
Why do you People Understand it?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Outside Lecture Theatre 12…

In the talent center, some were delighted and had their heads held high, while others were dejected, hitting a brick wall everywhere.

It was just a few minutes away from the start of the roadshow of an up-and-coming venture capital firm.

A boy dressed in a formal outfit from an inferior brand, not looking that old, hurriedly apologized to the person he had accidentally bumped into. Then, he continued to rush off with his materials.

This man was Lin Jun, a master's student from the School of Economics and Management in River Town University, as well as a top student.

For his undergraduate degree, he had studied management, his GPA always in the top three of his year. His master's degree was in finance, and he was consistently publishing articles in academic journals. If you looked at his resume, he was definitely a highly-gifted student with boundless prospects. Furthermore, he was the kind that was able to "wield both the pen and the gun".

Normally, students like him would be urged by their academic advisors to stay on in their graduation year. If the advisors really couldn't keep them, they would write a letter of recommendation to recommend them to the top investment banks in the country, paving the way for them to become the best new blood in the overseas market. In that way, they could take care of their advisors when they got rich.

No matter how badly they did in their career, it was absolutely impossible for such students to appear in this kind of campus recruitment fair.

However, his career had not been as smooth as people might think.

Although he did publish many articles, his performance made everyone's jaws drop every time it came to putting it to practice.

At times, perhaps it was his bad luck, or there was something wrong with the details, but every time he wrote a research report proposing a buy-in, his research subject would either suddenly collapse or rapidly go downhill, driving many of his academic advisor's clients to the rooftop.

Actually, this was still alright. After all, investment was something with gains and losses. Research reports were not imperial decrees. As long as they weren't falsified and did not touch on principle issues that would cause them to be summoned by the regulatory authorities, they were all minor hiccups.

However, what his academic advisor could not tolerate was that in an investment project involving up to 200 million yuan, he actually made an error that he should not have. He nearly caused the client to lose the money on a bad investment.

It was after that incident that his academic advisor became utterly disappointed in him.

Not only did he refuse to write him a letter of recommendation in his third year of graduate studies to nominate him for a job in investment banks and securities companies, but he also advised him to consider a more stable job, such as… taking the exam to become a civil servant?

To put it nicely, he shouldn't scam other people.

Lin Jun didn't know whether he should praise his advisor for being so noble and morally upright or curse him for being a heartless scumbag.

It was impossible for him to take the civil service examination. He didn't study so hard just to live a dull life that he could foresee the end of at a glance. However, the cruel reality struck him till he was utterly battered. It even made him doubt himself at one point.

Maybe I'm not that outstanding?

The past ten years…

Are like a dream.

In any case, he had already reached this point. Even if he didn't want to humble himself, after being cast aside by his mentor for the past half a year, he had to find a job as soon as possible to get by.

Without a doubt, today was definitely the darkest day in his life.

This was because today, as he rushed about with his resume in his hand, he had already chosen to surrender to life.


A deafening sound rang out from an open door.

"Do you crave success?"

This was a dumb question.

Who would not want to succeed?

Yet, it was this simple sentence that blew him away.

Immediately after that, a fire ignited at the bottom of his heart, illuminating that dark corner.

Lin Jun suddenly raised his half-slumped head and looked towards the open door at the side.

The person on the stage was shouting in an inspirational voice, "Lift your heads up!

"Let me see the desire hidden in your eyes!"

To be honest, Cloud Hao was not someone who liked chicken soup for the soul. He had never read those feel-good motivational stories of his own accord, either.

Furthermore, if he remembered correctly, he had died a sudden death while working overtime in his previous life. Even though that unpleasant memory was a blur now, he still didn't have any interest in those "roll up your sleeves" and "do your best" slogans in this life.

However, contrary to his beliefs, he was enthusiastically yelling such nonsense that he didn't believe in himself.

It was hard for him to imagine that an uplifting voice and inspirational speech was actually coming out of his mouth.


This is the power of the motivational gem?

With the added buff to the microphone in his hand, not only the audience but even he himself could feel the ardor and zeal coursing through their blood and the urge to shout and release.

If this was in ancient times…

He had absolutely no doubt that after listening to his speech, even if he asked these people to charge and break through enemy lines to die, they wouldn't frown at all.

It felt pretty awesome.

But why does it feel…

A bit like brainwashing?

However, no matter what, it is what it is.

Besides, he didn't use his ability to do anything bad.

As he gazed at the faces of the audience, Cloud Hao understood in his heart.

Whether they crave success or not…

At least in this roadshow, I've already won half the battle!

On the other hand, outside the roadshow venue…

The entrance of the lecture theatre was surrounded by a group of people, jamming up the corridor till it was hard to pass through.

From time to time, someone would be attracted by the undulating voice. Unable to control their legs, they would squeeze through the crowd to enter the lecture theatre and find an empty seat to sit down and listen.

During the later part of the session, there were fewer and fewer vacancies in the back. Eventually, the entire auditorium was filled.

