filled the air as they strolled unseen through the community.

Jin, leaned in to speak in a hushed tone to the rest of the group. "I don't think it's wise to enter their temples or churches," he whispered, a reminder of their encounter with the Exarch in the Church of the Brotherhood of Light. "The churches and Dawn-keepers seem to go hand in hand."

The group heeded his advice, deciding to circumvent the temple. It took them a full day to explore the entire island while avoiding the temple, yet they found no trace of their loved ones.

This pattern repeated as they journeyed to more than 20 different Temple Islands, each of them sharing a temple. Al and Cesar slowly came to terms with the likelihood that their families were no longer among the living.

However, during their travels, they uncovered a curious piece of information: beneath Mt. Kali lay a prison for those believed to have caused the Cataclysm. Furthermore, anyone who had Awakened their Will or was affiliated with a God Leaf, as per the Church's dictates, were imprisoned there. As they learned more, the idea of approaching Mount Kali began to appear increasingly perilous.

Over the course of a month, they maintained their pattern, visiting 25 islands in total, some of which required more than a day to explore. The more they heard, the more they regarded Mt. Kali with dread, a place to avoid at all costs.

However, it was on the 26th Island that Al's eyes fell upon a sight that left him stunned. There, before him, stood Kesha's parents, accompanied by her younger brother. Kesha herself was nowhere to be seen.

It quickly clicked in his head what most likely had occurred.

Al's voice was a mere whisper, laden with guilt. "I awakened her Will and left her here, thinking she'd be safer..." His gaze shifted to Mount Kali, looming in the distance like a somber grave for all cultivators. "She was taken." he concluded, his words heavy with sorrow.

The weight of Al's revelation was understood by everyone except Agnethe. Each person present shared a solemn gaze with him. The name "Kesha" hung in the air, evoking memories of their past. They had once wished for Kesha to join their phantom seed, yet it had been Al who chose to leave her behind.

As they stood there, a familiar figure passed by, oblivious to their presence thanks to Ellie. It was Alice Adamous, Al's mother, accompanied by an older woman who Al recognized as his grandmother, his father's mother.

Al's eyes welled with tears as he watched his mother so close yet beyond his reach. Her beauty was marred by the toll of pain and grief, but a faint smile and a glimmer of hope still shone in her eyes as she made her way to the temple, where Mass was about to begin.

Al and the others followed her closely but refrained from entering the temple. Al wiped away his tears and turned back to the boat, composing himself. "Alright, let's keep going. If my mom is here, then maybe Cesar's family isn't too far off," he declared, his voice resolute.

They stared at Al. Ellie wanted to say something but saw Agnethe hold Al's hand and remained quiet. Cesar, too, appeared deep in thought, but they respected Al's decision.

With a shared nod, they turned away from the temple and toward the horizon, resuming their journey to the next island.

On the very next island, Cesar's sharp eyes quickly caught sight of his parents. His parents were joined by his eldest sister and her husband, who had two children, making Cesar an uncle.

Overwhelmed by emotion, Cesar barely managed to whisper, "Where... where's everyone else?" He remained concealed with the group, hidden from their view.

Ellie's voice offered a glimmer of hope. "Perhaps they're in another part of the island?" she suggested optimistically. Taking her words to heart, Cesar imprinted his parents' and sister's faces into his memory before they moved on to explore the rest of the island.

As they continued their journey, Cesar's thoughts began to crystallize, his expression growing determined.

"No, I've been thinking," he began, his tone resolute. "The rest of my siblings disliked going to church; they weren't particularly religious. Only my older sister accompanied my parents regularly. It's likely the church only saved those who were part of their congregation." His gaze turned to the temple, a simmering anger in his eyes. "They let my other siblings die, and my parents probably don't even know."

Cesar's anger was palpable, directed at the temple that represented such a grievous betrayal. "Let's go," he declared, his tone firm. "We've found what we came for."

Two months had passed since they departed Marcy's Shiny Island and set sail on their journey. Al's determination had only grown during this time, haunted by the knowledge that Kesha was imprisoned somewhere beneath Mt. Kali because of his actions.

Al voiced his resolve. "We need to go to Mt. Kali. Kesha is imprisoned somewhere down there."

Jin responded promptly, practical as always, he explained. "We can't venture into such a perilous place without at least entering the Mental Domain. It would be suicidal." He understood the gravity of the situation.

Cesar chimed in, reinforcing Jin's point. "Jin's right. If we encounter more than one Dawn-keeper or a priest akin to the Exarch from the Brotherhood of Light, we're dead." He emphasized the necessity of honing their abilities.

Cesar then suggested an alternative. "Ellie, why don't we just ask your mom if she could teach us?"

His proposition caught Ellie off guard. "Ask my mother?" she echoed, contemplation in her eyes. "I mean, I assumed she herself was struggling to cultivate her Will. But I suppose she is an Immortal. Still, I don't understand why she sent me to train at the 15th Mortal Blood Ring if she could have trained me herself."

Her question resonated with the group; they had wondered the same thing. Jin offered a plausible explanation. "It might have to do with the resources available to the God Leafs. Additionally, my teacher had neither the time nor the inclination to personally train me. Perhaps your mother felt the same, no offense."

Agnethe, as pragmatic as ever, ended the discussion. "We'll just have to ask her."

With a shared understanding, the five of them set sail back to Marcy's Island which began shining brilliantly in the sea as if responding to them.