
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

A Fractured New World

"It would be wise to take a two-week break and visit our homes. Once we come back, we can discuss and hopefully reach a decision together about whether we want to remain as a team," Ellie suggested, her voice filled with concern.Cesar was about to respond, but Yusuf interrupted, his tone resolute. "There's no need for me to think it over. I've already made my choice. From now on, I'll be venturing on my own. I wish you all the best, but Romann was right—we are just visitors here. Therefore, I intend to explore the mortal rings alone. This training has taught me the importance of pushing myself beyond my limits." With a somber voice, Yusuf bid farewell to the group and walked towards the housing units, his determination clear.Cesar looked at the remaining members, searching for signs of shared sentiments. His gaze fell upon Al, who quickly averted his eyes. Al was the person he truly wanted to stay with, but Louise spoke up next. "I'm sorry, everyone. I wish I could stay with all of you, but my great-great-grandfather would give me an earful if I remained in a place where I'm completely overshadowed," she confessed, her gaze shifting from Cesar to Al and finally to Ellie.As Louise disappeared down the road, Ellie's eyes followed her, causing a flicker of doubt to creep into her mind. She reconsidered her own choice to stay. On the other hand, Jin wore an unwavering smile, radiating confidence. "I'm definitely sticking with all of you," he declared cheerfully. "I know the statistics of those who venture into the Mortal Rings without a reliable network. It's alarmingly difficult compared to those who have one."Cesar's smile broadened in response. "In that case, we'll always move forward as a team! Ellie mentioned going home. We should do so as a team; it will strengthen our bond," he proclaimed.Ellie caught up in the collective spirit, couldn't help but join in, her face glowing with excitement. "It's settled then! We'll visit our homes together. I can go last; my mother is never in a hurry."Cesar's expression soured, and he swiftly intervened, forbidding Ellie from going last. "As the captain, I'll take the final spot. You can go after Al or Jin. They can determine who goes first by playing a paper scissors rock game," he asserted, gesturing with his spear as if it were a royal scepter.Jin glanced at Al, noticing his unusual silence. "It's fine. Let's visit Al's home first. Besides, my family resides in the territory controlled by the Lightning-Stone Leaf, so I can afford to go second to last," Jin suggested.Al observed the collective excitement, though deep down, his original plan had been to stay home after the initial training concluded. Expressing his intentions to his companions became increasingly difficult, especially since he didn't want them to go out of their way to visit his house only for him to part ways with them."Cesar and I met not too far from where I live," Al contemplated, a wistful smile forming on his lips as he looked at Jin. "I'll simply bid them farewell after accompanying them to Cesar's home," he quietly resolved.A few hours later, the four stood outside the mountain, away from the road. Al's eyes darted around through the thick bushes, filled with a desperate determination. "It's somewhere around here, I know it," he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. Cesar, lending a hand, joined him in the search.Skepticism flickered across Cesar's face as he scanned the area. "Are you sure? I don't recall there being so many trees," he remarked, his gaze sweeping the surroundings. Together, they hunted for the car Al had driven him and Cesar in.Meanwhile, Ellie and Jin engaged in a conversation. Lost in their discussion, they were momentarily unaware of Cesar's sudden outburst. "Ow, found it!" Cesar exclaimed, his voice echoing through the air. He removed branch after branch, thoughtfully placed by Al, to uncover the car. "Damn, Al, you didn't have to hide it so thoroughly. I stubbed my foot on the tire." Cesar grumbled, his frustration evident. As everyone gathered around, Al approached the car's rear and reached underneath searching for his keys.Jin's eyes widened in admiration as he gazed at the vehicle. "Wow, this is a real beauty, Al. You never told me you were into cars," he remarked, his voice filled with awe. Al, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, shrugged modestly. "I'm really not, but my father helped me build my old gal here," he said, clasping the keys. Opening the car, he welcomed everyone inside.Cesar and Jin moved to the back to make room, allowing Ellie to sit alone.After a couple of