Although there were no more seats left, people still weren't discouraged. They simply sat on the ground along the corridors on both sides of the lecture theatre or even on the empty ground in the back row. Once they stared wide-eyed at the podium, they could no longer turn their gazes and legs away.

Fifteen minutes had passed a long time ago, but the staff in charge of monitoring had completely forgotten about the time and the work on hand. The HR and the young boss lined up backstage for the next roadshow also seemed to be rooted to the ground as they stood there listening intoxicatedly.

Even if there wasn't much reliable content in the speech.

That voice, though!

The energy in that speech!

It was enough to go to people's heads!

Two job seekers nearby, who happened to walk by, heard the roadshow going on and also joined the crowd of onlookers. The two of them were probably classmates in reality. They began to whisper to each other as they listened.

"What the f*ck? Who's that big shot on the stage? He seems awesome…"

"He speaks pretty well. Makes me feel like starting a business after listening to him… But isn't it a roadshow? Why haven't I heard him mention the salary and benefits after so long? Come to think of it, which company is this?"

"Cloud Dream Corporation… A start-up. The company registered yesterday, and their main focus seems to be on games."

"Only registered yesterday? It's a scam! Let's go. The roadshow for the Dami Corporation is about to begin. Why should we waste our time on a small company like that—"

"Small company? Hurr, which major player didn't go from having nothing at all to having a trillion-yuan market value? Forget it. We should go our separate ways if we don't have the same ideology. You can go to the recruitment roadshow for the Dami Corporation on your own. I'm going to take a gamble for dreams!"


Time passed at the speed of light.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour had gone by.

As the voice gradually rose in spirit, the atmosphere at the venue also reached the climax.

"Ten years!

"Imagine it's ten years from now and looking back at today! No matter what choice you make right now, whether you choose your dream or a stable and seemingly reliable job, I believe that we'll all have a bright future.

"At that time, you guys who chose the stable path might be sitting in a tall office building with Dami or Long Wei Corporation's work pass hanging on your chest, proudly overlooking this international metropolis, extremely thankful for the choice you made back then…

"But maybe…

"There's another possibility!

"You, who chose to chase your dream, are sitting in your office. You have absolutely no interest in the flourishing view just outside the window because the key to the most luxurious house is lying in your pocket. Wealth has eradicated more than 90% of your worries. The abundance of time allowed you to freely choose the way you want to enjoy your life. Those elites who appear high and mighty in the eyes of others are all doing their utmost to fulfill your dream and are incredibly thankful for the choice they made at this moment…

"Make your choice. It won't even take a few minutes.

"Do you want to be a coward your entire life, or be brave for once, albeit only for a few seconds.

"Even if it's just to be your own hero!"

Cloud Hao, who was on the stage, spoke till his mouth was dry.

Although he didn't believe a word of the random stuff he spewed, he didn't expect to end up talking for almost an hour because the staff actually forgot to stop the timer.

Of course, Cloud Hao also admitted that the main problem must lay with him.

As soon as he began talking, he couldn't stop.

As a result, the first fifty minutes were spent in getting people's blood pumping, and only in the last five minutes did he briefly mention that the Cloud Dream Corporation was a company with dreams and a sense of social responsibility. Although the current conditions were a bit arduous, its potential in the future was beyond measure.

Then, he hyped the crowd up again.

The hour hand was next to three o'clock.

A fuzzy feeling crept into his brain, and Cloud Hao subconsciously forgot his speech.

Oh sh*t!

The buff from the motivational gem only lasts for one hour?

Fortunately, his ability to think on the spot had always been strong.

Grasping the last trace of that feeling, Cloud Hao used a resolute voice to forcibly put an end to this roadshow, which he didn't know was a success or a failure, "Clap if you understand!"

The air was silent for half a second.

Cloud Hao's heart thudded, and he secretly thought the worse.

However, just then, a girl with round glasses and two braids suddenly stood up on the table with both hands, so worked up that her glasses were slanted.

"Your sp-speech is fantastic!"

After that, she clapped her hands loudly.

The rest of the audience also came back to their senses, as if they had just awakened from a dream.

It was also at that moment that thunderous applause reverberated loudly in the auditorium like firecrackers.

Clap! Clap!

Oh boy.

So, they didn't respond just now because they were dumbstruck?

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Whether it was the audience in the theatre, the staff member who had forgotten to stop the timer, the people in the same industry waiting to come onto the stage, the passers-by in the corridor, the cleaning lady carrying a mop, or even the security guards patrolling here… they were all swept up in this feverish wave.

The buff of the motivational gem had been lifted.

However, the hearts on fire and the passion surging in the chest of the audience had not yet dissipated.

Everyone here was clearly "awake", and their applause was from the bottom of their hearts.

Except for one person…

That was Cloud Hao himself.

Looking at the fervent "believers" giving him a standing ovation, Cloud Hao was dumbstruck as he held the microphone in his hand.

What the f*ck?

I don't even understand it myself.

Why do you people understand it?!
