
An Eternal Journey: Path To Becoming a True God

In the Heavenly Origin Realm, where might reigns supreme, a blind child embarks on a quest to reclaim what he lost three years ago. With poison coursing through his veins and hidden enemies lurking in the shadows, he must overcome unimaginable challenges to prove himself worthy of eternity. This gripping tale unfolds as he battles not only his physical limitations but also the darkness that threatens his very existence. Illustrations on discord: https://discord.gg/74ccjACt

Daoist904298 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Zhou Yuan Wakes Up

A shiver ran down the spines of everyone present, as an intangible force pressed upon them, casting a somber shadow over their faces. Only one person stood unfazed amidst this oppressive presence - the elderly figure who had been silently observing from behind. But this came as no surprise to the other elders, as they knew who he was exactly. 


Zhou Kai bore the brunt of the pressure, which seemed to be directed solely at him. It was evident that the words spoken were meant for Zhou Kai. Although it was somewhat unorthodox for an elder like Zhou Yujin to exert such control over his juniors in the Zhou Clan, he believed it was necessary to ensure Zhou Yuan's safety.


Years ago, the Zhou Clan had failed in their duty, allowing Zhou Yuan to suffer grievous injuries. The memory of that tragic incident still haunted Zhou Yujin, and he was determined to prevent any harm from befalling Zhou Yuan again.


Having witnessed the growth of Zhou Xuan, Zhou Ning, and Zhou Kai, Zhou Yujin possessed a deep understanding of the strained relationships between them. He was well aware of the tensions and conflicts that simmered beneath the surface, and he couldn't help but be cautious, even if it seemed excessive. The previous tragedy had left a profound impact, and Zhou Yujin couldn't bear the thought of history repeating itself.


Therefore, he wasn't willing to take any chances this time. With unwavering resolve, Zhou Yujin turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit.


As soon as the elder's imposing presence vanished, the weight that had burdened the elders dissipated, bringing a sense of relief to Zhou Ning and the others. She turned to Zhou Hao and declared, "Let's go. There's no reason for us to linger any longer." With a nod of agreement, Zhou Hao followed her lead, leaving the scene behind.


The elder who had stood beside Zhou Yujin had already vanished, leaving only Zhou Kai and Zhou Xun behind. Silence hung in the air, until Zhou Xun let out a dry sigh. "First Elder, considering the current situation, I believe it's best for me to take my leave and contemplate certain matters for now." His words were polite, but devoid of any emotion. With those words, he turned and walked towards the exit, not bothering to cast another glance back.


As Zhou Xun's figure disappeared into the distance, Zhou Xuan's cold gaze intensified. It was no secret that the branch family under Zhou Xun's command was, in reality, under his control. However, it seemed that Zhou Xun was now attempting to distance himself from their previous alliance. This reaction ignited a furious anger within Zhou Kai, for their alliance had been built upon the understanding that Zhou Kai held the majority of their political power within the clan.


Zhou Xuan indeed ruled the Zhou Clan with an iron fist and oppressive might. But Zhou Kai held most of the political power in the clan as the First Elder. Thousands of members in the clan were at his beck and call. His ambition was plain to see for everyone. Even so it wasn't easy as Zhou Xuan had the support of Zhou Yujin and countless other inflectional voices in the clan. 


Frustration and rage welled up within Zhou Kai, twisting his face into a savage expression. His heart roared with a mixture of anger and desperation. "Damn it! Damn it!" he silently screamed, his thoughts consumed by the obstacles that stood in his way. The realization that his grip on power was slipping made his mind go crazy. He stared into empty space around him before thoughts of madness crept into hind head making him smile savagely. "Since all of you are against me then let me personally send you all off…"



On the small island in the center of a lake, the blue pillar of flames still blazed, refusing to dissipate even after devouring a staggering 25% of the mountain's spiritual qi. Zhou Xuan stood there silently, the corner of his right eye twitching incessantly.


Zhou Yuan's insatiable consumption of the surrounding Spiritual Qi was giving him an immense headache.

"Haa… It's going to be a pain explaining this to that old geezer." Zhou Xuan sighed as he contemplated his next move. Personally, he didn't mind that 25% of the Spiritual Qi had been depleted, but countless others in the clan would definitely not be pleased.




Zhou Yujin materialized beside Zhou Xuan and chastised him, "Brat, how dare you badmouth me behind my back. Are you looking for a beating?"


Zhou Xuan: (-_-)


Zhou Xuan didn't bother responding to Zhou Yujin's threat. He knew that engaging in a physical altercation with his elder would only escalate the situation further. Zhou Xuan was well aware that these threats were nothing more than empty words. No one in the clan knew Zhou Yujin's true personality except for the three Zhou siblings, as he had retired long ago.


As Zhou Xuan predicted, Zhou Yujin's stern expression morphed into a playful one. "Ah, Xuan, you always know how to keep me on my toes," Zhou Yujin said with a mischievous grin. "I was just testing your reaction, you know. Can't have you getting too complacent."


Zhou Xuan rolled his eyes. "Old geezer, I see you're still as free-spirited as ever." Zhou Yujin chuckled at Zhou Xuan's remark. "Free-spirited? That's one way to put it, I suppose," he replied with a smirk. "But you have to admit, it keeps things interesting, doesn't it?"


Zhou Xuan couldn't help but smile, despite himself. "I suppose it does," he admitted. "You always manage to find a way to keep me on my toes."


Zhou Yujin's playful expression turned slightly more serious. "But in all seriousness, Xuan, we do have a problem on our hands with the loss of Spiritual Qi. We need to address this issue as soon as possible."


This caused Zhou Xuan to place his fingers on his temples, his head throbbing with a headache. Zhou Yujin, on the other hand, simply chuckled. But as he looked at Zhou Yuan's silhouette, his eyes gleamed with surprise. To him, this amount of Spiritual Qi was insignificant, but it was still enough to support a cultivator in the Spiritual Foundation Realm all the way to the Spiritual Ocean Realm.


The fact that a child who hadn't even reached the Spiritual Foundation Realm could achieve such a feat was simply astonishing.




The surging Spiritual Qi around Zhou Yuan finally showed signs of saturation. A massive whirlwind formed around him as the Spiritual Qi condensed, causing the air to tremble. Zhou Yuan's body emitted a faint glow as he broke through, before finally vanishing.


Zhou Yuan, who had been silently sitting atop a boulder for a long time, finally opened his eyes. An indescribable radiance seemed to emanate from the depths of his gaze, causing the surrounding area to fluctuate. He was still blind but the world in his eyes were no longer just faint glimpse of color. 


At this moment, all Zhou Yuan could feel was pure exhilaration. After three years of pain and suffering, he had finally achieved a breakthrough. His fist clenched with excitement as he burst into uncontrollable laughter.


As Zhou Yuan basked in the euphoria of his breakthrough, he suddenly became aware of a couple of presences nearby. His senses sharpened, and he turned his gaze towards the source of the disturbance.