
An Average Dimensional Group Chat

{Remake in Progress} [Ding Usual Protagonist has been added to the group chat Imagine Breaker has been added to the chat Knucklehead Ninja has been added to the chat Always Lost Mosshead has been added to the chat Welcome to the Dimensional Group Chat This chat will allow quests to be given for potentially great rewards, travel between worlds, and potential danger, but you should all be used to that [Imagine Breaker: Uh what is this? Is this some type of magic? This phone appeared from thin air!] [Knucklehead Ninja: Magic? Magic exists?! Sweet! Pervy-Sage better teach me magic then!] [Usual Protagonist: Oh what the actual fu-] [Always Lost Mosshead: socyeuhrxhujrb] [IB: Is he alright?] [UP: He doesn’t know how to use a phone, surprisingly the Ninja does though]

OGVipex · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

School full of Weirdos

(My motivation will come, I swear.. I hope)

Waking up, Aki realized multiple things. One, Avalon had fused with him, he could feel the magic in the air which was surprising since this should've been a 'normal' world, so either the system had done something or this world may not be as normal as he thought

Two, it was the next day, however long it took for Avalon to fuse it became the next day, and three, he had school



Running around he got his things before running out the door, his run attracted a few eyes from neighbors and other passerby's which earned shocked faces and open mouths, what they were seeing, was a kid almost late for school, running almost at the speed of a car..

What the hell has the kid been doing to be able to do that? Some looked at him with a specific thought.. 'could he compete in the Olympics?' with his speed it seemed possible, actually very likely that he could do it

Though it wouldn't matter to Aki, what fun were the Olympics when the system could take him to other worlds? That was a hell of a lot more fun than some normal competition. Quickly, Aki had made it to his school, in 5 minutes, when a usual walk would have taken 20 and at a normal sprint most would hope to be able to make it in 10

'Itan Private High School' A simple highschool like any other, his first day at a private school

'Did my parents have good money?' Its a private school in name so it probably is in other aspects, but this body has nothing about my parents from when I got here, why does the name sound familiar though?

Shrugging it off he walked into the school and saw a crowd, a giant crowd just at the front of the school, hearing people scream in.. ecstasy? He managed to gently push his way through and saw them all staring at a girl.. what?

She had dark purple/black hair, wearing the normal uniform, sure she looked pretty he'd say that but not enough for everyone to crowd her like she's famous


"God I thank you for letting me come to school today"

"I want to talk to her so bad! But her beauty is too much for us mortal creatures!"

'What the actual fuck is wrong with people wait a second' Looking at her again he realized who it was, Komi Shouko, the girl with really bad social anxiety that made her shake so much while her eyes looked like they were glaring at you with way too much intensity, but in fact she was just really nervous, or so it was described

'Well it's another anime character, so this is that school.. well its simple'

It was a slice of life and comedy show, so even though he vaguely remember that there were way too many weirdos in the show, especially that one girl, Yamai? Damn girl literally committed a crime and nothing! But other than that nothing, certainly not like UA or the school in Bleach so this? This is nothing

Aki spared one more glance at the poor girl who was visibly shaking at everyone's stares, then made it through them all and to his locker, he got what he needed, changed his shoes since Japan things, he was American when he died and now he's half, he doesn't get it but its not an issue then made his way to class 1-1, choosing a random seat in the back he propped his head on one hand while waiting for the last couple people

One of them was Komi who stopped shaking somewhat and sat in the seat to his left.. this caused literally everyone, who had stopped talking when Komi came in to glare at him enough to where if he wasn't different then he may have actually felt fear from it all, seriously their stares promised pain and like some have a couple plausible threats? Aren't you high schoolers?

The last seat, the one to Komi's left, gathered the attention of everyone as they realized they may have a chance with the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, until the door opened once again as the last person came in and sat down in that chair as he then gathered everyone's glares as he shrunk somewhat because of them

'Tadano Hitohito' The protagonist of the show and one who you could best describe, as average. Everything about the guy screamed average, his hair, his face, his build, there was nothing that really stood out other than him sitting next to Komi right now

The teacher had finally come in and as the first day tradition, the day was just meant to be an introduction to the school before the real first day begins. Through the introductions the only notable ones are for the actual characters being Agari, Shinobino, Yamai, Komi, who wrote on the board which made everyone scream like they were being shown salvation, Najimi, Naruse, and Tadano, who as I expected, was glared at the entire time which made him slightly stutter with his introduction but he had made it through with a chuckle as he was constantly glared at

Next up was me so I stood up as I then had the glares directed at me for sitting next to Komi as I then spoke "Well my name's Aki, nothing much to say other than I just want to live my life but for all of you, if you have something you want to say then say it. I don't have time to deal with cowardly fucks who can only stare with no backbone"


"A-Aki! You can't say that!" The teacher was the first to react as she internally wondered what she did to have an aggressive student as everyone else's glares intensified as they had a thought in their mind 'who the hell does this guy think he is?'

