
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

A Blade With a Body

Cesar's spear moved with delicate precision, each stab and slice backed by the power of his Wind Will. One of the Four pinnacles of Exotic Will. Opposing him was a tall, slender being that bore a slight resemblance to a dog. Wielding a dark katana, its speed matched every one of Cesar's movements, their weapons clashing in a symphony of skill.

The encounter would have ended swiftly if not for Jin's timely intervention. Supporting Cesar with a blast of lightning, Jin's power was enough to send the dark acolyte hurtling through the air.

Seizing the opportunity, Cesar lunged forward, ready to strike down his opponent. But in a sudden twist, the being vanished into its own shadow, eluding Cesar's attack. Instead, it made its move toward Jin, who began focusing on a lightning spell.

With his gauntlet fitted on his right hand, Jin summoned his lightning will. Crackling energy surged forth, taking the form of a disc that he hurled to the ground. As it made contact, a wave of electrostatic air crackled through the atmosphere.

The shadow, intent on slicing Jin in half, lunged forward. Jin was displaced by a pool of electricity, his form dissipating into the air. Materializing in another area within the electrostatic field, he evaded the impending attack.

Jin unleashed a formidable bolt of lightning, striking his enemy with direct on its back. Before the dark acolyte could react, Jin vanished once more, bombarding the dark acolyte with a barrage of electrifying attacks. With each disappearance, Jin's assaults grew more relentless.

As lightning rained down on the dark acolyte, Cesar swiftly descended upon their foe. Realizing that his current efforts were insufficient, the dark acolyte pointed their katana and an ominous mist began to emanate from it.

The dark katana pierced through Cesar's raised spear, defying its physicality like a shadow passing through solid matter. The imminent strike of the katana threatened to cut Cesar down, but Jin forcefully pulled him back, averting the fatal blow.

Despite Jin's intervention, blood was drawn from Cesar's chest, a searing pain piercing through his chest.

The dark acolyte wasted no time and swiftly redirected its attention to Jin, thrusting its blade towards him. It stabbed Jin with its dak blade however, before the acolyte could rend Jin in two, a beam of radiant light struck the malevolent form. The resulting explosion sent both Jin and the dark acolyte flying in opposite directions.

Seizing the opportunity, Ellie, swift and decisive, unleashed a relentless barrage of her concentrated light spell on the retreating dark acolyte. Faced with the onslaught of powerful beams of light, their only escape was to retreat into their shadow, evading the relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Ellie's mirror transformed into an exact replica of herself and rendering her invisible as she deftly maneuvered to drag Jin who was bleeding away from the battle.

As Al crawled toward the base, he unexpectedly encountered Ariah, who was dragging unconscious super soldiers, miraculously still alive. She was aided by Agnethe who was despite her sever hand was doing her best to help.

Ariah extended her assistance to help Al regain his footing. "Why haven't you summoned that same power you used when we fought the infected and the Rakh-ahtan? At this rate, we're all destined for death," Ariah's familiar voice rang out.

"I can't," Al replied, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You people are leeching off of me." However, Ariah failed to understand what Al meant.

"Come on, Agnethe. I have an idea that might save us, but it's likely located deep within the base." Al said catching Agnethe by surprise she walked over to him, and he suddenly leaned on her. She wrapped her arms around his waist, offering support. Together, they embarked toward the heart of the base.

Meanwhile, the dark acolyte, recognizing the mirror's ability to deflect its attacks, deliberately evaded Ellie's clone and focused their assault on Cesar. Seizing the opportunity, Ellie's mirror leaped in to protect Cesar. However, just as before, the dark acolyte's blade effortlessly pierced through the deceptive illusion, slashing Cesar and causing his blood to spray through the air.

As Agnethe and Al walked she could feel Al's heartbeat against her chest while she supported him. She recalled the indescribable sensation that had overwhelmed her a while ago. It had stirred the very essence of her Titan Will within her.

The inexplicable power Al had tapped into sparked an enigmatic curiosity within Agnethe. "Regarding what you said on the plane, it made me wonder why you cultivate," Al questioned, catching Agnethe off guard.

She paused for a moment, contemplating her response. "Well, I was born into it. As I mentioned before, my family has long been under the jurisdiction of the Lightning Stone Leaf. It's our bloodline's duty to serve. However, I also have my own personal reasons for cultivating. Though I can't really put it into words." she replied, her voice carrying an almost trance-like quality.

As they ventured further into the base, their path was littered with lifeless bodies, they realized that the lone Dark Acolyte had managed to eliminate all the remaining personnel and scientists.

They even came across a dead cultivator from the phantom seed that had stayed to defend the base is body was cut into pieces, Al searched through the cultivators remains but didn't find what he was searching for. The two continued moving deeper into the base.

The grim scene only intensified their determination. With each step, Al's Stubborn Will gradually rekindled, and the strain on his A.R.C lessened. His injuries began to heal, and he no longer relied on Agnethe's support, prompting her to release her grip on him.

"What is it that you're searching for, Al? Maybe I can assist you," Agnethe offered, her gaze fixed on Al as he frantically examined the belongings of the deceased.

"Robert's supply of inhalers," Al replied urgently. "If I inhale enough of them, maybe I can breach the threshold into the Mental Domain."

Ellie swiftly moved Jin, who was bleeding profusely, to Ariah's care. Ariah skillfully attended to Jin's wounds, doing her best to stop the bleeding.

Cesar was just as bloody bearing numerous lacerations across his body, he was visibly drained, his reserves depleted. The spells derived from his Wind Will were not suited for such a demanding and sustained confrontation.

