
An Echo's Hunter

SixEyes · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

I was walking back from the market where I bought 42 pints of lamb blood for the week. I had put a lot of sunscreen on before I went, so I should've been fine walking back. Except it rained out of nowhere, and that washed my non-waterproof sunscreen off, as I had forgotten to take my umbrella.

That's okay. All I had to do was get back home before the rainstorm ended. But, unfortunately, the rainstorm had lasted about a minute before it cleared and gave way to the sun.

I panicked. I couldn't be under the sun for more than a minute, and it took longer than that to get home.

I impulsively grabbed the umbrella of a stranger who was about to put his away. But the umbrella burned me, and I winced, pulling away from it.

I looked at the stranger. The first thing I noticed was the stranger's silver moon necklace. Frick, I thought; this was terrible. The stranger was a vampire hunter. I had walked right up to a vampire hunter. I was definitely going to die.

But then the man held the umbrella over me. 'What?' I mouthed, this was weird.

"Look," Said the stranger with a flat voice and expressionless face, "I'm not gonna kill you, ok?"

No, not okay! That wasn't very reassuring, now was it? Also, in my experience, there was about a 75% chance that he was lying.

"I'll take you home," He said, "Where do you live?"

Okay, first off, I'm pretty sure he knew that I was a vampire. Secondly, like I was gonna tell a vampire hunter where I lived. Maybe I could ask him to bring me somewhere I could buy an umbrella or more sunscreen.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," He said, sounding a little annoyed.

Yea, that's what the other ones said.

The stranger sighed, "I was trying to not sound creepy," He said, "But I already know where you live so just come with me."

He knows where I live!?! This was awful! I gotta move soon. Just one problem: I barely have any money. Getting a job as a vampire is harder than you think.

The stranger started walking, and I had no choice but to follow him. I stayed closely under the umbrella, careful not to touch the silver-plated handle.

When we got to my house, the man let me in front of him. I shakily grabbed my keys and tried to unlock my door. Emphasis on tried. My hand was too shaky to get the key in it, and I was constantly looking back at the stranger to make sure he didn't do anything.

The man sighed, "I can do it if you can't," He said, holding his hand out for the key.

Yea, no way I was gonna give a vampire hunter the keys to my house.

After a few more failed tries, I finally got the keys in. I stepped inside my dark house, looking back at the stranger who hadn't left. I motioned with my hand, telling him to go away.

"I need to come inside," He said, "There's something I need to tell you."