
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs


Time drifted by as Al walked through the tall grass, its blades transforming into ephemeral wisps of smoke upon his touch. Amidst the endless expanse, Al's attention was captivated by a distant sight on his left.

Squinting his eyes, he discerned a faint trail of smoke snaking through the air, gradually drawing nearer. He realized that another presence was approaching.

A surge of uncertainty surged through him. Should he halt and wait for whatever it was to reveal itself? Should he flee, consumed by fear? Or should he confront it head-on, his curiosity overpowering caution?

Internalizing his surroundings, Al consoled himself, believing that nothing here should have the power to harm him. With newfound resolve, he altered his course, veering left to intercept the enigmatic source of the encroaching smoke.

However, when Al stepped upon the next blade of grass, it refused to dissipate. Caught off guard, he stumbled and tumbled to the ground, his face meeting dirt. "Ow! What... why didn't that stupid thing vanish?"

Unbeknownst to Al, while he contemplated the peculiar grass, the trail of smoke had silently crept closer, encircling him in a swirling dance. As he spun around, astonishment seized him. It was not a person or creature emerging from the mist; it was the smoke itself, gradually reconstituting into the blades of grass he had encountered. The realization washed over him, leaving him awestruck amid a vast grassy expanse.

Yet, amidst this vastness, one blade stood apart—an unassuming thin stalk that had brought Al crashing to the ground. Its prominence within the sea of grass left an indelible mark on his perception.

Al approached the enigmatic blade without making physical contact. Awe and curiosity swirled within him as he examined the extraordinary find. "This... it resembles the blade of a sword." he murmured, envisioning the incredible weapon. He pondered the possibilities and wondered if it could be taken along on his journey.

Compelled by his inner musings, Al reached out, intending to free the blade from this abyss. However, the instant his fingertip grazed the metal, a jarring vibration coursed through the air, echoing with a haunting metallic resonance.

In an instant, the reverberations swept through the entire world, obliterating every blade of grass in a dissipating cloud of smoke. As the thick haze enshrouded the vicinity, Al's body succumbed to a paralyzing grip, while an unexplainable terror gripped his heart.

Time seemed to warp as the unsettling events unfolded in a heartbeat. A searing, burning pain emanated from Al's left hand, capturing his attention amidst the chaos.

As the smoke gradually dispersed, the blade he had touched was insidiously penetrating his arm. It pierced flesh, muscle, and bone with unnatural ease, defying any resistance or tangible existence.

The excruciating agony threatened to consume Al's consciousness as the blade mercilessly advanced.

Just as the grip of darkness threatened to claim him, a voice whispered in the depths of his mind, chilling him to the core. "You're mine." The words slithered with a haunting finality. Overwhelmed by the searing pain, Al blacked out.

In a disorienting shift, Al found himself back within the confines of his dark housing unit.

However, this time, he could discern the faint outlines of objects in the pitch-blackness. His gaze immediately gravitated towards the vacant space where his blood-etched ritual formation once resided.

Only remnants remained—a ring attached to a peculiar knife by a lengthy metal chain. The knife was unconventional, with its blade protruding, curving downward. Intrigued, Al picked up the dreamcatcher, and a knife chained to a ring.

Rising to his feet, Al surveyed the room, devoid of the earlier fear that had engulfed him. His first instinct led him to the well-lit room, where he quenched his insatiable thirst by consuming a full canteen of water.

As he caught sight of his reflection shimmering on the water's surface, a startling revelation struck him. "Jesus!? No wonder I was so thirsty," Al exclaimed, glancing down to find his medical robe drenched in dried blood, the stain conspicuously confined to his left side.

Yet, upon scrutinizing his entire body, he couldn't definitively determine if the blood belonged to him. "Was it merely a dream, what was that blade?" he mused softly, fixating on his unblemished left hand.

