
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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The sailor obtained the treasure and started planning for ways to escape this island. The scene cracked, and then it showed again when the sailor regained consciousness at the seashore.

"It was a dream?" Jeffrey narrowed his eyes.

"Sort of" Philip chuckled and Jeffrey ignored him salience he was trying to be mysterious.

Seeing that Jeffery was not ready to question him, he sighed and began explaining on his own. "The map is enchanted"

"So he did get a map?" Jeffrey muttered. "Then which part of this is a dream?"

"Non, this is an endless illusion because his inner thought is to obtain the treasure without difficulty"

"Then how will this end, we'll just keep going around in circles"

Philip cleared his throat and said dramatically. "Oh...but it won't end, he is stuck in that illusion for eternity"

"Then how will the story progress?"

"Watch..." Philip laughed.

Just as Philip said the scene kept repeating itself but then it changed and from the looks of it, they were inside a palace.

"A mortal dares to covert my treasure?!" a deep and gloomy voice reverberated throughout the place. Laced with anger the voice caused the walls to tremble.

"They shall soon meet their end"

"Wait does this make any sense" Jeffrey frowned.

"What do you mean?" Philip scratched the back of his head.

"The sailor hasn't even touched the treasure for real why is this entity being petty"

"That's a God and besides, how many books have you read with sensible Gods they are mostly petty so this shouldn't be too surprising also tone down your judgmental side"

Jeffrey stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with this kind of setup. When smart people want to commit a crime, a detailed execution of the plan is formulated in their mind so it isn't wrong to say the mind is the starting place of sin...I sound so smart, I should write this down"

Jeffrey was speechless, after coming such a long way with great words, how can he end it like that?

Then he thought about what Philip said and the latter wasn't necessarily wrong, 'the mind is the starting place of sin, if you don't think it, you won't do it'

The scene changed again and they suddenly found themselves in the middle of a road with a speeding car in the front.

"Get out of the road!!!" the pedestrians yelled but their yelling only made Philip freeze.

"They can see us?" he was dumbfounded looking at the stares the people were giving them.

Jeffrey understood the situation and dragged him off the road.

"What is going on?" Philip muttered in shock. "How come we're visible?"

"I can't explain it to you either since I don't know why but it had happened to me before" Jeffery said and it only took a couple of seconds for Philip to get used to the situation.

"So what happened last time?"

"I appeared next to the main character but it doesn't seem to be the case here..."

"Well there is more than one but the first one spoken about is Mateo...we should find him" Philip said.

'Evie worked hard on this book' Jeffrey thought inwardly before following the overly excited Philip.

"Wow, I still can believe this, it changes everything, this is going to be awesome"

All the way Philip was full of praise but even after searching for a long while, they couldn't find even one of the main characters.

"What is this situation?" Philip sighed in frustration. He thought he was imagining things but all these were too real and he was starting to feel thirsty but the first store they went rejected them.

"This wasn't what happened before" Jeffrey muttered and then sighed. Just when rethought he was starting to understand this ability things start going out of control again...if it goes on like this he will always be at a disadvantage when using the ability.

While Philip was still lamenting over their predicament the sky turned dark and the clouds moved slowly to converge at a single point.

Jeffery squinted his eyes and stared at the sky. Even Philip had noticed the strange atmosphere and looked up to that something was written in the clouds.

They were written in different languages but they meant the same thing and when Philip checked out the meaning in English, he stood rooted to the ground in shock. 'YOUR DOOM HAS COME'

He wasn't shocked by the words but his body reacted on its own and then he remembered Evie's emphasis on the words written by the Gods.

Blessing or curse you can feel it by merely looking at it and he was currently a victim subjected to the pressure of the godly writing.

He glanced sideways and saw Jeffery who seem to be in thought. He was not affected by the pressure in the slightest.

As he once again regained control over his body, his fear vanished and his mind started working again but before he could think, a very soothing voice was heard from the wind.

"You have two minutes to grab hold of anything as judgment shall soon befall you"

The voice was so pleasing to the ears and they both felt a chill run down their spine.

Philip felt his hair stand up and his brain forced itself into overdrive. He had read the comic and it was great, Evie's style of writing made the readers engrossed and every experience was explained perfectly.

After reading it Philip's honest thought was that it should be adapted into a film and although it wasn't on par with most horror movies...it made one heart race at incredible speed.

Philip had fun reading the comic but things were different, he wasn't just going to watch like other times but this time he was going to experience everything for real.

His heart hammered inside his chest and he couldn't tell if it was due to excitement or panic but one thing was for sure this would be one heck of an experience...that is if they survived until the very end.