
True Fans

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The next morning, Cloud Hao was woken up by the phone. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he answered drowsily, "Hello…"

"Hello, this is the River Town South Talent Center. May I ask if you are—"

Du du…

As soon as he heard the caller's identity, Cloud Hao was immediately jolted awake. He quick-wittedly hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Zheng Xueqian was also awakened by the ringtone. He yawned, turned over, and continued to sleep while grumbling under his breath, "Why are you making phone calls so early in the morning instead of sleeping…"

Without wasting time spouting nonsense, Cloud Hao deftly climbed out of bed. He hurriedly washed up, threw on a T-shirt, and left the dorm room.

Just as his front foot stepped out of the room, the phone rang again.

Although he was hesitating a little, Cloud Hao knew that he couldn't delay the inevitable, and he couldn't avoid it. Eventually, Cloud Hao pressed the answer button.

The call was connected.

However, this time, the voice on the other end of the receiver had changed from that of a young girl who had just entered the workforce to that of a middle-aged man.

"Hello, are you Mr. Cloud Hao of the Cloud Dream Corporation? I am the director of the River Town South Talent Center. You can call me Zhang Zhizhong or Mr. Zhang."

When he heard that it was the director of the Talent Center calling, Cloud Hao's expression became slightly awkward.

"Uh, Director Zhang, it's me. There might be a bit of misunderstanding between us. It was my fault that the roadshow dragged on for so long yesterday, but I'm really not doing multi-level marketing—"

Director Zhang was stunned. "Mult-Multi-level marketing? Who said that you're doing multi-level marketing?"


He isn't calling to interrogate and berate me?

Cloud Hao found it hard to believe that these people could be so easy-going. He apprehensively asked, "So you're not calling to hold me responsible?"

"Hold you responsible? Haha, what responsibility do I have to hold you for? Mr. Hao, you misunderstood!" Roughly guessing what Cloud Hao was worried about, Zhang Zhizhong laughed and continued in a relaxed tone, "We're just calling to ask you when you're going to deal with the resumes."


"That's right. Didn't you have that roadshow yesterday? After that, quite a lot of people submitted their resumes. Since there was no one in front of your booth, I sent two staff members to help… You can see if it's convenient for you to come to us to retrieve the resumes or if you would rather just conduct the interviews over here."

What the f*ck?

Someone actually submitted their resume?

After fleeing from the talent center yesterday, Cloud Hao had felt hopeless about the campus recruitment fair. However, he did not expect the director of the talent center to call him personally and say that he had received a lot of resumes.

Wait a minute…

Could it be a scam?

Cloud Hao asked, "…Erm, can I ask a question?"

"Please ask!"

Cloud Hao put up his guard and continued, "Do you charge a fee for collecting resumes on my behalf?"

Director Zhang laughed and said, "Haha, fees? Why would we! The employment situation this year is already grim. We're so eager for you guys to take in the recent graduates. Why would we charge you a fee? Hurry up and come over."

That's true…

Cloud Hao nodded thoughtfully.

The River Town South Talent Center was regarded as a public service organization in the university town and was not for profit. They probably wouldn't go as far as to be hung up on his paltry sum of money. As for whether they would cause trouble with him because of yesterday…

He was just in school. If they really wanted to find faults, they would have come a long time ago.

"In that case, I'll come right away."

"Okay, okay. I'll get Secretary Xiao Wang to receive you… By the way, can I just ask, how many people does Cloud Dream Corporation plan to recruit this time?"

"It depends on the situation?" Cloud Hao thought about it for a while and said, "We can interview as long as there are suitable candidates."

What the f*ck?

Taking them as long as they're suitable?

That's a lot of money!

Overjoyed, Director Zhang promised him, "Don't worry about this. River Town is the capital of universities! We do not lack talent at all. There are definitely enough for you to choose from amongst your two sacks of resumes!"

Tw-two sacks?!

What the hell!

How can there be so many?!

When Cloud Hao heard the quantifier "sacks", he was instantly shocked and did not say anything for a long while.

Hearing no response, Director Zhang asked hesitantly, "President Hao?"

"Ah!" Cloud Hao snapped out of his reverie. He coughed dryly and said, "Just now… The signal was bad. What's wrong?"

Director Zhang immediately smiled and said, "We have to prepare a tripartite agreement here. About how many copies do you think you'll need? I will ask Secretary Xiao Wang to send it to you!"

"Three copies are enough."

"Okay, okay, three copies, not a problem… What?!" Director Zhang was taken aback, thinking that he had misheard him. He hurriedly asked again, "Sorry, how many copies did you say?"