Ellie's clone, though possessing the appearance of substance, served as a mere phantom in the face of the Dark Acolyte's deadly ephemeral strikes. However, it provided Cesar with the crucial advantage of maintaining enough distance to sustain surface wounds rather than deeper and potentially fatal cuts.

As the Dark Acolyte prepared for their hundredth slash, Ellie's clone abruptly transformed into a mirror and unleashed a concentrated beam of light. Expecting the attack, the acolyte swiftly sought refuge within their own shadow.

Adjusting to Ellie's fighting tactic the shadow spread across the battlefield, engulfing everything in darkness. Sensing Ellie's movements through the shadow, the dark acolyte shrank back into a regular shadow behind her, it materialized swiftly swinging its blade in an attempt to strike her down.

To their surprise, Ellie displayed remarkable agility, barely evading the enemy's lethal strike. In a swift countermove, her mirror shot another beam of light. However, Ellie had was blocking it until her quick evasion which allowed her spell to directly hit her enemy.

"I'm done toying around with you two." The dark acolyte spoke surprising Cesar and Ellie.

With a sinister intent, the dark acolyte extended its left hand towards Cesar, unleashing a sphere of impenetrable darkness that engulfed him. Cesar's anguished screams pierced the air, a testament to the torment inflicted upon him.

"I will ensure you suffer before I end your life," the dark acolyte declared, their voice devoid of emotion, deep and chilling.

Turning its attention to Ellie, the terrifying figure summoned a spell. Suddenly, Ellies own shadow transformed into a writhing mass of serpents, entwining around her limbs, rendering her immobile.

The pressure on her body became unbearable, as if it were on the verge of breaking. Helpless and filled with terror, Ellie found herself at the mercy of the creature before her. The creature's foul breath overwhelmed her senses, causing her to involuntarily vomit on herself.

The dark acolyte approached Ellie, their hand brushing her hair aside, an unexpected interruption occurred. Their movement came to an abrupt halt. "What connection to the Material Plane... Was it truly here all along?" The acolyte's words hung in the air, perplexed by a presence it had not anticipated.

In that moment, a black pillar shot up from the ground, colliding with the acolyte's blade. A tremendous power emanated from the pillar, causing the acolyte to question whether they should bow down or flee. Yet, disregarding any instincts that arose, the dark acolyte shouted, "Show yourself! I have slain numerous Immortals who dared challenge me, and you shall meet the same fate!"

As the pillar overpowered the dark acolyte it pushed the nightmarish figure hundreds of feet into the air, Al emerged, adorned in dark obsidian armor, wielding the Midnight-Abyss blade forged from pure darkness.

With a simple touch of his blade, Al absorbed the constricting shadows that held Ellie captive, freeing her just as he had freed Cesar, whom Agnethe was now tending to.

Meanwhile, the figure that had been propelled into the sky began its descent. Al swiftly swung his blade upward, causing the ground beneath him to erupt into a towering black pillar that shot him into the air.

Observing Al's rapid approach, the dark acolyte retaliated by unleashing a shadow slash, aiming to strike him down. However, Al effortlessly swung his blade, devouring the slashing attack.

The clash between the two dark blades resounded, as Al unleashed a single powerful swing with the intent of ending the battle in one fell swoop. The dark acolyte attempted to employ their ephemeral spell to pass through Al's blade, but their katana was instantly shattered and consumed by Midnight-Abyss Al's blade.

In a desperate bid to evade Al's next strike, the acolyte transformed into a shadow. Skillfully dodging the lethal swing, it found itself unexpectedly pulled toward Al's blade by an unseen force. The acolyte hastily exited its shadow form, narrowly escaping the irresistible pull, but their weapon was broken, and landed taking little damage from the fall.

As Al's pillar ceased its ascent and began its descent, it resembled a creature swimming through a sea of matter, the ground serving as its ocean. Just before impact, Al gracefully leaped off the pillar, allowing it to return to the ground, settling back into its inert state.

"Don't think it's over yet!" the dark acolyte declared; their voice filled with defiance. The figure underwent a transformation, adopting more prominent canine features, with sharper claws and teeth. Despite their new form, the creature remained hairless and slender.

Al responded by vigorously swinging his blade, causing a dark pillar to surge forth from the ground, hurtling towards the dark acolyte. But in a moment of cunning, the acolyte transformed into a shadow, allowing Al's blade to propel them closer.

Reappearing abruptly right in front of the armored Al, the dark acolyte lunged forward, clamping their jaws down on Al's head. The creature's teeth and claws met Al's obsidian armor. However, the impact shattered the acolyte's teeth and claws upon contact with Al's resilient armor, providing an opening for Al to retaliate. With a swift movement, Al stabbed the dark acolyte's abdomen and proceeded to cleave it in half.

As the dark acolyte fell, they transformed into an immensely thick fog which Al's ring absorbed.

As the mist was absorbed by Al's ring, a spherical, dark gray spirit emerged and let out a furious shout. "A blade with a body, I will remember you, boy. There are forces in this world that can make you regret being born," it proclaimed before vanishing into the cloudy arctic night.

Al stood there, watching the spirit's departure, a sense of foreboding lingering in the air.

He then drove his blade into the ground, causing the world to plunge into pitch-black darkness. In the next moment, Al was no longer wielding the Midnight-Abyss.

He surveyed his surroundings and found that everyone else had vanished, leaving only Agnethe standing at a distance. She witnessed the entire scene with a mixture of awe and reverence, the same sense of wonder she had experienced when witnessing Al's remarkable power for the first time.