
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

H.E.R.O.'s of New Ark City

Al and Elissa strolled side by side through the vibrant forest, its orange and green trees painted a vivid backdrop to their conversation. Al turned to Elissa, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"You're probably in a hurry to get back to the Supreme Leaf's 23rd Mortal Ring. I can handle things from here, and I'll be sure to inform A.R.M. I know two major figures in the I.P.S. who I can confide warn them about Taczpolic." Al suggested.

Elissa slowly exhaled the cold air of the forest, she figured she was going to have to be more honest. "I should've mentioned earlier that Romann arrived just before we left. I needed your support and didn't want to risk you changing your mind," she admitted. 

Al wasn't upset he'd suspected as much in fact he was relieved she had decided to be honest with him. Hearing it confirmed, though, brought a sense of reassurance. "I had a feeling. So, what's your aim in accompanying me to New Ark?" he inquired.

Elissa's eyes drifted skyward the blue sky was marked by fluffy white clouds, lost in thought. "The dynamic between teacher and student is a must in the world of cultivation. Although intrigued where the thread of Taczlopalic and Lapaptzi might lead. I'm considering taking you under my wing," she mused.

Al was taken aback; he hadn't expected Elissa to express an interest that seemed to hold no immediate benefit for her. He paused, considering the implications. "There must be something more to this," he mused, before responding, "Apart from the fact that I see cultivation as a solitary journey, what do you stand to gain from this?"

Elissa gazed at Al, taking in the sight of his snow-white hair and weathered features, a testament of the decades of time that had gone by. She remembered the first time she met him. He was just a boy, tears streaming down his face, refusing to accept the fate of his friend. 

"I need to attain enlightenment of the 48 Laws of the Mortal Chasm before I can birth my Immortal Spirit. Like a blade sharpening another, or two stones sparking a fire, two minds can illuminate the world." Elissa spoke her voice calm yet inspiring. 

"Most cultivators are fixated on perfecting spells or refining their Will. But I see it in your eyes, your passion lies in understanding the Laws," she explained candidly. Al was taken aback by her observation; he'd never really considered himself as "obsessed" with the Laws of cultivation. The two walked beneath a cascade of golden and emerald leaves. 

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows through the trees. "In return, I can assist with other aspects of your cultivation, including ritual creation," Elissa offered answering his possible doubts. Although he held great respect for Elissa and had already gleaned a wealth of knowledge from her, he wasn't sure whether to take the offer. "What I need to do is enter isolated cultivation to bring my Heat Will into the Mental Domain of the Mortal Chasm," he pondered.

In the midst of his thoughts, a small gray sphere suddenly flew towards them, swerving through the trees and stopping a dozen feet away from them. Al and Elissa instinctively drew their weapons. preparing to be attacked by the floating sphere in some way or fashion.

The peculiar object split open, emitting a blue light that scanned them both. "Greetings, cultivators. I am Sprite Node 379 of A.R.M., assigned to the Hero Raging Stone," the sphere announced. Almost simultaneously, three figures emerged from the forest, two of them accompanied by their own floating spheres.

Al and Elissa cautiously eyeing the trio down despite the warm greeting of the floating metal sphere.

The figure without a sphere sported a gray and black suit, he was wearing a mask that made his face seem to be made from stone. To his right was clad in a black and yellow armor with a helmet with horns. The one to his left was wearing an all-red skin suit, he was the only one with a visible face. The man seemed around twenty years old with a well shaven face. "They look like comic book superheroes..." Al said in his head as he studied the three of them.

"I'd advise caution if I were you two. This area's been known to host holy men from the Church of the New Light," The man with the stone mask warned.

The trio walked past Al and Elissa studying the ground and trees in the area. "Especially now, with tensions escalating between our New Ark and the Churches. If they catch wind of Cultivators in this region, they'll dispatch even more Holy Men," the black and yellow armored figure, added.

Elissa and Al exchanged glances, both poised to speak. However, Elissa held her tongue and allowed him to take the lead. "We're actually on our way to New Ark. I carry sensitive and crucial information for Robert Sullivan and Loh' Pohlieus," he explained, his tone firm and resolute.

Before any of the figures could respond, one of the floating Metal Spheres interjected. "Tell me how do you know my progenitors Robert and Loh? I am a sprite node, an extension A.R.M. that accompanies our New Ark's Heroes."

Al was taken aback by the floating metal sphere and the capacity of A.R.M.'s reach, not to mention its reference to Loh and Robert as its progenitors. 

Clearing his throat Al could see the three colorful figures patiently waiting for him to speak. "My phantom seed and I traveled alongside Loh' Pohlieus and Asoto' Tinneus for a brief period, we helped him connect with Robert and his I.P.S. (Institute for Practical Science.)" He said making the story brief before almost whispering the next sentence. "The information I possess is far too sensitive to disclose publicly," a note of caution in his voice.