attempts Al started the car and they drove off, Ellie couldn't help but make a playful comment about the car's gender. Al, focused on the task, asked her what she meant. The engine's revving drowned out their conversation until the car was finally in motion."I just don't see how this car is a girl. It's definitely more of a guy," Ellie remarked. Al swiftly responded with a mischievous smirk, "She's a girl because all the guys I know want to have her, but only I get to drive her." His remark elicited laughter from Cesar and Jin.Ellie cringed, finding it ridiculous. "That's stupid! Wouldn't that mean your dad had her before you?" she retorted. Jin and Cesar began laughing even harder.Al's face flushed with frustration, and he snapped, "Fuck off!"Realizing he had reacted strongly, he quickly composed himself and changed the subject. "I meant my father helped me build her, not that it was his. By the way, does anyone know the location of the other Mortal Rings?" Al redirected the conversation, and Ellie keenly noted his change in mood, making a mental note to avoid mentioning his father.Eventually, they stopped to refuel the car and change into regular clothes, aiming to blend in rather than stand out. Jin suggested they tune in to the radio to catch up on the world's current state. Over the course of a few hours, they absorbed the shocking magnitude of changes that had unfolded in a few months.The reports spoke of the vanishing phenomenon that came to be known as "The Departing" subsiding, but what remained were sporadic gruesome scenes scattered worldwide. Entire homes of families lay in ruins, with bodies brutally mutilated or crushed.Witnesses shared accounts of people being tossed, sliced, or hurled like dolls by unseen forces. As a result, the military and police forces seemed to be losing their grip on power.Churches and temples that had become stupendously wealthy had taken matters into their own hands, hiring their own personal guards to protect their most esteemed members and holy men. This development provoked anger and resentment within the already fragmented and vulnerable global governments.A swift bill was drafted, compelling the churches to exclusively hire the military or police for any defensive purposes. While religious institutions worldwide were displeased, they agreed to convene in a week's time to sign the bill, at least in the United States and most first-world countries.In other regions, the government had forcefully coerced the churches into cooperation. Religious institutions were never allowed to accumulate such authority or wealth in some places.As Al absorbed the unsettling updates, he stomped on the accelerator, propelling the car forward with a sense of urgency and racing through the freeway.Al drove the entire way, pausing only for gas refills and restroom breaks. Before they knew it, they were entering Al's hometown, Santa Rosa.It was approaching afternoon, and Al reiterated the same instructions he had been repeating for the past few hours: "Alright, everyone. Remember, we met during our trip to the Holy Land. And afterward, decided to visit each other's homes. Since it's Saturday, she's definitely going to make us attend Sunday's morning service tomorrow. We can use that as an opportunity to assess any changes with the world."The group nodded in agreement, unaware of Cesar's suspicious gaze on Al.Within a few hours, they were inside Al's house, accompanied by his mom, who eagerly gave them a tour.Initially, she had been furious, as each letter she received seemed to disregard her previous messages. After not returning home when he was supposed to, she became worried until he called her. When she inquired about what Al had learned or any letters she had sent, Al skillfully diverted the conversation. As long as she had her child back, his mother didn't seem to mind.Excitedly, she walked Al's group of friends around the house, showcasing hanging pictures and album collections featuring Al.Cesar noticed a recurring presence in almost every photo—a boy who had been by Al's side. Suddenly, Cesar remembered Al's account of his best friend transforming into a hybrid and being killed by Romann's team before his eyes, sending shivers down his spine.Jin, on the other hand, was curious and pointed at one particular photo, asking Al's mom, "Excuse me, Miss Alice, who is that?" as he gestured toward Mark, standing next to Al in a park."Oh! That's... that's a dear friend of our family who was taken by God during the great rapture that occurred almost half a year ago," Alice replied, no longer sounding sorrowful but rather evoking a tone of reminiscence.After Alice had prepared a dinner for the four of them, she