
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Falling Into Place

"You perceive destiny as a binding chain. Destiny is the very light that illuminates the darkness," the robed figure declared. Both Al and Elissa gazed stoically as the figure, a foot shorter than them, elegantly gestured with their hands. 

The elevator doors gracefully slid open, revealing the 450th floor of the imposing H.E.R.O.'s Tower.

After repeating the statement, the robed figure lowered their hood, unveiling a young blonde woman. "That is the motto of the Hidden Hand. If you seek you shall find, I am Sofia Yulia Novikov, the Head Witch and Medium of the Hidden Hand," she introduced herself. 

With a subtle flourish, Yulia handed Elissa a thin metal rectangle, akin to a stick of gum in size. Elissa pressed a button on the device, a holographic card materialized offering a complimentary consultation. 

"That's a business card," Al remarked slowly, realizing they were being subjected to a well-practiced pitch.

Yulia flashed a guilty smile at Al, and gracefully exited the elevator. Al followed suit, with Elissa trailing behind, engrossed in studying the small device in her hand. 

The floor they stepped onto was made of marble bathed in a deep violet hue. Above them, a resplendent ceiling outlined in gold framed a captivating painting—a colossal arm, resembling that of a human, breaking free from Earth. Crafted by a collective of men and women, led by a human and a Tonovian, the monumental arm reached beyond Earth, stretching toward the celestial realms of the unknown.

No Heroes graced the vicinity of the 450th floor. Instead, the bustling floor was comprised of humans darting from one office to another, animatedly discussing public functions and the current social standing of certain Heroes. 

Al and Elissa navigated through the hubbub, eventually arriving at the main office where Sofia had disappeared moments ago. Seated, they exchanged glances, and Al broke the silence, "What do you think?"

Elissa's gaze drifted, capturing the expanse of New Ark City through the windows on the walls. "They're managing quite well without cultivation or Will," Al observed. 

Elissa nodded in agreement. "They have a thriving collective. If safety and security are what you're after, this is the place for you," she remarked, her words hanging in the air as they patiently awaited their turn.

Al acted confused and asked, "Isn't that the purpose of the God Leafs?" Elissa fixed him with a steady gaze, prompting him to delve deeper into his question. 

Al explained "Cultivation is a solitary practice, so people join the God Leafs for a safe and secure environment." Elissa looked Al in the eyes assuring he could hear the words she was about to say, "Without the God Leafs, we'd have no direction. The time wasted trying to decipher the correct techniques and steps… anyone would perish long before reaching the Immortal Chasm."

As Elissa elucidated the challenge, Al pondered for a moment before responding, "I've encountered two Immortal cultivators outside the God Leafs, and they seemed to be doing well in their cultivation. Perhaps things aren't as you've been told." 

Elissa acknowledged his speculative habit with a smile. "You're young! Eventually, you'll understand what I mean, I'm sure even they would agree with me," she replied just as the door to the main office swung open.

A cheerful Sofia emerged, offering a wink and a smile to Elissa before departing. 

The door remained opened, beckoning Al and Elissa to enter. "Are we going to meet the real A.R.M.?" Al wondered silently as he got up and walked into the room. 

"He is young and ignorant. Within time he will come to understand." Elissa mused with an entertained smile.

Upon entering, Al's attention was immediately drawn to giant glass windows framing the vibrant, colorful utopia of New Ark City. The second focal point was a tall figure with red skin and black, straight black hair—A.R.M. "It's nice to finally meet you; I am A.R.M.," he greeted. Beside him stood a similarly tall, more muscular figure with white hair and blue skin. Al blurted out in recognition, "Loh Pohlieus," catching the attention of the Tonovian himself.

"Hey, Al it's good to see you healthy and well. I hope Cesar, and the rest find themselves well," Loh' Pohlieus inquired, prompting Al to approach the window's edge and peer outside the city. 

"Cesar and Jin are doing fine both are now recognized Disciples of a God Leaf. Cesar to the Erosion Leaf and Jin to the Lightning Stone Leaf." Al recounted what he knew so far about Cesar and Jin.

He took a deep breath and continued. "Me and Ellie fought an enlightened being named Lapaptzi, I sent Ellie far away so she could escape, never heard anything of her again." He still pondered about what could have possibly happened to Ellie. 

Al finished telling the fate of his companions from his old phantom seed "Lapaptzi was able to capture and abduct me. For some reason Agnethe chose to come back, only to be killed and burned to ashes."

Loh' Pohlieus listened recalling Agnethe and Ellie his gaze looking downward. When Asoto' and Loh' had first arrived in the surface, Cesar's phantom seed were one of the first surface humans they had encountered. They even aided Loh' and Asoto' and journeyed together for a brief period. 

It was through their assistance that Loh' Pohlieus was able to meet Robert Sullivan. From the partnership of Robert and Loh' A.R.M. was born. 

"'Lapaptzi' That name sounds familiar," Loh' remarked, prompting an immediate response from A.R.M. "Ten years ago, almost right after you had created me, a woman named Lapaptzi came on behalf of an individual named Taczlopilac who claimed to command all Dark Acolytes."

Al regarded A.R.M., sensing that the situation might be more manageable than he had initially thought. "Well, yes, that's exactly who I'm talking about. Did you form any ties with him?" Al inquired, then turned to Elissa, gesturing for her to join him closer to the center of the room.

