
An Eternal Journey: Path To Becoming a True God

In the Heavenly Origin Realm, where might reigns supreme, a blind child embarks on a quest to reclaim what he lost three years ago. With poison coursing through his veins and hidden enemies lurking in the shadows, he must overcome unimaginable challenges to prove himself worthy of eternity. This gripping tale unfolds as he battles not only his physical limitations but also the darkness that threatens his very existence. Illustrations on discord: https://discord.gg/74ccjACt

Daoist904298 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Zhou Jing'er's Smile

Zhou Yuan couldn't help but discreetly swallow a nervous gulp, for within the Zhou Clan, Zhou Jing'er's notorious reputation as a mischievous Little Devil was widely acknowledged.

Zhou Jing'er chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Don't worry, Ah Yuan. I'm not upset. In fact, I'm quite impressed with how you handled yourself back there."

Zhou Yuan blinked in surprise, his tense expression easing slightly. "You're not mad?"

His actions could be described as reckless. His body was currently weaker than a normal person and Zhou Ling's attack could have seriously injured him. if he was unable to counterattack then the person thrown to the ground would have been him. 

She shook her head, her smile widening. "No, not at all. You stood up for yourself. Besides, Zhou Ling had it coming."

Her words made Zhou Yuan sighed in relief but her next words gave her another headache.

"But it doesn't mean I like the fact you acted so recklessly with your body…." Zhou Jing'er was still smiling but her eyes weren't. 

Even though he was unable to see her expression, Zhou Yuan could sense the seriousness in her tone. He knew he had crossed a line by putting himself in danger. However, he didn't regret his decision at all. Qing'er was more than his servant, even when everyone else left his side, she stayed behind. 

Zhou Yuan knew that her loyalty was due the debt of gratitude she had towards him but it did not change his opinion. She was one of his people, his family and if anyone wanted to take her away by force then had to walk over his dead body. 

Zhou Yuan's gaze didn't waver as he faced his cousin. The look of resolve was evident on his face. Zhou Jing'er sighed helplessly as she stared at the young boy in front of her. 

For as long as she could remember, he had been kind, warm-hearted, and far more mature than anyone she knew in the Zhou Clan. But when it came to certain matters his stubbornness was not the least inferior to hers. 

Although Zhou Jing'er cherished his personality, she had always been concerned that his naivety would one day be his downfall. However, witnessing him deal with Zhou Ling so ruthlessly made her realize that her little brother had matured. 

"Alright, alright. This time I'll let this slide." Zhou Jing'er softened her expression as she proceeded to say with a playful yet stern tone. "You need to be careful from now on, the First Elder will definitely be furious once he finds out you made his grandson a swollen pig."

Zhou Yuan nodded with an indifferent demeanor. The First Elder, Zhou Kai, was Zhou Xuan's younger half-brother, making him Zhou Yuan's granduncle and Zhou Ling his cousin. The relationship between the two half-brothers had always been fraught with animosity, with Zhou Kai perpetually losing to Zhou Xuan. 

This rift only deepened after Zhou Xuan was chosen to be the next patriarch. According to the tales Zhou Yuan had heard from his uncle, Zhou Kai had always been at odds with Zhou Xuan, constantly vying for power.

Zhou Jing'er continued, her voice tinged with concern. "The First Elder's favoritism towards Zhou Ling is well-known. He will not take kindly to his grandson being humiliated. You must be prepared for the consequences."

Zhou Yuan's expression hardened, his determination unwavering. "I understand. I will face whatever consequences come my way."

Satisfied by his steadfast response, Zhou Jing'er smiled. "Now, why don't you tell me how you managed to beat Zhou Ling so easily when there wasn't any spiritual qi in that attack of yours just now?" Her pretty eyes narrowed as she questioned him. 

Sensing those pretty eyes looking at him with intense curiosity, Zhou Yuan couldn't help but feel that it was going

to be a long day…