
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs


After Philip regained consciousness he wanted to immediately share his experience but the elephant in the room needed to be addressed first.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Hamilton the manager here" the man in the black suit introduced himself. "Please follow me, we need to talk in private"

Philip turned to Jeffrey who just shrugged. "I don't see any outsider here. You can say what you want"

Hamilton frowned but complied anyway, this wasn't the first time dealing with a kid but his experience thought him that anyone able to come to the Mythics Dimension was a big shot so it was better not to offend a big figure by mistake. He waves his hand toward the employee and the latter left.

"Were you able to find out about the history of the dragon that owns the scale?"

"Not really, he only told me his name and...oh he did say something about a royal family" Philip said. There was no need to hide the information since it was beneficial because he wanted the scale.

"The dragon said his name?" Hamilton was a bit surprised but he shook it off. "Can you tell?"

"Sure, his name is Zakir"

Hamilton nodded and stood up from his chair. "Thank you for the information, now please follow me, we need to clarify a few things and you can bring your friends along too"

Philip and the others then followed Hamilton to a room where a big white globe was sitting in the center.

"Please confirm that all you have said is the truth, place your hand on the globe" Hamilton said.

Philip shrugged and then placed his hand on the globe.

"Is what you said the truth?" Hamilton asked.

"Yes" Philip answered and the globe turned green. "Cool, what is this thing"

"Please remove your hand, that is a lie detector globe and you may leave" Hamilton said.

"What about the contract?" Jeffrey raised a brow.

"It's no longer necessary. Do you need the scale? if not we're willing to pay for it"

"I do need it" Philip confirmed with a grin.

Hamilton then snapped his finger and a female employee walked in with a tray in her hand. On top was a black right and Philip wonder what use the tray had.

"This is a space ring with the museum's insignia engrained in it. You have ten days to take the scale out or the ring will come back with it" Hamilton said and the three stared at him confused.

"You're telling me that the scale is inside this ring?" Jeffrey asked with a doubtful expression.

"Yes.." Hamilton said as his eyelids twitched. He did not like Jeffrey, at all.

"And this is not a prank?" Jeffrey raised a brow.

"Are you taking it or not?" Hamilton asked clearly irritated.

"I'll take it, thanks" Philip chuckled awkwardly and then dragged Jeffrey out of the museum.

"What's wrong?" Philip asked as they started walking.

"What's wrong? They give you a ring and said the scale is inside. That's absurd" Jeffrey frowned. He couldn't understand why the both of them were being so calm.

"He did say it was a space ring" Serena shrugged.

"Seriously, called a piece of junk the scale of a dragon is one thing but fitting it inside this tiny ring is completely crazy" Jeffrey wants normally like this but he had had enough.

He had heard the dimension of mythics was a strange place but he didn't think it was this strange. He didn't like things he couldn't understand.

"Brave of you to call my scale a piece of junk" a voice said and Zakhir suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Zakhir?" Philip tilted his head in confusion. While Jeffrey froze, there was an incredible amount of intimidating aura being sent to him.

'He's real, I thought Philip was joking but why is he human?'

While Jeffrey was having recollective thoughts, Serena was falling in love. Zahir human form was gorgeous, his red long hair gave him the vibe of the heroes in those cultivation novels and his eyes were a mixture of red and blue.

His skin was smooth and blemish free. His lashes were full and long and the mark on his forehead made him even more gorgeous since they portrayed his eyes more.

"Phil..who's...your friend?" she completely ignored the part where he just appeared out of nowhere.

"I thought you were dead?" Philip whispered to Zakhir.

"I already said this is the remaining consciousness of mine, keep up" Zakhir then turn to Jeffrey. "You don't believe magic and yet you reek of Mangrell"

Jeffrey was shocked. "You know who Mangrell is?"

At his question, Zakhir looked at him as if he was stupid. "If you don't know who he is then why do you have his stench?"

"Err...guys you might wanna go someplace else to talk, Zakhir seemed to be drawing too much attention," Philip said with an awkward chuckle.

Jeffrey stooped to look at his surroundings and indeed, people were starting to come over and 98% were women. "Let's just go home" he sighed in frustration.

* * *

About an hour later they reached Jeffrey's home but since Zakhir refused to go back to wherever he came from, they kept gaining attention along the way.

'Finally, I'm within the four walls of my house' Jeffrey sighed inwardly. The constant attention had been suffocating for him, to say the least.

"Honey, are you back?" Tina called out from the kitchen.

"No, it's me mom" Jeffrey responded before turning to Philip. "To my room now, if my mom sees this I don't even want to imagine what she'll do"

The trio along with Zakhir then went to Jeffrey's room and after that Jeffrey bolted the door from behind.

"Okay now would be a good time to start explaining what is going on and Serena whatever you hear stays in this room"

Being in the comfort of his own room helped Jeffrey think properly again. "I do not think my knowledge about dragons will be helpful here but judging by your behavior and temperament you should be a very young dragon if at all you are one"