A.R.M. graciously offered chairs to both Al and Elissa before responding, "We spoke a few times, but ultimately we severed ties with them. He was quite forthright about his ambitions. He wanted a portion of mankind to be like cattle led to the slaughter, to feed to Dark Acolytes. The three of us were clear—we wanted no part in such acts," A.R.M. explained, with Loh' silently concurring.

Elissa looked at A.R.M. with clear shock at such an audacious being. "Even Dark Acolyte's can't be so stupid." she silently thought. Al had a similar reaction he never expected Taczlopilac to have been so forward with A.R.M. "He's clearly trying to lower your guard I'm guessing he left in good terms with no hesitation?" Al asked to which A.R.M. and Loh' nodded.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Al replied, "Well, he has the ability to disguise himself. My guess is, he's currently trying to or already has, infiltrated your city."

Before Loh' or A.R.M. could respond, the door swung open, revealing an old man who slowly walked in. Despite the wrinkles and snow-white hair, Al recognized him immediately—it was Robert Sullivan. 

"Al! So, it is you. Oh, Al is it good to see you, boy," Robert exclaimed. Al observed the old man's feeble steps, his eyes clouded, he was in the final chapter of his life. 

Memories flooded Al's mind. "I don't remember me and Robert being so nice to each other. In fact, he's the reason why we left the I.P.S. He would've used us till we died and not have batted an eye," Al recalled as he scrutinized the old man.

Seeing his old friend Robert in such a vulnerable state, Loh' turned away to gaze out the window. "Why do the best always go first?" Loh' silently thought.

Robert continued, "I'm sure you're here for other reasons, but, Al, I've always wanted to apologize to you. At the time, I wanted to achieve the I.P. S.'s goal so badly that it ended up costing the lives of so many young cultivators."

Al was taken aback by Robert's apology. He never expected, nor was he seeking, such acknowledgment. Still Al knew what Robert was talking about and with a sharp tone said "What you did was callous and cold-hearted. While you sacrificed the lives of others, you also sacrificed your own soul. But if you didn't do so, perhaps the remnants of the old world would be long gone. However, here stands the old world reborn in all its glory, even grander and greater than before."

Elissa absorbed Al's words, swiftly grasping the context and history of the conversation. Robert Sullivan listened attentively, his face in deep contemplation. 

A.R.M. also listened to Al's sentiments and responded promptly, "Very well said. Whether the ends justify the means, who is to say, but woe to he who has to decide." Al and Elissa turned their attention to A.R.M., who pulled a seat for Robert.

Bringing the conversation back to the urgent matters at hand Loh' loudly spoke "So, you're telling us someone in New Ark City might be Taczlopilac in disguise?" A.R.M. inquired, to which Al nodded.

Al directed their attention to Elissa. "This is Elissa. She's the second in command of the 23rd Supreme Seed. Show him the crystal holding Ragjiel, so he can see the type of being Taczlopilac is."

Elissa began to reach for the crystal at the back of her pouch but found it missing. Panic seized her as she frantically searched her pouch. "The crystal, it's gone," she exclaimed, causing Al to stare at her in disbelief. "What do you mean it's gone?" he demanded. Elissa replied sternly, "I mean it's somehow disappeared."

Recognizing Elissa's sincerity, Al turned back towards Loh' and A.R.M., scratching his head. "So, that's pretty much it. If you want, you can strike up a deal with Elissa to help you identify any suspicious characters," Al said, his tone suggesting a reluctance to assist.

"How the hell is the crystal gone, having them see Ragjiel's history would have been all they needed. At this point my Heat Will is never going to break into the Mental Domain." His mind cursed unable to understand what could have happened. Al began looking around thinking of ways he could leave.

"Wait, Al!" Robert interjected. "I've thought about how I could repay the many young cultivators I hurt. I had our team help me design a room that moderates the hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen levels. I've learned a lot about cultivators in the last two decades."

Al listened intently, recalling the small inhaler the I.P.S. had created, allowing him to momentarily step into a higher domain. "I understand the body has to be filled to the brim with a cultivators Will before they can attempt to break into the next Domain. For the Physical Domain, it takes years. Inside the room I made you can reach that point in 6 months," Robert explained. 

Elissa, initially skeptical, couldn't help but exclaim, "Impossible!" However, Al didn't doubt Robert's technology, having witnessed its capabilities before.

After hearing Robert's thoughtful gesture, Al pondered aloud with a smile on his face, "I was going to go into isolated cultivation for around twenty years to try and force my Heat Will into the Mental Domain. But if what you say is true, I guess I'll just stay here and do it in 6 months." 

Elissa looked at him uncertain, unsure if such a feat was even possible.

Robert exchanged glances with Loh' and A.R.M., then with Al and gave him a peaceful smile.

Meanwhile, in a dark cave far from New Ark City, a woman with glowing green eyes and black hair was walking. "Who can undo what destiny has woven together?" she softly whispered as she approached a fire, over the fire rested a simmering cauldron. 

From the pocket of her robe, she extracted a green, murky crystal and tossed it near the cauldron. A man with black hair and a black goatee was expelled from the crystal—Ragjiel. In a state of scared daze, he surveyed the cave before sensing a familiar aura. An aura he had not sensed in a long time.

The woman approached the cauldron which held an image on its simmering water. It was the image of a young monk with black hair.