
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

A Tiger Named Raindrop

Al had retrieved both of his blades along with the C-stones of the cultivators he had slain. Sitting down cross legged he focused his breath, it entered his navel where his A.R.C. was located and converted his breath into Stubborn Will and Heat Will. 

They were 2 distinct streams that filled his being. One warm and light, the other cool and heavy. His Stubborn Will felt like a waterfall that flowed into his mind. His Heat Will was like a small stream that only filled the outer lining of his skin.

Al began overriding the C-stones he collected with his own Stubborn Will as the night passed by. 

"It must have something to do with my Astral body and my Stubborn Wills separation from Midnight Abyss," he mused, mentally retracing the steps that led him to acquire his Heat Will.

"I need to bring my Heat Will into the Mental Domain, once I do, I might be able to hold my own against someone in the Immortal Chasm. Lapaptzi, was probably in the Mental Domain of the Immortal Chasm." Al pondered, he knew the final war was coming and he was going to be facing it while still in the Mortal Chasm. Without Midnight Abyss, the certainty of death hung over him like a shroud.

Morning light spilled over the land as Al rose, his injuries fully healed, and his blades restored and gleaming. Stubborn Will, though not inherently aggressive allowed him to be reckless in his fighting style. 

"I should have more than enough Merits to have suitable housing and privileges in any ring I enter." he whispered as he retrieved his map.

Al returned back in the 11th Mortal Ring of the Lightning-stone Leaf, he couldn't help but notice the hushed whispers and pointed fingers directed at his blades. 

"That little coward must've opened his mouth about what happened. Well, perhaps it's all for the better," he shrugged inwardly. Making his way to the Task Center, he collected the 650 merits for dispatching the Dark Acolyte by the village.

As Al made his way towards the exit, a middle-aged man, donning a brown robe adorned with intricate blue characters, stepped forward and introduced himself. "Pardon me, Mr. Dual-sword Cultivator," he began respectfully. "I am Alfred Chymiel, a recognized disciple of the 11th Mortal Seed within the Lightning-stone Leaf. I oversee this Mortal Ring's library. The captain of my Mortal Seed wishes to have a word with you."

Al regarded the man with a keen, sharp gaze before giving a nod of acknowledgment and following in his footsteps. "Is this about the Phantom Seed I dispatched? If it's anything like the Blood Leaf, killing beyond the Ring be against the rules," Al ruminated, and began plotting ho he could possibly escape if happened to need to.

Alfred led Al towards the ring's library, a striking prism-shaped structure reminiscent of the 15th Mortal Ring in the Blood Leaf. Al was surprised by the library's emptiness as Alfred guided him to the second floor. 

Seated there, with paws crossed, was a tiger engrossed in a book. Two pyramids, one red and one blue, formed a hexagon on the cover of the book. 

After bringing Al to the tiger, Alfred walked away. "What's your name?" The tiger spoke its voice deep. Al, not surprised it could speak walked towards it answering, "My name is Alexander Adamos what's yours?" 

The tiger closed the book and sat up. "I was given the name 'Raindrop' by my teacher. I called you because I heard what you did to a local phantom seed..." 

Al glanced around, ensuring they were indeed alone. He was about to offer an explanation for the recent events, but Raindrop spoke up first. "I make it a point to personally meet any skilled cultivator who comes to my Mortal Ring, even if they are not a Recognized Disciple," Raindrop stated. "I don't recall seeing you in the 301st Mortal Rings Tournament. Are you a wandering cultivator?"

Al breathed in a sigh of relief and began to recount his unusual journey, detailing how he had spent nearly two years confined in the purse of a peculiar woman. He went on to explain how he had been sold by a skeleton and ended up in the hands of the Rakh-ahtan, emphasizing the apparent collaboration between these two factions. Al described the harrowing experience of being subjected to experiments for nearly a decade.

Raindrop listened intently; his tiger's gaze fixed on Al. Such a journey was profoundly atypical for a cultivator, where the path to power was typically paved with quiet solitude in remote caves.

Al then posed a question to Raindrop, inquiring if he recalled seeing three specific individuals in the 301st Mortal Rings tournament. Al first described Cesar which triggered a recollection for Raindrop. Cesar had been one of the cultivators who had placed in the top ten. 

However, when he mentioned Ellie, Raindrop's memory seemed blank. Finally, Al mentioned Jin, and Raindrop's memory sparked to life. He remembered a man named Jin, whose prowess with Lightning Will had placed him high enough to gain the status of a Recognized Disciple within his own Lightning-stone Leaf.

Once their conversation had concluded, Raindrop signaled for Al to depart. As Al started to walk away, a thought struck him, causing him to halt and turn back. He posed a question to Raindrop, inquiring if he knew the precise location of the Akselson Clan within the Supreme Leaf.

Upon receiving the information, he sought, Al reminded the captain about the pressing concern of the Dark Acolytes, emphasizing that they posed a more significant threat than the God Leafs might realize.