The revelation that Al had a direct connection with the revered founders of New Ark City and its State left not only the three figures astonished, but also surprised Elissa. The metal sphere paused, absorbing this information before responding, "If that's the case, then I eagerly await your arrival. I'll inform my fathers of their old acquaintance paying a visit. I'm keen to hear about your travels with my father, Loh' Pohlieus."

With that, the metal sphere fell silent, drifting slowly back towards Raging Stone the stoned helmet figure's side.

Raging Stone pondered for a moment. "Well, this changes things," he mused. "We well escort you and secure you a passage out of these lands, hopefully without encountering any Priests or Exarchs." He said turning to his two other partners who agreed.

Raging stone looked back towards Al and Elissa "My name is Hero Raging Stone, to my right in the red that's Hero Hot Pyro and in the black and yellow that's Hero Bee Max." Raging stone said introducing himself and his partners.

After that he added with a serious and sincere face. "When I warned you earlier, I wasn't joking these are dangerous lands."

Al and Elissa exchanged glances, before introducing themselves, Elissa as a recognized disciple of the Supreme Leaf and Al as vagabond cultivator.

The group continued walking together, with the three Heroes maintaining a vigilant guard. Elissa decided to broach the topic directly. "So, what exactly are you three? You call yourself heroes but that typically is just another word for soldier?" she inquired bluntly.

Raging Stone chuckled before responding, his voice filled with honesty and optimism. "Hahaha, no, not soldiers. New Ark City has no military ambitions. We're part of the H.E.R.O program, which stands for Helping Evolve and Respect Organisms. Our mission is to extend the power and scientific knowledge of New Ark to restore natural habitats, clean waters, and aid the defenseless in any way we can." He said almost sounding like a slogan motivating Bee Max to jump dramatically in the air before catching a falling leaf. He then gently releasing it on the grass exposing a little caterpillar go about his own way.

However, Raging Stone's tone shifted, and a hint of weariness crept into his voice as he continued, "Things only got bad when the Holy Men from the churches began proselytizing in our cities. Our great guarding A.R.M. allowed them, emphasizing that everyone should have the right to religious freedom A.R.M. was even open to promoting religious conversions."

A deep sigh escaped Raging Stone's lips as he delved into the painful memories of the past. The pain was visible in Hot Pyro's face as he heard his partner retell the past. "A few years back, there was a group of Holy Men preaching fervently to a crowd. Unbeknownst to them, a Dark Acolyte, invisible to Mortals, happened to be nearby." 

Pausing and briefly looking at his sprite node he continued. "Triggered by the Holy Men's actions. In an act of self-preservation, the Dark Acolyte transformed a human into a Hybrid. This Hybrid, consumed by rage, attacked and brutally killed the nearest Holy Man."

The trio of Heroes seemed to have their mood taken down as however their vigilance as they walked remained high. Raging stone continued explaining the feud between the two powers. "The remaining Holy Men fled the city, racing back to their Churches with tales of New Ark City being infested by demons, posing a threat to both the Church and the unconverted within our walls. This prompted a church edict, branding New Ark as one of the roots of Evil in this world. They began abducting our citizens, forcing them into reformation camps." It was clear the acts of the Church of the New Light had personally affected Raging Stone as he cleared his throat before continuing.

"Following this, they were banished from our State. Since then, they've been encroaching on our cities and territories. Skirmishes have erupted between H.E.R.O. squads and their Holy Men, resulting in some of our Heroes falling to the churches cruelty." Raging Stone provided a detailed overview of the complex dynamics of the area they now found themselves in.

Al, having experienced encounters with the Church of the New Light, wasn't particularly surprised by the grim realities Raging Stone laid out. He had been their prisoner and watched cultivators be executed in front of him. But for Elissa, who spent most of her time within the confines of her Supreme Leaf's 23rd Mortal Ring, the extent of the Church's influence and power was a revelation.

"Do they comprehend who the forces they are up against? A single God Leaf could obliterate them if they chose to," Elissa exclaimed, her disbelief palpable.

The Hero Hot Pyro and scoffed at her assertion. "I believe it's you who doesn't comprehend who you are up against. I've personally witnessed a lone Bishop single-handedly annihilate an entire Phantom Seed." His eyes where intense, he was visibly holding back tears the pain still fresh in his mind.

"They have countless Dawn-bringers at their beck and call, they command personal Light Acolytes. Some can even merge with them, capable of killing your immortal cultivators." he asserted, his tone edged with a solemn intensity. Elissa's gaze narrowed as she absorbed this information, realizing the Church they spoke about was something she had never faced.