
An early age of darkness

Xara, ruler of the Dwarf forest has to find peace with the ruler of the Elfin kind, Eoden. when the two meet to discuss a peace treaty, she wants more than just a treaty but will she be able to win him over?

avid_reader0403 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1 In the Beginning

when the world of the magic was first being created, a powerful group of warlocks were joined hamd in hand envisioning a world in which all magical creatures could live in harmony. The magical creatures were set out to be a threat by mankind, and were being forced out of areas quicker then they could find ones to live. So, as the warlocks were envisioning the perfect world, suddely a huge gust of magic enveloped the seven and they floated in the air. Surrounded by a bright shimmering ball of magic, the warlocks disappeared in a blinding furry of yellow energy. All from within them formed a new world for the remainimg magical creatures to live on. there were only 2 left of each of the 20 species, and all at once they were transported as if on clouds to their new world. Mankind was never suspious, and the magical creatures worked on building a better life. One far away from humans... They lived peacefully for generations, and this is where the story begins, with the birth of a pixie who will grow up to save her kind from the wrath of humans. Annd it all starts with her; Willow.