Al consulted his C-stone, to discover that 15 hours had elapsed since his previous ordeal, though it had felt like an interminable eternity. Contemplating his next move, he cast a gaze towards his armor, contemplating whether he should put it on or not. He reached for the chest plate, securing it in place, and continued to equip the rest of the armor.

With his canteen securely tucked away in one of the leather pockets of his leg greaves Al finally slipped the ring onto his right pinky.

A subtle shift in his surroundings whispered of an indescribable change. The energy his A.R.C had diligently gathered in his navel felt depleted, its accumulation also became sluggish.

Al couldn't shake the feeling of drained energy, as if it were being siphoned away from him. His eyes fixated on the ring and the chain. It dawned on him that this intricate apparatus might be the conduit through which his A.R.C -generated energy escaped.

To his surprise, Aliyah's familiar presence at the entrance of the housing unit had been replaced by an aged man. Hastening his steps, Al's curiosity surged, fueling his eagerness to witness the forms taken by the others' etheric shells. Their unique experiences during the harvest intrigued him immensely.

Within a short span of thirty minutes, Al arrived at the training field, where Jin animatedly engaged him in conversation. Meanwhile, Yusuf was immersed in meditation at a distance. Jin's narrative enthralled Al as he recounted his ethereal journey, a mirrored reflection of Al's own.

Jin spoke of ascending into an all-encompassing burning sun, where he felt like he was about to be incinerated. However, he recalled Cesar's advice, and the searing heat transformed into a blinding light that gradually revealed the contours of his surroundings.

Jin's ethereal shell materialized as a stone emblem, obscuring his vision and abruptly pulling him out of the energy plane.

Excitedly, Jin shared an emblem adorned with his family's surname, a stone manifestation representing his etheric shell. Jin spoke of how etheric shell's that manifest with a strong familiarity to its user would facilitate a swift and smooth journey towards Immortality. Al couldn't help but feel a sense of awe, this being his first encounter with such information.

Curiosity gnawed at Al as he turned his attention to the unadorned iron ring snugly encircling his left pinky, and the peculiar knife connected to it by an iron chain. He couldn't help but wonder if these objects held any familiarity to him, he wasn't aware of.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the dramatic arrival of Louise, descending from the sky with a force that left small craters imprinted on the grass. The unexpected sight left Yusuf and Al momentarily stunned.

Astonishingly, Louise emerged unscathed from her freefall surveying the trio. They were about to greet her when Ellie joined the group, seemingly materializing out of thin air. Now Louise was shocked along with the three.

"Woah, how did you do that? Louise, you're truly extraordinary," Ellie exclaimed, awestruck by Louis falling from the sky. Silence settled the group until Louise shook her head, voicing her bewilderment. "Me? How did you appear out of thin air? Was it some sort of spell?".

Moving a couple of steps to her left, Ellie responded, dispelling the mystery. "It wasn't a spell, I promise". Extending her hand towards an empty area, she touched an invisible object that immediately distorted upon contact. As the distortion dissipated, a human-sized mirror materialized, floating effortlessly beside Ellie. "See? It's all thanks to my etheric shell," she explained innocently.

The group found themselves struck silent by the revelation. While their etheric shells materialized as inanimate objects, Ellie's manifestation seemed almost intelligent. Jin's emblem of familial significance, Yusuf's humble brown belt, Al's iron ring-chain and knife, and even Louise's drums, which granted her astonishing abilities, paled in comparison to the enigmatic nature of Ellie's otherworldly floating mirror.

Only Cesar was left to join them. Louise couldn't resist a playful comment directed at Al. "Hey, you sure your boyfriend will show up on time?" Al's expression immediately soured, prompting Louise to backtrack with a mischievous grin. "Relax, I'm just joking. You two are closer than the rest of us. By the way, your little knife is cute. Who would have thought an etheric shell could manifest as two things?"

Al responded with a smile, accepting the compliment. "Thanks! Though it's not as impressive as having a drum. I'll have to make do with this weapon meant for combat and killing." The implications of Al's words weren't lost on Louise, whose face flushed a shade brighter than her vibrant hair. Ellie observed the interaction with curiosity before diverting her attention to the left, where Romann had arrived.

