
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Great-Seeing Pill

Five months had elapsed since Al and Elissa had arrived in New Ark City. They had not seen Raging Stone and Bee Max since their last farewell.

During this time, Al devoted himself entirely to the cultivating inside the room meticulously crafted by Robert Sullivan. 

Situated on the twelfth floor of H.E.R.O Tower, the room took on the appearance of a colossal steel vault on the outside, yet within, it was a spacious steam chamber. The atmosphere within was deliberately composed of three gases Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.

Seated on the floor, Al's breath remained steady. His face was no longer tainted by the steaming blood dripped from his eyes. When he opened his them, a profound calmness radiated from his pupils. "I should have enough Heat Will now... It's astonishing that my Stubborn Will took almost three decades to break into the Mental Domain," Al thought. 

Al shut out the distractions of the external world. Once again, he cleared his mind, honing in on the rhythmic dance of his breath.

Veins began to protrude from Al's forehead and neck, pulsating visibly. Rivers of his Heat Will surged inward from his A.R.C, drawn like streams toward his five organs. These vital structures acted as magnetic centers, pulling in the coursing Heat Will and amplifying its presence within him.

He reflected on Marcy's guidance from all those years her advice echoing in his ears. To draw attention to the center of his forehead, she had said. He channeled all his focus into breaching the barrier of his brain with the searing overflow of his Heat Will.

Yet, as he directed this fiery force upward, toward the sanctum of his brain, the imposing barrier stood firm, staunchly resisting his advance. Beads of sweat emerged, he was struggling for dominion of his Heat Will against his five organs that pulled his Heat down towards them.

In the midst of this internal warfare, a serpentine pattern emerged, the rivers of his Heat Will united once more forcing itself toward the coveted realm of his brain.

Familiar with the demanding nature of this process, Al understood that failing now would mandate starting anew. The painstaking task of saturating his body with Heat Will would loom over him once more.

Yet, in a moment that seemed to echo through the chambers of his consciousness, a resounding pop reverberated within Al's head. His Heat Will, a captive force until this instant, erupted beyond the formidable barrier guarding his brain. 

A torrent of information cascaded into his mind, unveiling itself as if it had always resided there, hidden in plain sight.

The newfound knowledge revealed an arsenal of magical spells exclusive to a Heat Will cultivator, primarily designed to enhance weapons and unleash powerful long-range attacks. 

Absorbing the profound magnitude of the cultivation shift he had just undergone Al softly whispered. "Incredible. I never anticipated the offensive prowess of Heat Will! Perhaps it even surpasses Flaming Will," 

Not far from H.E.R.O. Tower, a special event was unfolding. Nestled within a colossal, oval-shaped building, a vast stadium surrounded by tiered seats bore witness to the event. 

The exterior of the egg-shaped building seemed to pulsate with life, creating undulating ripples and spikes as if it was trying to come alive.

In the heart of the stadium, a young man with raven-black hair draped in monk robes stood as the central figure. It was Carlinn Ioannis, the representative and head teacher at the Alchemical College, called forth names to grace the stage.

On the first row of seats, Elissa observed the graduation. She was wearing a brown dress crafted from a unique New Ark City fabric. It resembled suede but surpassed it in softness and durability.

As she watched Carlinn speaking on stage Elissa calmly pondered, "Could Carlinn be Taczlopalic? His Alchemy is peculiar, but then again, Yulia's ability to foresee the future transcends any form of Cultivation or Alchemy," her thoughts weaving through the air as Carlinn congratulated the graduating students. 

Elissa attentively observed as the final student of the class prepared to step forward and receive their Degree in Alchemical Studies.

Before continuing Carlin began giving a monologue "When I founded this institution under the gracious approval of the great patriarchs of New Ark City, I instituted a unique requirement for graduating students—an imperative that sets us apart. Each graduate is challenged to create a Homunculus," His words stirred a wave of excitement among the students, prompting cheers and shouts from both those seated and the postgraduates. 

Perplexed, Elissa gently glanced around, seeking understanding amid the jubilant noise. "A Homunculus? Is such a thing even real?" she thought, but her thoughts were swallowed by the exuberant clamor.

With a gesture, Carlinn beckoned for the crowd to settle before resuming his address. "Year after year, class after class, only four of my students have succeeded in crafting a quality Homunculus. Today, I take pride in announcing the fifth. Jeremy Zauth, would you kindly demonstrate the capacity of a true Alchemist?" As Carlinn spoke, the final graduate, a middle-aged man wearing a long gray robe, stepped toward the center of the stage. 