Sitting back down I saw Komi shaking even more as Tadano looked somewhat shocked before shrinking into his seat when he saw I looked at him, sighing I tore a piece of paper then wrote in it, passing it to Komi's desk I saw her jump slightly as she then read it

{Yo sorry about that, everyone's stares just bothered me, I'm not as aggressive as I may have made myself to be. Since we're desk mates I just wanted to make that clear and, if I'm not overstepping any boundaries, but since you wrote on the board I have to ask. Can you not communicate? Or you rather just like to not speak? Just curious so you don't have to answer

P.S Hey maybe we could be friends if you wanted to, up to you though - Aki}

I saw her look as her eyes went down the page as I saw her body calm down as it was no longer visibly shaking, she then wrote her own words as she then gently placed it back on my desk

{What you ask is fine. I have trouble getting out my words when I want to so its hard for me to make friends or complete my goal, I would like it if you were my friend if you are okay with that. I never noticed the stares you had gotten from everyone so I am sorry about that. Its nice to know you aren't aggressive so thank you for clearing that up}

I would've passed another note but I dropped the paper and clenched my hand as a pencil was grabbed, I looked behind to see a guy with a head mask, Shinobino glaring at me with his hand extended

'Oh I see how it is' picking up my paper I then spoke

"Oh you dropped your pencil Shinobino let me get it for y- oh shit it broke, sorry man" I broke the pencil in my hand before tossing it at his desk as it then rolled off before he could grab it, he glared at me more before I turned back around and ignored him

Throughout the class since this day was meant for pleasantries more than anything, everyone was getting to know everyone else as we waited for the bell, some wanted to speak to Komi but saw she looked busy and couldn't bring themselves to walk up to her so they opted to just staring.. 'seriously fucking weirdos'

Soon the bell rung and it was time for lunch, arguably the best thing in school, as everyone got up a lot had decided instead on staying as they all looked towards Komi, I didn't think much of it until I realized some looks were directed towards me as they looked.. happy? The hell could they be happy about?

I got my answer as four guys, who I don't even remember being in this class, came up to my desk, they looked ready to jump me as I realized who they were, delinquents, you know I feel like I should've seen this coming

They started speaking about how I thought I was so tough for my outburst earlier, they took a while so I didn't really bother to pay attention until they tried something but the phone made a ding that I decided to take out as I saw something great

[Quest has been generated: Show them their place

The school delinquents want to fight you, angered at your outburst and your seat, as well as paid by some other students, show them their place and have everyone see it

Beat them in the classroom while everyone watches, then take the money they had gained from the other students

0/4 delinquents beaten

Reward: One Piece Hat]

Oh cool. Looking at the quest I suddenly had a reason to fight them, no option to decline so they probably would've fought me anyway but now I even get a reward for it, sure its just a hat but it'd look nice so I'll take it

Placing the phone back in my pocket and making a note to chat with the others, I suddenly stood up and pushed the desks out of the way as the class watched on

"Well come on, you wanted a fight then you got one, unless you're too scared to do something" I saw the expressions of everyone change as they didn't expect me to actually agree to this, Komi had gotten up and behind Tadano, not too close ut enough to where she was hiding a bit, guess he passed notes too otherwise I think she would've just taken the corner instead

The delinquents looked at Aki with anger before they had a few thoughts, this guy wasn't scared, four of them against just him and he looked fine, like he could beat the shit out of them with no difficulty, you must understand the one's that show no fear are the ones to be afraid of but damnit they had their pride! Sure they may have only gotten into one fight back in elementary, but damn if they won't win! It's just one guy it won't be hard at all

With those thoughts in hand the first one ran towards him with his right fist cocked back ready to swing, before Aki turned around and kicked back, standing on his hands and one leg outstretched upwards, kicking the guy in the chin so hard that he fell right back down unmoving

........ SHIT

H-he kicked the guy off the ground.. he kicked him so hard his feet left the ground! They couldn't believe it, the class couldn't believe it, Tadano looked at Aki with stars in his eyes. Tadano knows his lane, he just wants to live his life in peace but seeing this, this was just cool! Komi also looked and was shaking, though much less then before, Aki told her that he wasn't as aggressive as he seemed, this would disprove that but it was the other four that started it so its justified.. right?