"Three copies," Cloud Hao said in a low voice. "I should be… only hiring three people."


Only hiring three people?

Looking at the two huge sacks of resumes behind him, Director Zhang, who was holding his mobile phone, recalled the chaotic scene at the campus recruitment fair yesterday and the tiresome clean-up at the end. He nearly vomited blood onto his phone.


Only hiring three people?!

Did you really have to put on such a big show??

After hearing this number, Director Zhang sank into depression…

Compared to yesterday's hustle and bustle, today's talent center was a bit quieter.

Unless they were recruiting many people at once, most companies would usually hold the interviews at their own office building. Only a few small-scale enterprises would choose to borrow the venue at the talent center.

Being extravagant once again, Cloud Hao called a cab online and arrived at his destination.

However, it was not Secretary Xiao Wang who came to receive him. Instead, an old security guard, nearly fifty years old, slowly led him to the office all the way inside.

Although he said it was an office, it was, in fact, a storeroom that had been cleaned up at the last minute. Apart from a table and two chairs, there wasn't even a decent piece of furniture.

At the door, there were even two notices to warn people to beware of scams.


What are you insinuating!

Cloud Hao cursed in his heart.

Clearly, after hearing that he was only recruiting three people, his image in Director Zhang's heart took a nosedive. This was definitely making his life difficult on purpose.

"This is the key. We knock off work at half-past five."

The old security guard stuffed the key into Cloud Hao's hand. Obviously, he didn't want to stay any longer, so he spun around and walked off, leaving a wide-eyed Cloud Hao behind.

What about the tripartite agreement?

Just giving me the key?

I want to see your manager…

Forget it.

There's no point in seeing him. I'll most likely get an eye roll only.

In any case, there was an electronic file for the employment contract, which had been filed here before the recruitment fair. Given that it was a talent center, it was impossible to not have a printer at all.

Cloud Hao sighed. He then rolled up his sleeves and opened the first sack, looking through the resumes one by one.

Alumni of River Town University?

Okay, not bad. This can be kept.

The software engineering top student at Xia Ke University?

Not bad, not bad. I happen to need a programmer… Wait a minute.

Holding the two resumes in his hands, Cloud Hao suddenly remembered that there wasn't even a landline phone in this place, let alone a computer that could send out emails.

How the f*ck am I supposed to inform people to come for the interview?!

Shock was written all over his face. Just when Cloud Hao was in a dilemma about whether or not to put his pride aside and find other companies to borrow a laptop to use, all of a sudden, there was a light rap on the door.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

At the moment, Cloud Hao was squatting to pick up a resume. He didn't think too much about it and casually called out in response, "There is. You must be here to look for something. Come right in."

This was originally the storeroom of the talent center. Apart from the two bulging sacks, there were also other things piled up. Hence, it was normal for someone to come in and interrupt.

However, to Cloud Hao's surprise, the person who came in did not seem like a staff member. Instead, he seemed more like a job applicant here for an interview.

How should I put it?

The suit on his body was just too formal, totally unlike a River Town civil servant.

Sizing him up, Cloud Hao asked nonchalantly, "Are you here to look for something?"

"No… I just want to ask, is this the office of Cloud Dream Corporation? The security guard told me that it was here."

He appeared incredulous about the surroundings, and the impeccably-suited boy hesitated slightly. However, perhaps it was because he saw the two sacks that he still ended up walking in apprehensively.

"Yes, although it was a last-minute thing…"

Cloud Hao shrugged his shoulders. Right from the beginning, he didn't plan to indulge the boy. He was about to continue choosing from the endless number of resumes.

Just then, as he was about to turn away, his gaze suddenly swept the lines of light blue dialog boxes floating above the person's head.

[Talent: Investment Wizard]

[Hidden Potential Stat: 6]

The resume in his hand fell to the ground. Cloud Hao sprang up to his feet and stretched his right hand out.

"Hello, hello. My name is Cloud Hao. I'm the person-in-charge here!"

Confounded by Cloud Hao's 180-degree change in attitude, the boy wearing formal attire was slightly stunned. He subconsciously took half a step back.

However, the moment he heard the person in front of him was Cloud Hao, his eyes turned fiery. He took a long stride forward and shook Cloud Hao's half-stretched right hand.


Cloud Hao was bewildered by his sudden reaction.


"Great, Great Master!"

Cloud Hao's head was full of question marks.

The boy was stammering due to excitement. He held Cloud Hao's right arm in a vice-like grip, and his eyes sparkled with passion.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lin Jun!

"I'm your fan!"

Cloud Hao: "???"