Elissa quietly whispered, "I don't see any Homunculus?"

Abruptly, the man revealed a sealed glass jar containing dirt and grass. However, it was the diminutive figure standing on the grass that widened Elissa's eyes—a little naked man with a vacant gaze.

A collective gasp of anticipation echoed through the crowd, giving way to hushed whispers. 

Carlinn expounded. "A Homunculus is a perfect organism, akin to how artificial intelligence is a perfect system. Humans exist somewhere in between—a blend of the organic and the systematic. Therefore, knowledge and understanding become uniquely human endeavors. Yet, for the Homunculus, all understanding is readily accessible, just as knowledge is to a perfect system," His gaze lingered on Elissa as he concluded the sentence. The audience remained captivated by his words.

Carlinn continued, "Anyone capable of creating a Homunculus instantly gains access to boundless understanding. The catch lies in deciphering the cryptic words of these beings," Carlinn began walking towards Jeremy, who handed him the glass jar containing the remarkable Homunculus. After a brief exchange, Carlinn turned back to the enraptured audience.

"What has molded me into the person I am today is an alchemical recipe that only I and one other can execute. It requires the creation of a quality Homunculus as the main ingredient, along with an additional 200 distinct side ingredients and the fulfillment of 60 specific environmental conditions," he explained.

Elissa listened intently, realizing that the alchemy of New Ark City, of Carlinn seemed to surpass even the alchemy of the God Leafs.

"Only one individual, apart from myself, has being able to successfully refining a Homunculus into a pill. This remarkable creation is called the Great-Seeing Pill. Upon ingestion, not only does the body gain eternal youth, but the vast expanse of mortal understanding is instantaneously imprinted on the individual's mind," Carlinn declared, his eyes once again fixated on Elissa, leaving an air of tantalizing possibility in his wake.

The stadium's lighting dimmed, directing attention to a black cauldron wheeled onto the stage by four diligent students. Filled with a simmering, milky liquid, the cauldron exuded an aura of meticulous preparation, clearly designed for this grand occasion. The audience held its collective breath, eager to witness the unfolding alchemical spectacle.

Carlinn elevated the glass jar, presenting the little man within to the eager audience. With a gentle shake, he made the tiny figure stumble, its vacant eyes unblinking throughout. 

Opening the jar, Carlinn tossed the Homunculus into the boiling milky liquid. The liquid began its transformation, shifting from white to pink, then deepening into a vivid blood-red. A student promptly handed Carlinn a large ladle, which he used to stir the concoction. 

Gradually, the color evolved from red to a radiant gold, the intensity of the boiling liquid reaching its zenith before dissipating into a singular, golden pill.

Carlinn carefully lifted the luminous pill, its radiance accentuated by the focused stage light. Gesturing towards Elissa, he spoke, "As some of you may be aware, vagabond cultivators have sought knowledge within our institution. However, today, we are graced by the presence of a Lieutenant from one of the Supreme God Leafs' Mortal Rings." The entire crowd pivoted their attention toward Elissa. 

Elissa maintained a calm exterior, but beneath the surface, thoughts swirled, "What exactly is hoping to achieve by highlighting me?"

Carlinn proceeded to elucidate, "There are three Chasms a cultivator ascends through. Each Chasm has three Domains. The first is the Mortal Chasm, aside from its three domains, cultivators must gain enlightenment of 48 Mortal laws before ascending to the Immortal Chasm. The Great Seeing Pill bestows instant understanding of all 48 Mortal Laws!"

Elissa concealed her surprise at the revelation of the existence of such an incredible pill; its value in the cultivation world would be immeasurable. 

A whirlwind of conflicting thoughts surged through Elissa's mind. "Is he about to offer me the pill!? It could propel me into the Immortal Chasm, allowing me to birth an immortal Spirit! However, if he truly is Taczlopalic, can I trust anything he offers?" Her mind brimmed with uncertainty, grappling with divergent possibilities.

All eyes fixated on Carlinn and the golden pill cradled in his hand. He turned to Jeremy, who gazed at him with profound reverence, "Jeremy, I hope you don't mind me offering this Great Seeing Pill to our esteemed guest," Carlinn stated. 

Jeremy placed his hand over his heart and replied, "The Homunculus was my gift to express my deepest appreciation. The Great Seeing Pill is yours to do as you wish, Teacher!"

A warm smile graced Carlinn's lips as he bowed in acknowledgment of Jeremy's gift. He then shifted his attention to Elissa, making a request, "Elissa, will you please accept this Great-Seeing Pill from my Alchemical College as a gesture of goodwill toward the God Leaves?"