Seeing their buddy get knocked out in one move the delinquents were angry, but also very fucking terrified

"Man I didn't know I was that flexible, wanted to see how far I could go, when your friend wakes, tell him he was a good test dummy will ya?" Aki intentionally antagonized the three as it worked as anger took over their expressions more than fear, if he didn't he felt they would have given up and he couldn't have that happen, he could take their money and get a reward, its a triple win for him since he also beats them up and shows everyone that their efforts against him would be in vain

'Wait is this me taking over the school? Please don't be, actually maybe so.. I may get a reward for it!' Their anger visible, two of the delinquents rushed at him from both sides, no way could he get them now, he can't fight two on one. Their fists raised the one to Aki's left punched down as the one on the right had a kick aimed for his legs

Aki then stepped back slightly, the kick from his right missing as he quickstepped to avoid the punch then 3 hits hit the one on the left, jab, left hook, uppercut. The guy fell on his back bruised but still conscious, the one on the right couldn't react before Aki stepped to him with his fist raised, the thug couldn't believe what he was seeing, was the guy glowing? A almost visible purple glow seemed to radiate from him though before he could think on it more Aki's fist came fast as he felt his body in pain, multiple jabs coming in quick succession before Aki, who was next to the wall of the class did something else, he jumped off it.. he fucking jumped off the wall?!

His knee out, it hit the delinquent as he was knocked back and fell onto the other as they both went down, the final one looked on in horror before kneeling

"I GIV-" Before he could finish Aki's leg came around and kicked him to the side, all four thugs were knocked out as Aki stood standing unfazed and unharmed, he then knelt down and fished through the guys' pockets before feeling crumpled paper and pulled it out to find what he wanted, cash, he did the same to the other three as the one's who paid looked on in rage and horror, rage that he got their money and horror that he seemed to feel nothing for taking from the unconscious. Gathering it all, he got a total of 50,000 yen or 380 U.S dollars which made Aki's eyes twitch

'Why the hell were they paid so much? Could they have had some pocket money of their own?' It made logical sense but if not who would have even paid so much? Sighing, he thanked Touma in his mind before walking out the door

"Hey to whoever paid those guys, thanks. I left my money at home, this will do me fine for lunch" Aki then left, taking the phone out and seeing the completion he checked his inventory to find a replica hat of Trafalgar D Law, the nice black and white hat waiting for him. 'Nice'

If one looked through the messages they would see just what Aki had that made him seem to glow


[Touma Kamijou: Hey so I got my join reward and its interesting, this 'Rush Style' really helpful for me, since I've just been kinda hoping for my punches to work when I throw them]

[Aki: Yeah I would assume so, the amount of times you fight is insane and what's even more insane is the fact you have no style even after all that]

[Touma: Yeah I get it.. hey so this system also gave us another option and thanks to you I know of what's to come so I want to share this with you]

[System: Touma Kamijou is offering to share 'Rush Style' to Aki, do you accept? Y/N?]

[Aki: Oh wow! I appreciate that Touma, really I do, thanks for this Touma. I'll repay you someday soon]

[Touma: Don't mention it, and you don't have to, now that I know what I have to fight, even if it is scary, I have a way to prepare for it now]

Aki has chosen yes

Aki has received the 'Rush Style'

[Rush Style: Unique Grade

One of the styles of Kiryu Kazuma, when he was still a Yakuza

Influence by boxing this style focuses on speed and quick combos, great for most brawls and easily capable of dodging attacks from those at lower or similar speed

Obtain the other two styles of Kiryu Kazuma to obtain his final style or obtain the style from the Epic Grade]


Walking back to class, Aki had some bread in hand as he took a bite from it

'Wow this is good what was it again? Yakisoba bread? Whatever it is its good'

He continued to eat before opening the door to class as they stared at him, some still in shock, others in fear, and others in anger that they were trying their best not to show. Aki just smiled before sitting down, seeing Komi and Tadano talking, well more like Tadano speaking as Komi nods, when he sat they both looked at him as his smile grew sightly bigger before he spoke

"Looks like you got another friend Komi, so can I join your chat?"