

The story is about a 17 [ hundred of years] old Anying who got given the very things he dislikes in life. he loves world peace, freedom, fun and... food. hated killing, Gore , hunger and boredom amongst many others well he loves running away from home whenever he was about getting bound to a location and he always escapes. until the day he made the grave mistake of... allowing himself marry two mysterious people in the hopes of acting coquettish and being set free. but he never knew, not wanting to get tied to the affairs of the throne would get him tied to the affairs of a dome instead. well join this foodie and his tamers as they go through the journey of... taming each other out ... a might likely to find cut scene ... Arenas of death. he abandoned it for years, and came back to meet he had downgraded to third from first rank. that was how hard the game was no worries, he was glad that the game's progress was saved in his cloud account. so he just reinstalled it and continued to regain his former glory The cute thing was so busy playing a game that he didn't notice someone behind him until he heard a deep deadly voice " hand it over ". " ah!". he screamed and turned around thereby loosing hold on the controls of his character. his heart was pounding hard as he held the fabric covering his chest. ' dude you scared me! ' he wanted to yell but no he got up and jumped of the bed to keep his distance before staring at the man's handsome yet chilling visage. he had no time to admire the Man's physique at the moment as he asked while gulping trying to divert the man's attention. " w--what are you, d--doing here?". he was also curious with his fear on why the ice cube was in his room and not being a decoration in his usual position. but his question was met with the darkening of electric blue orbs and a chilling. " now ". ' momma... '. he took a step back instead of handing the phone over because he didn't want his phone to get confiscated... but there was nothing wrong with his phone! this was bullying!!. due to his actions, the room temperature dropped and when he thought the devil would pounce on him, his phone left his hand and appeared on the taller man's outstretched hand. "noooooooo!!! --". " shut up". interupted the flirt who had been leaning on the door bane. Anying didn't dare stare at his face but he could feel dreadful eyes on him. "y-you! what are you doing with my phone!". he yelled when he saw the ice cube's slender fingers operating his phone with lightning speed. but he got no response. "..." Anying began sweating " there's nothing in it !. hand it over !". he was ignored until 30 seconds later, the cube handed him his phone. when he snatched it waringly, he heard the flirt ask in nonchalance " did you delete it from the clouds?". "yes" the cube replied. the foodie got a bad feeling, so he checked his phone quickly and when he did, all Data from his loving game was... gone. it was deleted... for ever... and he couldn't start again because his account was now restricted by the cube. hot tears streamed down his face as he began to sniff. "you're crying because of a mere game ?". his chin was held and he was forced to look up into darkened electric blue eyes. '' mere... mere... mere... mere game! you got jealous of a mere game!. why the heck are you so possessive??!! ".he asked in fury. but the man replied with furrowed brows " it was just non existent Data.l'm still asking why you're crying about it ". unbelievable!. " you got jealous of non existent set of data! why!! ". the guy was furious. ".... " speechless. " because he can. and you have nothing to do about it. you don't have a choice anyway, so stick to whatever we tell you ". answered the flirt. silence then, " I want a deep kiss ". says the flirt as he walked towards him. " no! " screamed Anying. in this kind of situation?!. the flirt tilted his brow in question and asked " who asked you? ". right.

DaoistMqthay · Fantasy
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105 Chs

...If this is two...

"that doesn't still give you a reason to bring him pain!.". He said again at Hanze.

Hanze's eyes flashed and Anying who saw it wished he could cover jimeng's mouth with a pink handkerchief.

"Hm... Seems like you're a stubborn one but till you calm down, bye bye.". He said and before anyone blinked, jimeng disapeared too...

And Anying wished... To an accomodative place at least.

Why was Hanze so mean?.

Coming back to yuehua who had now lost consciousness after Hanze freed him. "What did you do to him?.". Yanlye asked, already with a dry throat.

"Nothing much. Just halved his punishment by two like your mate requested for--.". Hanze replied much to many jaws dropping, but he didn't get to finish though, because Xiao Jing interupted him.

"I-into two?... Then... If this is into two... What did you... What did you plan on doing?!.". Xiao Jing finally exploded.

All this was too much for her innocent self!.

What type of punishment was this?!.

Well, thank heavens for her life, Hanze let slip again... The fact that she interupted him mid sentence.

Hanze: ╮⁠(⁠╯⁠_⁠╰⁠)⁠╭. Which I hate very much.

"Well, for xiajie's you already know. Taking away his constitution. For xueCheng's, to separate him and xiajie for life and f--.". Hanze continued but Xiao Jing had to interupt again.

"Separate for life?!.". She asked. "Do you know how much they love each other?!.". She pretty much knew so she was angered by this blabant display of tyrannical power.

Anying bit his lips, wanting very much to tell Xiao Jing that it didn't happen after all... But he couldn't... He knew the punishments were too much.

Hanze didn't snap as he expected though, only said. "Shut up. It didn't happen so let me finish.". His eyes flashed an ominous black no one noticed for a moment before disapearing after he blinked.

Xiao Jing finally did. She kept quiet after a pat from xiao hua when she wanted to argue. Then did Hanze continue.

"For yuehua, I erased his memory and would be sending him somewhere he doesn't know... cursed to never find love". Hanze paused with a brief sigh before adding. "Since he doesn't know the value."

"What?!.". Anying, Xiao Jing and jimeng collectively yelled causing the aura around Hanze to darken much to anying's despair.

"Enough all of you.". Hanze said blandly... His patience was running out... And he was trying not to do something harmful... He hated noise.

"No!.". Xiao Jing yelled, getting up ... her eyes had turned red when she heard the last punishment. Anying tried to stop her, xiao hua tried too and so did li Yue ... But the dark aura they felt building up around Hanze made them reconsider...

She was screaming too much...

"What rights do you have to seal evey one's fate like this?!." She asked breathing hard .. ignoring everyone's tense expression and the fact that an ominous aura was encasing her being... really, she was a calm one .. or so Anying thought. Guess Hanze stepped on a tiger's tail?. " Who?!. Just who gave you the permission to do all of this?!. ''. She added in question when she got no response ". Do you even have a conscience?!. " Another question as Anying felt the air around them getting thicker. " Have you ever felt pain before?!. ". She continued yelling until... " Do you know the impacts your actions have TO THEM?!!. Are y--aaaaah!!".. she fell down and fainted?.

Anying turned to Hanze whose blue eyes had turned completely dark and black pointed horns were alre"" jutting out of his head.

Whoa?!. What is happening?!.

Well, just in time a blonde appeared and touched Hanze with a helpless sigh, and just before matters could explode, he disappeared with Hanze.... After all yanlye needed to help Xiao Jing since no one knew what happened to her.

He got the clue, so he immediately ran to xiao Jing just in time, as he finished scanning the body, she disappeared.

"Oh no.". Was all yanlye managed to mumble as yuehua disapeared as well. Jimeng ran into his room after that and Xiao Hua watched in shock as everything played in slow motion.

author's sick.... I'm posting this with difficulty... any ways happy new year. I wish you peace, good health and prosperity.


thanks for reading.

DaoistMqthaycreators' thoughts