
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs


After seeing Moon's condition Tina sighed. 'What exactly did that coconut head tell her yesterday?'

"Moon dear, are you okay?"

Moon was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard her mother's voice, she hadn't even realized she was not alone. "I'm fine"

She then walked closer and sat with her. "Mon when you write your book, do you have to think of many processes? Is it bad to be a free writer?"

"Everyone has their style of writing and having your story inside your head is very helpful, that way your brain is always generating new ideas. Those processes your speak of are all just kinks you have to work out and you are still young so you can take your time and gradually perfect yourself in other areas besides the one you're good at"

"Thanks mom" Moon sighed. 'But which am I even good at?'

She then heard laughing from the staircase and turned to Jeffrey and his friends coming down she did not notice Zakhir because when her eyes met Jeffery's she was feeling a bit ashamed of herself.

"Mrs. Conner we're hungry" Philip waved happily after seeing Tina on the couch.

"Asked Sun to get it for you, you're his guest" Tina replies without turning while Philip laughed.

He still doesn't know why Jeffrey's mom doesn't like his father but it was always funny when she took her anger on him, after all, he was a very lovable guy so she was lying to herself.

"But your hand had a magic touch, Jeffery is grumpy all the time so the food might get sour with him touching it"

Watching Philip flattering his mom made Jeffrey roll his eyes but Zakhir's question made him freeze.

"When she said Sun, she was actually talking about a person?" Zahir asked in disbelief. 'And I thought I had a bad naming sense'

Hearing the new voice both Tina and Moon turned.

Moon's tired expression immediately disappear, it turned out her cure was a handsome guy after all.

Seeing the way Moon stared at Zakhir, an alarm was set off inside Serena's head. DANGER! DANGER!

"Hi..." Moon stuttered.

Jeffrey felt numb staring at her sister completely captured by Zakhir's charms. 'Girls, what a weird gender'

Luckily he didn't say his thoughts out loud or his mom would have made him starve for a month.

"You brought a new friend home" Tina smiled, silently comparing the three boys.

"Mom please restrain yourself, you're a mom" Jeffrey sighed and Philip just could not help laughing.

"What? appreciate beauty when you see one and I am very young" Tina said with a wrong expression.

"Course you are" Jeffrey replied sarcastically before finding where to sit.

Zakhir was being showered with attention and Serena felt her temperature rising. "But he's my boyfriend" she mubbled.

Not realizing that everyone heard her she continued staring.

"Your boyfriend?" the shock on Moon's face could not be described with words.

That was how the rest of the afternoon went, both girls were trying to get Zakhir attention and the poor guy was interested in neither.

* * *

Evening in a cafe shop.

Two girls were sitting across each other having a staring contest.

"When I received your invite I honestly thought this was prank" Caroline chuckled.

Moon rolled her eyes, if she had a choice she wouldn't be here at all.

"How did you two meet?" she asked moving straight to the point.

"Hold your horses, let's order first" Catoline smiled. She was definitely going to enjoy this.

Moon stared at her and inwardly sighed. She was the one comito asked so she sat patiently and ordered a cup of latae.

Seeing Moon behaving herself, Caroline nodded in satisfaction but she was still a bit confused as to why they were meeting. "Isn't Jeffrey your brother, why are you coming to ask me about him?"

"There's no need to rub it on my face" Moon fliped her hair to the side.

"Worth a shot" Caroline shrugged before becoming serious. "It's unfortunate he's your brother"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Moon frowned.

"I mean you're so bad despite living with a CE it's terrible" Caroline said like she really cared.

"You compare him with a Content Editor?" Moon was shocked. It's not like she was looking down on her brother but she felt Caroline was being delusional, after all, Jeffrey was just 13, maybe 14 in a few months but still 13.

Caroline stared at Moon and scoffed. "If you keep looking at him like a child, you will miss a lot"

Moon did not take her warning lightly but she was still confused, very confused. 'Looks like I have to talk to Sun'

* * *

"Okay everything is ready and I already brought a lot of food from downstairs so let's go kablewi," Philip said in excitement.

He had been looking forward to this since yesterday. 'I'm coming Pure'

"What is all of this for?" Zakhir asked curiously.

"You'll see" Philip chuckled.

Jeffrey came out of the bathroom and saw Philip's expectant gaze. "Stop staring like that, it's creepy"

Philip did not reply but shrugged. He didn't want to entertain Jeffrey, he had already waited enough, and he couldn't wait anymore.

After Jeffrey entered his pajamas he then sat on the bed and concentrated this time he did not even have to open the book on his phone.

Zakhir also closed his eyes and the next time he opened them they were somewhere else.