
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Coming Clean

Al jogged at a moderate pace. He had to run 20 miles, to make up for Matthew who was now gone. Surprisingly, he discovered that running with the armor wasn't as burdensome anymore. In fact, it felt as if he was not wearing any armor whatsoever. At least that is how he felt in the first few miles.

After an hour and fifty minutes of continuous jogging, Al found himself moving at a sluggish pace. He decided to gulp down the last remnants of water from his canteen, albeit the Ever-life water no longer affected him. Nevertheless, it quenched his thirst.

Motivated by the sight of Louis and Yusuf on the training fields, Al summoned the strength to increase his pace, albeit only slightly. The figures drew closer.

Al's armor clanged louder than ever with each laborious step, weighing him down as if inviting him to succumb to gravity. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he managed to slap Yusuf's palm, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion.

Gasping for breath, Al sat down and initiated the spearmint breathing technique, desperately trying to recover. Meanwhile, Yusuf propelled himself forward with astonishing speed, disappearing from both Al's and Louis's field of vision it was his Final Lap.

After approximately ten grueling minutes, he noticed Louis staring at him, Al got up and moved making his way toward a remote section of the training field, away from Louis's watchful gaze. He settled down once more, resuming his rhythmic breathing exercise.

After closing his eyes, he found himself unexpectedly interrupted by Louis, who had approached him. Her curiosity had reached a breaking point, and she could no longer suppress her questions. "What did Romann and Matthew discuss? And why did you run on his behalf?" she inquired, her impatience growing palpable.

Al, however, offered a dismissive response. "I don't know. Go ask them," he retorted, causing Louis's normally pale complexion to flush with a vibrant shade of red. She had expected such a response from him, yet it still ignited a spark of fury within her.

Just as Louis was about to turn and walk away, Al's voice reached her ears once more. "Actually, I wouldn't mind telling you, but I have a condition. Teach me a breathing technique," he proposed, a mischievous glimmer apparent beneath his helmet.

Louis scoffed, rolling her eyes in disbelief. "Nice try! Too bad for you, I don't know such techniques. So, forget it," she retorted, ready to resume her departure.

However, Al's next words halted her in her tracks. "Wait, you don't know any breathing techniques, despite having awakened your will?" he remarked, his voice laced with intrigue. Louis paused, turning back to face him. "I guess I know one—the basic sustenance breathing technique. But I lack any specialized techniques like Jin." she admitted, her tone tinged with a mixture of surprise and resignation.

Al's helmet hid his grin as he said. "That's perfectly fine. I'll take it. In exchange, I will tell you everything that happened." he proposed, his offer hanging in the air. Louis pondered the situation for a brief moment, realizing that the sustenance breathing technique the most basic commonplace technique there is. Almost everyone who walked the path knew about it, and Al would likely discover it eventually.

She relented with a measured decision. "Alright, I'll tell you all about the sustenance breathing technique. In return, you'll shed light on everything that unfolded."

Louis settled herself down and proceeded to explain the sustenance breathing technique to Al, delving into its intricacies. She had eloquently described it as a two-fold breathing method. Al absorbed the information, finding it easy to commit to memory.

As their conversation progressed, Cesar arrived, followed shortly by Jin. Even Ellie arrived early. They all wanted to see what time Yusuf got on his final lap.

Once Al and Louis finished speaking, she retreated to a solitary spot, her gaze lingering on him with an intriguing mix of curiosity. This sudden shift in their dynamic piqued Ellie's curiosity, prompting her to wonder about the underlying reasons behind their newfound connection.

Although great for recovering stamina and endurance, the spearmint breathing technique still left him feeling hungry. Hopefully that would change with the Sustenance breathing technique had learned.

Just as Al began to synchronize his breaths accordingly, Ellie softly spoke. "No way! He did it in 31 minutes! Ten miles in 31 minutes, each mile under 4 minutes!" The words hung in the air, accompanied by another voice that chimed in. "31 minutes is impressive, but I got this." Cesar uttered as he walked past.

Yusuf's hand connected with Cesar's palm. As if in response, a gust of wind swept through the area. "31 minutes and 54 seconds!" Jin announced, and in an instant, Cesar took off running. Though not sprinting, his movements were fluid and rapid, carrying him far into the distance in no time.

As Al observed Cesar's swift departure, he settled back down, resuming the sustenance breathing technique. Thoughts lingered in his mind. Meanwhile, the others congratulated Yusuf, although it was clear that they harbored their desire to surpass him.

