
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

"Dancing Heavens"

Jin activated the inhaler given to him by Robert and Loh' breathing in a unique blend of gases. As the mixture entered his lungs, a surge of energy excited his A.R.C causing an influx of Will. In that moment, his connection to the Mental Domain awakened. His mind filled with an intimate understanding of his own Lightning Will's magical spells.

His Etheric Shell, a steel Gauntlet bearing the ancestral surname Takahashi, was manifesting his Lightning Will with incredible ease and efficiency unleashing lightning bolts exterminating the infected humans in his path.

The infected had nearly been eliminated, Agnethe a small distance from Jin had grown to 30 feet using her Titans Will and made quick work of the infected that she encountered.

The battlefield was drenched in blood and bodies of the infected, among the gore was a silver blood which had collected into a pool, threatening to seep into the nearby river.

In a disquieting turn of events, the flow of the silver blood abruptly halted, as if commanded by some unseen force. Instead, it began retracting, drawing in the human blood and lifeless bodies scattered across the battlefield.

As Al cut down the last of the infected foe, droplets of silver blood sprayed forth, instantly drawn toward the gathering amalgamation of crimson and silver. The pooled mass began to take shape, resembling a serpent-like entity, splitting into two separate forms, then multiplying to become four. Gradually diminishing in size, these newly formed figures stood at a height of about 12 feet, eventually assuming the likeness of the Rakh-ahtan warriors, except for their lack of the customary jewel in their forehead.

About 20 meters away, Cesar, Asoto, Ellie, and the two super soldiers anxiously scanned their surroundings, their tension palpable. They had confronted the brown jeweled Rakh-atan head-on, but now it had vanished, leaving them clueless about its whereabouts.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Ellie cracked, giving way as a towering 15-foot figure emerged, wielding a massive hammer. In a split second, as the ground shattered, Ellie transformed into a mirrored reflection of the figure. The real Ellie materialized behind the reflection.

However, before she could react, the Rakh-atan's hammer collided with the reflection which was Ellies Etheric Shell, a gigantic floating mirror that granted her invisibility. The resulting explosion from the impact of the hammer against Ellie's created a blinding flash of light that temporarily blinded everyone. Ellie was flung high into the air, propelled dozens of feet away, her mirror visibly cracked.

As the group's vision cleared, they realized that the Rakh-ahtan had vanished, presumably retreating back into the ground. "I'll go check on Ellie," Cesar declared, addressing Asoto', he continued, "Buddy, I don't know if you can understand me, but I need you to unleash your strength on the ground. Tear it apart." his movements swift as he made his way towards the unconscious Ellie.

Asoto' sucked his teeth and leaped into the air, crashing down with tremendous force, creating a massive crater. The two super soldiers followed suit, according to Robert their skin-tight suits designed to grant them the strength equivalent to that of a full-fledged Rakh-ahtan warrior. Convinced that their suits alone would suffice, they too began tearing up the ground, causing chaos and destruction.

As one of the super soldiers landed, a hand burst through the ground, swallowing him whole in an instant.

Within seconds, two figures emerged from the ruptured earth. The Rakh-ahtan reappeared, wielding his hammer with astonishing speed and strength. The remaining super soldier was in a bloody wounded state. His skin suit's helmet was broken exposing his bloodied face he was breathing heavily and unable to evade in time, raised his arms in an attempt to defend himself.

The Rakh-ahtan's hammer struck like an unstoppable train, obliterating the super soldier's body, sending severed limbs flying through the air and coating the surroundings in a mist of blood.

Asoto' seeing witnessing the raw power of the dark silvery demon consumed two more of his crystals infused with ancestral essence, his eyes began to glow with a golden radiance. Determined and undeterred, he propelled himself towards the 15ft Rakh-ahtan warrior, even though the towering figure overshadowed his own already imposing Tonovian stature.

The Rakh-ahtan, spotting the last super soldier who was frozen in fear, opted to disregard Asoto's rapid approach. In a fraction of a second, the Rakh-ahtan closed in on the petrified super soldier.

However, fortune intervened as a sudden gust of destructive wind buffeted the Rakh-ahtan, disrupting its balance. The swing of its hammer missed its intended target and struck the side of the super soldier, shattering their helmet and revealing long black hair atop a soft features.

Seizing the opportunity, Asoto' unleashed a barrage of punches upon his adversary, causing it to stagger backward. The shaken super soldier snapped out of her stunned state, regaining her composure and joining Asoto' in the relentless assault.

At a distance, Jin focused his breath, he recited one of the spells that had entered his mind as he entered the Mental Domain. "Dancing Heavens" the clouds began rumbling as if the God's were celebrating Jin's breathing.

As the four jewelless Rakh-ahtan beings took shape, the heavens echoed with thunder, resembling the approach of resounding drums. Reaching the zenith, a colossal lightning bolt ruptured the sky, descending with devastating force, engulfing the location where the four adversaries were forming. The resulting explosion erupted with a fury igniting the epicenter.

As the clouds dissipated and the smoke cleared, only the lower legs of one jewelless Rakh-ahtan remained; the other three had vanished without a trace.

Suddenly, a voice alerted Al, "Behind you." it was his etheric shell his ring. Reacting swiftly, he dropped to the ground, rolling backward to evade the sharp claws of one of the Rakh-ahtan.

The creature was taken aback, surprised that its intended target had anticipated its attack. Al wasted no time, hurling his twisted knife—a kunai-like weapon attached to his ring. The blade struck the creature's back, but the damage inflicted was minimal, as Al lacked the strength to retract the weapon.