insisted that Ellie stay in the same room as her, separated from the young men. Guilted into sleeping in the bed with Alice, Alice initiated a conversation. "So, how did you and my little Alex meet? I hope he didn't go too far with any of his pranks," she asked, a hint of concern in her voice. Ellie initially felt slightly uneasy, but Alice reminded her of her mother. Both of them had very soothing voices."Well, I can't speak of any pranks, but as far as I can tell, you've raised an exceptional young man, ma'am," Ellie replied, deciding not to disclose the actual circumstances of their meeting.Alice listened with a soft smile, tears streaming down her face as Ellie described the boy she and her husband had raised. Ellie quickly moved to comfort her. "I'm sorry, it's just..." Alice sobbed, struggling to regain her composure in front of a stranger.Ellie held her tightly, experiencing a mix of emotions. While Alice bore some resemblance to her mother, she was entirely different. Alice's tears were raw and human, evoking a warmth Ellie had never felt in her mother. It starkly contrasted her upbringing, where her mother had refused to display any emotions or even discuss Ellie's father."It's okay, Alice. It's okay to cry." Ellie whispered, fighting back her own tears as she shared how her mother had also experienced the loss of her father when Ellie was born. However, unlike Alice, her mother never displayed any emotion about it.Meanwhile, Cesar and Jin were in Al's room, discussing the time it had taken to drive to Al's home. Cesar said they should ditch the car and travel on foot, confident they could travel much faster.On the other hand, Jin disagreed, pointing out the vast difference in speed between a car and even the fastest animal. He sought Al's input, only to find him preoccupied with something else.Suddenly, Al spoke, "Yeah, I think Cesar might have a point. Maybe we should start traveling without cars." surprising Jin. Cesar's suspicions about Al's intentions grew stronger despite Al agreeing. He was convinced that Al was planning to leave them as well. Filled with anger, Cesar pointed at Al and shouted, "This asshole is planning on leaving us too!"Al, trying to calm Cesar, replied jokingly, "Hey, remember you're in this 'asshole's' home, so cool it! And besides, I haven't decided yet, so don't go deciding for me.""So, it is true you are thinking about leaving us." Jin said, sounding disappointed, Al groaned before saying "For two guys you sure sound like whiny girls."When morning arrived, once everyone was awake, Ellie prepared breakfast for the group as a gesture of gratitude for Alice's kindness in letting them stay the night. After they had finished eating, they accompanied Alice to Sunday morning mass, where Al's grandparents awaited their arrival with great excitement.As they entered the temple grounds, someone covered Al's eyes from behind, and a familiar woman's voice asked, "Guess who?" Al immediately guessed, "Kesha!" His smile widened with surprise, as he hadn't expected to see her here."Why didn't you tell me you were coming home yesterday? I've been trying to stay in contact, but you make it difficult. Anyways, who are they?" Kesha pointed towards the three people beside Al, eyeing them curiously, particularly the tall one.Al quickly responded, "Oh, them? I met them on the church trip I went on. We decided to meet up after discovering we all play the same online RPG game."Kesha seemed skeptical of his answer and turned her attention to Ellie, who was noticeably shorter than her. "So, you play online games with a bunch of guys?" Kesha stared at Ellie, who met her gaze without hesitation and replied, "Well, these guys all suck, but yeah. Why?"Kesha's surprise was evident, her curiosity piqued. "That's awesome! I actually used to spar with a group of guys, too. There was this one loser I always beat until he stopped showing up." Kesha gestured towards Al, and the girls immediately found common ground.Ellie swiftly shifted her attention to the three boys and whispered to them, "Guys, I think we should consider adding another player to our online team if you catch my drift." Al was the first to respond, a touch of incredulity in his voice. "Are you crazy? Kesha's Will hasn't even awakened, and we have no idea if it ever will. Plus, I've known Kesha forever, and I can't bear the guilt if something bad happens."Attentively listening to Al's words, Cesar interjected, "I agree with Ellie. We should consider adding two more members, but Al makes a valid point. We can't recklessly endanger people's lives. If we're recruiting, it's best if they already have an awakened Will." Cesar whispered this to them, all the while