In their gathered state, Romann emerged, catching their attention with a throat-clearing sound. He had approached from the direction of Del Santos Collective. Unnoticed by everyone, especially Al, who was engrossed in his breathing practice, Romann spoke up.

"My test is nearing its conclusion," he began, capturing their focus. "At this point, Yusuf is leading the race to obtain the coveted Ever-life stone. However, any one of you still can still claim victory. If you're curious about the stone's effectiveness, look at Al over there," Romann continued, gesturing toward Al and the canteen he held.

The revelation provoked puzzled expressions from the group. "Is that why you lied and implied you had peed in your canteen!?" Yusuf blurted out; his voice laden with disbelief. Now, all eyes were fixed on Al and his canteen.

Romann's casual response added fuel to the already simmering tension. "Oh, are you upset? Was I not supposed to say that? Oh well." Romann retorted nonchalantly, causing Al to realize that it was Romann's way of expressing his disapproval of Al's previous words to Matthew.

Romann also made him run an additional lap compared to the others. Despite Al's initial anger, he found some solace in Romann's reaction.

"Yeah, I do have an Ever-life stone, and yes, it did provide some assistance. However, it's a pity that the stone's effectiveness diminishes rather quickly," Al responded, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Romann fixated his gaze silently on Al, while the rest of the group engaged in a lively discussion sparked by Al's revelation. Then, Romann's voice boomed, cutting through the chatter with clarity. "It no longer affects you because you have outgrown it very much still is effective. You should sell or lend it to your teammates." he declared, his words hinting frustration. The attention of the group swiftly turned to Al, awaiting his response.

Considering Romann's suggestion, Al swiftly replied, "Actually, that's not a bad idea. If anyone is interested, the starting price for the stone is 250 merits."

Romann concealed his discontent with the mentioned price as the murmurs of skepticism rose among the group. Louis couldn't help but snort in disbelief. "Yeah, right. We all know those who delve deeper into the Del Santos Collective can find Ever-life stones for around 150 merits.

You're just trying to rip us off." she protested, expressing her doubts. Yusuf appeared interested, but Jin interjected swiftly. "Agreed, 200 seems rather excessive. However, I do acknowledge the challenges of acquiring such a stone. How about 120 merits?" he proposed.

Al shook his helmet in refusal before asserting, "I happen to know for a fact that this is the last one available, and it won't be restocked anytime soon. It's 200 or nothing! No one is forcing any of you to make a purchase." Jin clenched his teeth and turned away, followed by the rest of the group, except for Yusuf, who hesitated momentarily before deeming the price too steep.

Romann's left ear twitched, drawing his attention. "Interesting. The training has triggered a breakthrough. He completed it in 25 minutes." Romann muttered to himself.

After a few moments, a diminutive figure emerged, sprinting toward them with remarkable speed. It was Cesar, his strides elongated, effortlessly maintaining a moderate jogging pace. He was cutting through the air.

Jin hurriedly positioned himself, anticipating Cesar's arrival.

With lightning speed, Cesar approached, giving Jin no time to hesitate. "27 minutes!" Ellie exclaimed, announcing Cesar's impressive time.

After finishing Cesar made his way over to the group, gasping for breath. "I told you I would beat him," he declared, his words interspersed with heavy breaths.

Amidst the excitement and commotion, Yusuf seized the opportunity. Realizing that his chances of winning the Ever-life stone were slim, he quietly approached Al and discreetly gave him the 200 merits in exchange for his Ever-life stone. Unbeknownst to the others, the transaction took place, save for Romann, who cast a disapproving gaze in Al's direction.

"I suppose that leaves only Matthew to awaken his will," Cesar remarked, his gaze scanning the surroundings, searching for the absent blonde boy. Curiosity sparked among the others, and their attention turned towards the topic.

"Matthew actually returned with his father. It seems he was sent here prematurely. Such individuals often come back a few years later. Don't worry about him. That's all you need to know," Romann revealed, the words leaving the group surprised.

Louis looked at Al with a persistent curiosity, which didn't escape Ellie's observant eye. Ellie possessed remarkable intellect and began piecing together fragments of what might have transpired.

After another 29 minutes had elapsed, Jin completed his lap, surprisingly surpassing Yusuf but falling short of Cesar's time.

Now, it was Ellie's turn to run. As time passed, Romann sat in a trance-like state, deep in contemplation.

