
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Pure Assassin (7)

Tory glared at Hetz after seeing everyone's attention drawn towards him but the latter behaved as if he had nothing to do with it.

She did not want to cause a scene so she let him go for now.

Pretending to be 16 again was a pain in the ass, some of the girls were even daring enough to send him flirtatious looks while the others blushed whenever she turned.

Using the opportunity, she glanced at Tiphany who was also stealing places from him for a while. After their eyes met he behaved like a star-struck teenager before quickly turning away.

'This is killing me, can't believe I have to pretend to have a crush on her when Vic is way more beautiful

During lunch break, Tory and Hetz sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria discussing like normal kids.

"Oh, looks like the first fish is coming to test the water" Hetz chuckled.

Tory rolled her eyes, knowing that Hetz was doing this on purpose, her guess was he was taking revenge for Seven's sake.

"Hi, Timothy I'm Bianca, may I seat with you?" a girl suddenly standing beside her said.

"Sure, there's no problem at all" Tory smiled and the girl sat down but then she was starting to feel a bit nervous, maybe because the whole cafeteria was staring at their table.

"I'm...from...your class, do you remember me?" Bianca stuttered.

"We started classed today..." Hetz raised a brow.

Bianca bit her lips "I'm sorry I didn't mean...I just"

"There's no need to be nervous, we're people too and I remember you, you sit two rows, was it three, sorry I forgot but you are sitting on the next row close to mine right?" Tory said.

"Yes, I'm glad you remember me" Bianca smiled with her head bent low.

Tory and Hetz stared at each other and nodded but they did nothing and continued eating.

"What's going on?" Philip asked curiously.

"They probably suspect her to be one of Tiphany's bodyguards" Jeffrey said indifferently.

"Wait what, where did they get that idea?" Philip asked with a confused expression.

"Just watch, I'm actually worried about us, I'm feeling fluctuations and they are not giving me a good feeling about this" Jeffrey says with his hand on his chin.

"I still have no idea what is going on you guys" Zakhir said and Jeffrey sighed.

"We'll explain everything after"

Bianca stayed with them through the lunch break and when it was almost time to return to class she asked a question that almost caught Tory off guard.

"Do you like Tip?"

'Pretty straightforward' Tory scoffed inwardly. "Who's Tip?" he asked with a genuinely confused expression.

Seeing Bianca hesitate Tory whispered to Hetz, "Do you know who Tip is?"

Hetz shrugged. "She not a female celebrity that's for sure" he chuckled.

"She isn't a celebrity she's the school belle?" Bianca said with probing eyes.

"How do you expect us to know the school belle on our first day but I won't mind some introduction" Hetz cleared his throat.

Tory stared at him and rolled her eyes. "If you're asking them n maybe we really have met her, is she in our class"

"Guess your glasses are not just for fancy" Bianca smiled and then the bell rang.

"Let's go back, we don't want to be late" Tory said and stood up. Bianca followed after, flashing a cute smile.

* * *

"Oh, I get it now, she's probing them on purpose but I'm not sure she even thinks they are spies to be so blatant" Philip said with his arms folded.

"Congratulations" Jeffrey said, it sounded sarcastic but his face showed no such thing.

Philip shrugged and continued watching the scene.

Tory and Hetz had not progressed with Tip that first day or the second or third on the fourth day while school had ended, Tory was almost hit by a car or to be precise, Tip's car.

"I'm so sorry...my driver wasn't watching and...I'm sorry" Tip apologized to Hetz who was squatting beside Tory.

"Why is he so weak he wasn't even hit and yet he fainted"

"Maybe it's the fear"

"Tch finally, one of them got the penalty of stealing my girlfriend's attention"

Listening to the conversation going on inside the crowd, Hetz inside boiled in anger and turned to Tip. "Next time be careful, he hasn't eaten the whole day just to save money too with a stupid pet!"

He did not stay longer and piggybacked Tory before leaving.

* * *

After Hetz entered their room, he dropped Tory like a hot potato.

"Hey, it hurts" Tory groaned.

"Really, I thought you were superman going into the road like that. What the hell is wrong with you!!" Hetz wasn't pretending, he was seriously angry.

"I did nothing wrong" Tory justified but Hetz glared at her.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was, imagine if the car hadn't stopped on time"

"It's just a..."

"Just a what? Is this how you plan on completing your mission, risking your life when it's not needed? Why are you trying so hard?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be that worried" Tory sighed.

"Oh, if there isn't someone to stop you, you're ready to do worse?" Hetz walked closer and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"We're partners, not just in name, sure I still don't like you but this isn't a solo mission, understand?"

"Yeah, thanks" Tory smiled.

Witnessing her beauty firsthand, Hetz immediately let go and turned away, he knew within his heart that Tory's face was capable of turning even the straightest of men gay but he didn't wanna think of that.

"Isn't it too early to bring romance into the plot?" Jeffrey asked with furrowed brows.

"You do not know anything, anyone with brains would have guessed from the beginning that Hetz would fall in love with Tory so there's not really a need to delay it too much and besides I don't think these feelings will be brought to the surface until he finds her real gender" Philop explained from his own perspective.