Kesha's annoyance grew at their hushed conversation."I can hear you whispering my name, you know," she snapped, clearly irritated. All eyes turned to her, with Al at the forefront, wearing a sly smile. "Ah, let's just head inside the temple. Tell me what's new at the old boxing gym."Al sat with his family, and the other three sat beside Kesha. "Nothing seems to have really changed," Al thought, observing the surroundings as they prepared to welcome the father.Suddenly, a group of heavily armed personnel entered the room, their rifles adorned with crosses at the end. Al's shock grew when the crowd erupted in wild cheers as the father entered. The whole scene felt surreal. Al turned to his mother and asked, "Is this normal?" She nodded enthusiastically, clasping her hands together to pray.He then glanced at Cesar and the others with Kesha; they appeared at ease. "She must have explained the situation to them," Al speculated, keeping his eyes fixed on the father as he slowly approached the podium, commanding the room's attention with a raised arm. "My children, please take a seat. I assure you that no Devil will ever enter this house of worship," the father declared, quieting the entire room.Everyone, including Al, took their seats. "I'm genuinely curious to hear this church's explanation for what's been happening in the world."Thirty minutes into the sermon, the father's voice transformed from gentle to a thunderous shout. "It is the wrath of God, striking down the depraved and Godless! Think of every tragedy, from gruesome crimes to disappearances—all of them Godless and Heathens!" Al's blood boiled as he heard the father's booming words. What kind of God would take his father simply for not believing in him? Yet, when he looked at his mother, she wept and prayed, nodding fervently.Al then turned to his grandparents, who listened to the sermon with unwavering faith in their eyes. Now, he understood how those two individuals seemed unfazed when their son, his father, had vanished."This is God's message to the world, proclaiming the end of man's time. Surrender your body, mind, and spirit to our Eternal Creator now and always!" As the father uttered these words, he retrieved the container for the Eucharist.Before opening it, he instructed everyone to kneel and pray with their heads down. Al slowly raised his head, pretending to join in prayer, and what he witnessed made him want to bolt from the room. It was blinding—a radiant light emanating from the container, revealing a 20-meter lion's head absorbing the faint glimmers of light emitted by the congregation.In less than a second, the container seemed to engulf all the light, including the lion's head. Suddenly, a cry pierced the air near Kesha's location. When Al turned to see what had happened, everyone around him rose to partake in the Eucharist, obstructing his view.The remainder of the mass proceeded without any further peculiar occurrences, aside from the presence of the armed forces, which had already been there. As the father concluded his final words, Al swiftly approached the rest of the group.Acting friendly, Al exclaimed, "What a beautiful mass, right Kesha? Shall we step outside and discuss it?" He glanced at the rest of the group, particularly Cesar, who seemed on the verge of passing out.Once they were outside, Cesar's condition took a sudden turn for the worse. His face turned pale, and he began sweating profusely, struggling to catch his breath. "I just need some air and water, please," Cesar managed to utter. Kesha hurriedly ran off to fetch a cup of water while Cesar, with the assistance of Ellie and Jin, pulled everyone in closer to avoid drawing attention."I felt my A.R.C shutdown and my Will violently ripped away when I started praying. Even now, I'm finding it difficult to perform any breathing exercise," Cesar explained, his words laden with shock.Al, equally stunned, turned to Jin and Ellie. "Wait, neither of you saw the enormous lion head made of light?" Cesar and Ellie looked at him with confusion while Jin, who had remained oddly quiet throughout, flinched at the mention of a lion."I-I-I thought it was just a figment of my imagination. When I saw it, I sensed an overwhelming power, a beckoning and a promise. Then, I felt my Will yearning to leave my body, and that's when I forced myself to look away. I think Cesar was harmed because, unlike me, he prayed, which might have inadvertently granted permission to whatever that was. It's abundantly clear that whatever that was isn't here to help anyone. We are way outmatched here. We should leave and report this to the 15th Blood Ring as fast as possible," Jin spoke with a gravity that struck every one present.