Soon, everyone finished their laps, and no one could beat Cesar. Al intended to let Cesar win, so he was patiently waiting his turn. However, as Louis embarked on her lap, Romann's eyes opened; he appeared to have made some choice.

"This is a competition, Al. Remove that armor and truly compete. It's the least you can do for Matthew," Romann declared, causing gasps to escape the lips of everyone present. "What the hell did you do to our little bro?" Yusuf exclaimed; his concern palpable.

Al ignored the responses he knew deep down that Romann was right. He had been impulsive and reckless in his words with Matthew, and now he was paying the price. "Why was I so harsh on the kid?" Al's mind became flooded with reflections on his actions.

Romann, attuned to Al's heartbeat, sensed the wavering and fluctuating of Al's awakening Will. Although suspicious, Romann remained committed as their teacher for the 301st Rings Tournament.

Guiding his students meant reinforcing and fortifying their Will, which necessitated understanding their hearts and the reasons behind their actions.

As Al smirked and removed his armor, his original plan to cooperate with Cesar slowly shifted. Piece by piece, he shed his armor until he stood in his medical robe, readying himself for the competition.

Al appeared to effortlessly control his weight with graceful hops and warm-up exercises, almost floating in the air. Whispers spread among the crowd.

Al turned to face everyone. "Let's make one thing clear! Even without the Ever-life stone, none of you ever stood a chance." he proclaimed, his voice filled with confidence. As Louis approached the finish line, Al continued, "What I'm about to demonstrate is the difference between heaven and earth." Al shamelessly declared his superiority.

Yusuf couldn't help but interject, "Boo! You sound like a villain." Jin nodded in agreement, while Cesar shook his head and directed everyone's attention to Louis, who had already slapped Al's palm and completed her lap. She had come in at 32 minutes.

"Stop wasting time and start running, Al! What the hell are you doing?" Cesar shouted, urging him forward. Al finished his pose, then waved for Louis to join them. Surprised, Louis hurried over, and Al explained, "Alright, good. I want all of you to be here, so there won't be any confusion about who's number one."

He turned around, slowly reaching the running field, aware that time was ticking. Taking a stance, he prepared himself.

"Boom!" Al's take-off displayed a level of explosiveness that left even larger indents than Louis had created. He moved incredibly quickly, disappearing from sight before the others could react. Shock and astonishment overwhelmed them, with Ellie and Jin fully taken aback. However, Yusuf frowned, asserting, "He clearly gained that power from the Ever-life stone."

Cesar's expression turned serious as he shook his head. "You're absolutely wrong. The truth is, the first time we met, Al and I got into a fight, his strength and speed far surpassed mine. I had no chance, except for the element of surprise."

For Romann guiding his students meant reinforcing and fortifying their Will, which necessitated them understanding their hearts and the reasons behind their actions.

Al approached them at an incredible speed, catching them off guard. To their astonishment, Al had completed 10 miles in just 19 minutes, running each mile in less than two minutes.

Unbeknownst to the others, Romann used a spell, allowing him to communicate with Al silently. His lips moved, but no audible words were spoken. However, Al could clearly hear Romann's message: "Don't forget you have to run twice to make up for Matthew."

Upon hearing Romann's reminder, an ugly frown appeared on Al's face. Nevertheless, he continued running, leaving the rest of the group speechless as they witnessed his incredible speed.

Once Al was out of sight, Romann turned to Cesar and retrieved the Ever-life stone that had been the prize of the competition. "Here, congratulations. It seems you have won this competition," Romann said, offering the stone to Cesar. Confusion crossed Cesar's face as he replied, "You can't be serious." Ellie chimed in, echoing the sentiment, "Yeah, we all just saw Al take first place."

Romann quickly corrected her, stating, "Exactly! I can't have one person overshadow the rest of the team. So, Cesar, take it." Reluctantly, Cesar accepted the Ever-life stone, still perplexed by the turn of events.

Romann let out a long yawn, signaling the conclusion of their introductory training. "Alright, that concludes our training for now. Our next meeting will be in 12 hours at the 15th Blood Rings Alchemy Institute. See you there, and please make sure everyone shows up. The six of you will form a phantom ring for this short training," Romann announced before leaving.

As the others dispersed, Cesar remained behind, patiently waiting for Al. He stared at the Ever-life stone in his possession, contemplating the unexpected outcome and wondering what Al's reaction would be.