
An empire

let's march with my empires to conquer the multiverse....

Blue_Bird_0758 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

CP 2

Time skip .

1 month later.

Eric is on his home doing the seriously. knight breathing method. He is now an official an knight .

a lot happened in this month. first thing Is Eric have suprepower . second he know now which resident evil universe h e is on . he is one the most unluckily movie verse universe. how to I know well . i one day meet with this woman's. who's name is Jill valentine . but the shocking thing is that she looks exactly like the movie verse actor .

so that's how I found out that I am in moving verses. so I am pretty much safe for now on . untile the outbreaks happens.

but who am I Gona stay in this stupid world . ya this world will be an easy to conquer ya I know. but it will take an lot of effort also the virus is not easy to kill . there will be outbreaks no matter what you do . some stupid people do exist in this world. that will do anything for power .

so conquer this world is no go . an totally unstable factor.

Eric started to think which world should he go .

" should I go towards the cultivation world or Magus type world. both can make me strong. but the main problems is cultivation rules are very troublesome then Magus world."

Eric hold firm .

" yes I should go toward the Magus world . it's the best safe way to gain power and it will help me to creat many thing. but I will be killed there . so no go there also.

where should I go where there is no danger and I can collect souls for 5 years .

so which world should I go ."

then Eric remember that there are some novel where you can gain power both with ruleing and also can earn many thing.

" so Eric I chose you ."

then Eric active his ability. an portal like gate appear in front of him . he looked surprise . he thought that it will work like teleportation. but know the ability give him an solid shock .

Eric don't think much about it .he quickly went in to the portal . and he came to the otherside or the world we wanted to come .

" watch out world here comes your king . to conquer you ahahahha."

Eric started to smile without any reason.

an child pass by with his mother. the child found Erics smile amusing and asked his mom.

" mome mome look there is an studpid uncle smiling with out an Reason"

When Eric heard what the Child said. his heart was bleeding . and said to his heart.

" boy I am not that old I am just 18 year old teen ager ."

the child mom said to him " shh don't talk to people like them in future. they have an circuit loos . "

the child asked his mom . " mom what is circuit loos ."

the child clearly don't know what that's mean .

but Eric sure do . and his face was like (?・・)σ