
An Eternal Journey: Path To Becoming a True God

In the Heavenly Origin Realm, where might reigns supreme, a blind child embarks on a quest to reclaim what he lost three years ago. With poison coursing through his veins and hidden enemies lurking in the shadows, he must overcome unimaginable challenges to prove himself worthy of eternity. This gripping tale unfolds as he battles not only his physical limitations but also the darkness that threatens his very existence. Illustrations on discord: https://discord.gg/74ccjACt

Daoist904298 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Past

After they had discussed all the necessary details, Yang Jin excused himself, leaving Zhou Yuan alone in the courtyard.

As he sat under the tree, his thoughts wandered, his mind drifting back to the first time he and Yang Jin had met.


7 years ago.

A younger Zhou Yuan, with jet-black hair and striking azure eyes, sat cross-legged on the roof of a small house. As he closed his eyes, an expression of tranquility washed over his handsome features, adding to his captivating aura.

"Huff huff, I can't believe I found you, brother Yuan."

A panting, disheveled boy was struggling to climb the ladder.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes and smiled, "I was wondering when you would show up."

"Well, you could've come down to help me, brother Yuan."

Zhou Yuan laughed. "You're the one who wanted to follow me."

The boy, named Yang Jin, was the son of Yang Li, the current patriarch of the Yang Clan.

A few days, he had fooled his father's subordinates, and secretly followed Zhou Yuan, who was visiting the Capital.

But now, he was regretting his decision.

"It's not easy climbing a ladder with a wooden sword, you know," Yang Jin grumbled, rubbing his sore arms.

"Aren't you supposed to be training to become a swordsman?" Zhou Yuan asked, amused.

Yang Jin scowled. "I am, but it's too difficult. And my father is constantly nagging me about it."

"I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit, Yang Jin. I've seen you practicing. You have a natural talent for it," Zhou Yuan said encouragingly.

Yang Jin shook his head. "No, it's not that. It's just... I'm not interested in it."

"What are you interested in, then?" Zhou Yuan asked, curious.

Yang Jin paused for a moment, before his eyes lit up. "I want to be a merchant!"

"A merchant?" Zhou Yuan repeated, surprised.

"Yeah! I want to travel the world, selling goods and making money!" Yang Jin declared passionately.

"Why don't you tell your father that?" Zhou Yuan suggested.

"He'll never agree. He's always pushing me to take over the clan, to continue the family legacy." Yang Jin's expression was filled with frustration.

"So you want to go against his wishes and pursue your own path?"

"That's right, brother Yuan."

"Then, why don't you go to the Golden Dragon Commerce and ask for an apprenticeship?"

Yang Jin's face lit up with excitement. "I didn't even think about that. The Golden Dragon Commerce is the largest merchant guild in the world. If I could get an apprenticeship there, my father would have no choice but to accept my decision," he exclaimed, his eyes shining with newfound hope and determination.

Zhou Yuan, however, couldn't help but voice his concern. "Yang Jin, are you sure about this? You know how your father is. If he finds out, he might..."

Yang Jin interrupted with a bitter smile. "Beat me up? Yeah, I know. But I can't keep living my life the way he wants me to. I need to follow my own path, even if it means facing his anger."

However, doubt still lingered in his eyes as he continued, "But are you sure I can get accepted? Apprentices accepted by the Golden Dragon Commerce are usually at the age of 12. I'm older than that now."

"You won't know if you don't try. Do you want to go there right now?" Zhou Yuan asked, grinning.

"Of course! Let's go, brother Yuan!" Yang Jin exclaimed excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

Without hesitation, the two boys climbed down the ladder and ran off towards the direction of the Golden Dragon Commerce's headquarters.

"Come on, let's find the person in charge," Zhou Yuan said, grabbing Yang Jin's arm and pulling him through the crowd.

They eventually made their way to the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Commerce. The building was huge, with majestic columns and ornate decorations.

As they entered the main hall, they were greeted by a beautiful woman, who was seated behind a desk.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked, her voice soft and lilting.

"We would like to speak with the manager here," Zhou Yuan said, bowing respectfully.

The woman raised an eyebrow, her expression turning curious. "May I ask what your business is?"

"My friend would like to ask for an apprenticeship,"

The woman's gaze turned towards Yang Jin, who was standing beside Zhou Yuan.

"Apprenticeship, huh? And what do you hope to gain from it?" she asked, her tone turning serious.

"I want to learn how to be a merchant," Yang Jin replied, his voice filled with determination.

The woman smiled, her eyes glinting. "Very well, I'll speak with the manager. Please wait here."

She then stood up and disappeared into the back of the room, leaving Zhou Yuan and Yang Jin alone.

They sat on the floor, waiting patiently.

After a few minutes, the woman returned, accompanied by an elderly man.

"Zhuan Kun greets Young Master Zhou Yuan and Young Master Yang Jin" The old man introduced himself.

Yang Jin and Zhou Yuan both stood up and bowed.

"Please, come to my office," Zhuan Kun gestured towards the back of the room, leading the two boys down a long hallway.

Once inside the office, the elderly man gestured for them to take a seat.

"So, you want to become a merchant, young master Yang Jin?" Zhuan Kun asked, his eyes twinkling.

Yang Jin nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Tell me, why do you want to become a merchant?"

"I want to travel the world, selling goods and making money," Yang Jin answered confidently.

"What do you hope to gain from it?" the man pressed.

"I want to be free, to not have to follow my father's orders," Yang Jin replied honestly.

"Freedom, huh?" the man mused, stroking his chin. "I understand your desire. However, the life of a merchant is not an easy one. It's a difficult and often dangerous path. Do you truly wish to walk it?"

"Yes, sir. I'm prepared for whatever comes," Yang Jin said, his voice filled with conviction.

The man chuckled. "Well then, if that's the case, I'd be happy to take you on trial run first before making any decision."

Yang Jin's face lit up with excitement. "Thank you, sir!"

"Even if your father doesn't suppose your decision, you can come and fine me." To Zhuang Kun even if the Yang Clan was powerful in the Xue Empire, the Golden Dragon Commerce was stronger, the Yang Clan wouldn't be able to mess with them, at most, they would only be able to leave a complaint, and that was it.

Yang Jin nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir. I understand."

The man stood up, signaling the end of their meeting.