Romann's gaze lingered upon the group of five, scrutinizing each individual's manifestation of their etheric shell. "Stubborn willpower typically manifests as an earring necklace or ring of sorts. However, an occurrence like this isn't entirely unprecedented." Romann quietly thought as he turned towards Jin "It appears they have reached such a profound level of ancestral will inheritance that their etheric shells have been affected." Romann's gaze finally landed Ellie's manifestation. "Ellie's the most intriguing of all—it seems to possess a life of its own."

"Senior Romann, in your opinion, how crucial is the structure of one's etheric shell?" Romann turned his gaze towards Ellie, contemplating her query before responding thoughtfully. "The purpose of your manifestation is to serve as a tool through which you can exert your will upon the world. Some tools are better suited for travel, while others excel in combat or healing. It all depends on the essence of your will and how your soul approaches it."

As Romann spoke, Cesar finally came into view, slowly approaching the group. All eyes were drawn to the mythical-looking spear he held in his right hand.

Standing at an impressive six feet tall, the spear was crafted entirely from a beautiful dark wood. Its tip extended a foot in length and featured a pattern of intricately placed holes. The staff bore exquisite engravings depicting clouds and winds, while a beautiful blue silk ribbon adorned its base. In Cesar's presence, the spear made him appear almost godlike—a king among men.

All attention shifted to Cesar, and it became evident that not all etheric shells were created equal. The differing treatment that Romann had given Cesar and Ellie now made sense. Despite a twinge of envy that momentarily gripped Al, it swiftly dissipated as he couldn't help but feel genuine happiness for his friend.

"Alright, now that you're all here, I will show you what training for the next two and a half months will entail," Romann declared. He led them first to the exchange center, where he assigned them the most challenging task as a team of six.

Next, they visited the library, where Romann conversed with Otto Sitto, the small and furry librarian. Otto handed Romann six copies of the red book. Romann distributed a copy to each group member, stating, "It cost me 200 merits for each book, but you can repay me after completing a few tasks."

They then proceeded to the Del Santos Collective, waiting outside the enormous pyramid. After approximately 40 minutes, Romann emerged, carrying five gray, dull unisex robes.

He handed one to each person, except for Cesar, who received a red and gray robe. Romann explained, "Each robe costs 100 merits, and they are imbued with a different type of sigil magic that does not deplete your stamina. Cesar, yours was 150 merits. These robes absorb the natural energy flow of the world, strengthening their fabric. You can pay me later; for now, focus on your training."

The group exchanged complex expressions as they followed Romann to their next destination.

At the Alchemical Labs, Romann once again had them wait outside while he went in. Upon his return, he presented them with a stone emblem shaped like a hexagon. Each emblem bore a different Rune inscription. "Don't worry, these won't cost you anything," Romann assured them.

"These are the Blood Leaf's records of recognized disciples who possessed the same Wills as some of you. Cesar and Ellie, you must contend with similar Wills, as there haven't been enough recognized disciples who share your specific Wills."

After distributing the stones with the respective runes to Cesar and Ellie, Romann explained their significance. He gave Cesar a stone with a light blue rune, representing the exotic Will of water, and mentioned that they were similar, which could inspire Cesar's progress. He handed Ellie a stone with a bright yellow rune.

Once all the stones were distributed, Romann addressed the group with a serious expression. "I had to arrange some special arrangements to borrow these historical runes for the six of you. You only have one month to study them before I must return them. Additionally, I won't be able to train you as extensively as some other teachers, so please bear with me. Now, return to your housing units. If you have any pending independent tasks, this is the time to complete them. Cesar will inform you about the next personal training session. If you have any questions, follow the proper chain of command. Good luck, everyone!"

With that, Romann disappeared, leaving the group looking at Louise, who then turned to Cesar, who turned around to find no one.