Elissa maintained her composed exterior before stating firmly, "Your gift is duly noted. However, I'm afraid I cannot accept your pill. My teacher has set a strict path for me. Besides a cultivator in the Spirit Domain, I already have eternal youth." 

Carlinn listened with a soft smile, and Elissa redirected the focus to Jeremy. "If anyone here is to gain the most from such an amazing pill it's your top student, Jeremy,' she added."

Carlinn nodded gently, turning to Jeremy and remarking casually, "It's your lucky day, Jeremy. You have the honor of receiving a Great-Seeing Pill crafted by my very own hands. Consume it in a calm setting, as it may take some time to adjust to the effects." After passing the pill to Jeremy, Carlinn concluded the graduation ceremony.

As the crowd dispersed, a gathering formed around Carlinn, who noticed Elissa making her exit from the stadium. 

In an instant, Carlinn seemed to vanish, leaving behind a small trace of smoke. "The Head Teacher smoked out again!'" an exasperated voice called out. The disappointed crowds turned their attention toward Jeremy and the graduating class of alchemists.

Exiting the stadium, Elissa unexpectedly encountered Carlinn, seemingly waiting for her. "Oh great, your alchemy allows you to teleport too?" she quipped. She was striding towards her levitating sled. 

"Something like that," Carlinn replied. 

Far in the distance 'Butler' a black owl was perched on her sled waiting for her.

Walking beside Elissa, Carlinn inquired, "Why are you in such a rush? You didn't enjoy the graduation? I was hoping we could continue the discussion we were having in the Spiritual Gala on the Law of Seven."

Elissa halted abruptly, her heels making her almost as tall as Carlinn. "I don't appreciate being invited to a place only to be pressured into making decisions in front of others, especially if it's for the purpose of advancing someone's influence," she asserted firmly.

Carlinn's eyes widened, and he offered Elissa a sincere gaze. "You're right, that did come off weird... Honestly, the reason I invited you here was just an excuse. The truth is ever since I first saw you, I've been captivated by your beauty," he admitted. 

Elissa recoiled at the unexpected revelation. "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a cultivation partner, or, in this case, an alchemy partner." she quickly responded.

Before the conversation could proceed any further, Butler swooped in, delivering a message: "Al is knocking at your door." it announced out loud.

Elissa turned towards Butler giving him a twisted look quietly however Elissa mused. "He was supposed to be in isolated cultivation for at least another month,"

Carlinn, scratching his head in slight embarrassment from Elissa's gentle rejection, looked at the black owl and then back at her. "Well then, Elissa, I hope I haven't offended you too much. If you ever have questions about my institution's understanding of the Law of Seven, my doors are always open for you," he offered.

Elissa drew a deep breath before gracing Carlinn with a smile. "No, actually I'm not offended, considering everything, your persistence was rather flattering." she admitted.

After their brief exchange, they bid each other farewell. Elissa's levitating sled ascended into the sky, with Butler perched upon it. Meanwhile, Carlinn strolled back toward the stadium, his thoughts veering into a more honest realm.

"Has this damn wench put the pieces together already? That cockroach Al has also begun moving again. Mphh, it doesn't matter if they're on to me now. They're far too late," Carlinn thought to himself as he walked back to his institution with a gentle smile on his face.

Racing through the sky back to H.E.R.O Tower, Elissa shook her head in revulsion. "Starstruck by my beauty. Ha! How naive does he think I am? Or was that just his desperate attempt to hide his true motives? Even if he isn't Taczlopalic, that man can't be trusted!"

As night fell, behind the egg-shaped stadium belonging to the Alchemical College, stood cottages where graduated students were given free living spaces. 

In one of those cottages, Jeremy sat in a meditative stance, the golden brilliance of the Great Seeing Pill illuminating the room.

The transcendent pill warmed Jeremy's hands, and excitement pulsed through his chest. "Once I digest this Great Seeing Pill, I should be able to reach the level of Head Teacher Carlinn. I might even develop greater pills. Pill's that could rival the power of Cultivation itself," he fervently thought before swallowing the Great-Seeing pill. 

Almost immediately, his eyes rolled back, his head snapped backward, and a low, painful screech escaped his mouth as if his spirit was leaving his body. After a moment, his head returned to normal, but his eyes now held a vacant look, reminiscent of the homunculus inside the jar.

Footsteps approached the cottage, and a dark figure appeared before Jeremy. It was Carlinn, staring at Jeremy with a soft smile. "So much for your luck," he said mockingly.