The situation quickly turned against him as the Rakh-ahtan seized the chain, exerting immense strength and pulling Al hurtling him through the air, impaling him on its deadly claws before carelessly discarding him like a wet rag.

Meanwhile, Jin, despite the exhaustion that overcame him after unleashing his powerful Lightning spell, found himself swiftly besieged, just as Al had been.

In a state of heightened awareness, Jin managed to evade the slashing claws and unleashed an electric blast, albeit with diminished power compared to before. The creature appeared relatively unfazed by the attack, continuing its relentless assault.

Witnessing the unfolding danger, Agnethe reacted swiftly, growing in size to shield Jin and Al from the Rakh-ahtan's aggression. As the creature attempted to strike, it impaled its claws into Agnethe's colossal palm.

Seizing the opportunity, Agnethe picked and lifted Jin and Al, growing to an astounding height of 90 feet. With a forceful stomp, she caused the ground to tremble, eliciting a painful shriek from herself. In the wake of her mighty footfall, two Rakh-ahtan were dislodged, their giant claws no longer embedded in her flesh.

Agnethe swatted the adversaries into the ground, shrinking back down to a height of 30 feet. "That's one more down, two more to go," Jin declared, his gaze fixed upon the immense depression created by Agnethe's powerful stomp and the splattered Rakh-ahtan in the center.

Al's etheric shell manifested his Stubborn Will allowing him to heal, mending his injuries. However, before they could press forward to vanquish the remaining two plain Rakh-ahtan, their attention shifted to the brown-jeweled Rakh-ahtan, it was looking directly at the river as its gem produced a strong glow.

They sprinted towards the River's edge, Jin, Al, and Agnethe close on the heels of the plain Rakh-ahtan.

Suddenly, the river churned and boiled, unleashing a colossal mass of silvery-red blood and human bodies, dwarfing the previous emergence of the four Rakh-ahtan soldiers. The two remaining soldiers were swallowed by the swirling maelstrom, triggering a gruesome metamorphosis. The amalgamation absorbed lifeless organic matter, growing in size without bounds.

Asoto' turned to face the emerging nightmarish metallic entity, only to be struck by the brown jeweled Rakh-ahtan's hammer, sending him flying through the air like a speeding bullet.

In a swift motion, the creature shifted its attention to Cesar, capitalizing on its towering 15-foot stature against Cesar's 6-foot-2-inch frame. Vanishing into the ground, the Rakh-ahtan's disappearance fueled Cesar's resolve.

"Good, death only challenges the worth." With unwavering determination, Cesar shouted at the remaining super soldier, "Join the others and unleash all your might to vanquish that growing monstrosity before it's too late!"

The super soldier swiftly heeded the call, dashing away to join forces with their comrades, leaving Cesar alone against the red eyed metallic demon.

Cesar planted his spear firmly into the ground, skillfully balancing on its top using it as an improvised platform. Just as he positioned himself, the earth fractured beside him, exposing the brown-jeweled Rakh-ahtan's misjudgment. With a graceful leap, Cesar dismounted and kicked his spear making it spin swiftly landing and reclaiming his magnificent spinning weapon, taunting his formidable opponent.

The Rakh-ahtan, displaying incredible speed, swung its massive hammer with precision. Yet, Cesar remained steadfast, with an unbreakable focus. Seizing the moment, he leaped evading the deadly hammer's trajectory.

Mid-air, Cesar directed his spear strike towards the Rakh-ahtan's brown jewel, nestled at the center of its forehead. However, his attack appeared to have minimal effect on the creature.

Nonetheless, the blow to its brown jewel incited a ferocious rage within the warrior. Cesar swiftly propelled himself away, using his Wind Will. Surprisingly, the Rakh-ahtan refrained from pursuing him and instead slammed its hammer into the ground, causing its brown jewel to emit a glowing radiance.

The earth quivered as if composed of gelatin, giving rise to miniature dirt replicas of the 15-foot Rakh-ahtan. Reacting with swiftness, Cesar swung his etheric shell a magnificently adorned spear, summoning a powerful gale that instantly annihilated one of the replicas.

"Huh, they're weak," Cesar noted with a touch of confidence. However, in a startling turn of events, the Rakh-ahtan swung its hammer towards one of its own replicas, triggering a cataclysmic explosion that hurled rocks towards Cesar.

One of the projectiles struck his left leg with the force of a shotgun blast, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain. Meanwhile, the relentless Rakh-ahtan continued its assault, directing its hammer towards the remaining replicas, displaying no mercy.

Agnethe reverted to her normal size and swiftly activated the inhaler Rober had given the cultivators. The surge of her Titans Will coursed through her veins, imbuing her with immense power and causing her to grow to an awe-inspiring height of 140 feet. "Whoa, I've never been this titanic before," Agnethe marveled silently, taking in her towering stature.

With unwavering determination, she unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks upon the expanding biomechanical abomination, which stood at nearly half her size and continued to grow.

Drawing upon her connection to the Mental Domain, knowledge of her Titans Will magic spells became instinctive. Despite her relentless assault, the creature remained impervious to her blows, reaching an astonishing height of 100 feet.

Observing the beast's seemingly invincible nature, Agnethe whispered to herself, "Crushing might." To her surprise, the behemoth's innards expanded dramatically, transforming into a gargantuan form exceeding 300 feet in height.

Her spell seemed to have made the thing stronger it's colossal presence instilling dread, as one step from it was enough to kill them all.

Tendril-like appendages emerged from the monstrous entity, ensnaring Agnethe in their vice-like grip, while others pierced through her, rendering her immobile and trapped in place. Despite her immense power, Agnethe found herself at the mercy of the creature's overwhelming strength.